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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Kieme(ITA)

  1. For what's Worth if I search on Google.it "battlefront" my first result is BFC site. The second is the famous star wars battlefront site. "combat mission" my first result is BFC site. The second, third, fourth etc. are Wikipedia entries dedicated to single combat mission games. Effectively, any generic term like "tactical simulation game" etc. do not shot anything close to combat mission or bfc site, it's all first person stuff.
  2. Fantastic work, I love the turkish camo! I have uploaded two days ago the vehicles but for some reason they still don't show up. I'll contact BFC today because there's no reason the file is not approved for release..
  3. I agree Erwin, besides, I wonder how is it possible that if you are interested in a product yet you don't like it much anymore if it is sitting on one shelve or the other of the supermarket...
  4. If someone is interested to do, it would be possible to create a compendium with all official answers by bfc and bfc employees about the games, something like a collection of resources gathered on the forums and put toghether in a unique thread on forums or blog online.
  5. The very next CM game of the series will be Combat Mission Black Sea, a modern era title featuring US, Ukraine and Russian armies. Info here: http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=113978 Technically it will use CMRT game engine as a base (the equivalent of what it will be after the upcoming patch), with a few additional new features, such as uav recon, precise arty strikes, advanced infantry weapons, active defensive systems on vehicles. It is very likely to be supported by additional modules featuring more armies, such as from EU. You can expect close future releases of additional CMBN and CMRT modules, too. Then a remake of combat mission shock force seems to be planned, to update the oldest CM2x game to modern standards. This is what I inferred from forums in the last months.
  6. I have been working on an ISIS scenario, the idea of making a campaign is too overwhelming, moreso due to the lack of experience on both scenario and campaign making on my side. Maybe I could make several scenarios with the same theme, but I recognize how much people enjoy campaigns most of all and for a reason. Anyway, this is a preview of the map, I tried to represent a little border section between syria and iraq, using Google earth as a reference, the original idea was a campaign ranging from the border crossing to the capture of al rutba town in iraq, with a full speed warband to command against unprepared defensive forces.
  7. I have seen other companies using the blog system with success. They just use a free blog and update it on a given basis sometimes with a few lines, sometimes with 1+ screenshots, sometimes with a video. The effort to keep this thing running is connected with the pace of updating it, maybe a monthly report could be feasible for bfc standards, or even an unscheduled update whenever they got some time to do it or feel like doing it, but it's up to them. Anyway, the blog is an easy instrument for both sides that could be linked on bfc main page as a "developers' blog" and/or on forums as a sticky link. Looking at constructive people replies here seems that a concentrated and easy access source of information is what's preferred.
  8. I am following ChrisND on twitch, the above mentioned "guy" that is "showcasing" the game... and I belive a little more respect is due to a person that has his own channel on twitch (it is not an official battlefront channel) where he plays several CM games and played other games before and spends time to make streams/videos. There is no connection between what Chris does on his twitch channel and the work he does on the game in means that it's not distracting him, and I belive it's a very limited way of thinking that he could spend more time on forums rather than playing, in that view you could be entitled to say how many hours a day he should spend on programming or whatever else he does for the game, how many on leasure time or sleeping, but you obviously have no right to do so. So please show some respect. Clarified that I'd like to also point out that the couple of videos where some preview of the upcoming CMBS game is shown are a very new thing to BFC, which never happened before, and I am glad of this new information giveout, so I wouldn't spit on it. As Others mentioned this company is a small one (please note all that this means), and I appreciate the official replies on forums, the bones screenshots and the twitch previews but I also don't mind the lack of them since I know those people are working on the new games/Patches, past history of any gamedev company is what matters, and BFC has a strong one that can be assessed by a little search.
  9. Please note I am not the author of these uploads even though they contain materials from the HD project I uploaded. I have no problems with that, but for only one thing: uploading twice the same files on the repository is a waste of space, and in this case it's about 500mb Worth if I remember correcly.
  10. Hey there, still alive. Looks like a couple of submissions I did a week ago didn't show up. I will re upload the civilian vehicles today.
  11. I agree with agusto. The tank is abandoned. Interesting note: the tank is sitting with the barrel at an elevation which is probably the "loading elevation", that is: the gun is ready to be loaded, and does not seem to be in a combat elevation, so to say.. Ok, it's hard to tell the degrees it is sitting at, but from the looks of it seems so. The fact that after the big blast it goes to lower elevation is a factor linked to the internal mechanisms which most surely failed after the blast itself. Agusto's explanation, insurgents destroying a damaged tank because they can't use/repair it, is very realistic: an insurgent Group wouldn't use precious RPG ammunition to destroy such a tank and would go for explosives at close distance, relatively safe with a tank without crew and sitting in the open.. now, you could say the best method would be to toss a grenade from one of the turret hatches, but that would not be as dramatic as the video shows... Moreover, would you sit at such close distance to a tank attack against an operative vehicle? Moreover, consider that there are very little chances that such a vehicle operates completely isolated from any other vehicle/unit. I too agree that that vehicle seems more of an abandoned one than anything else.
  12. Thanks for sharing the pictures and links. But I really don't buy the RPG through the gun barrel story, sounds more like a bolliwood movie.
  13. Well, from one point of view I realise that if it was for me I'd keep my best equipped and trained units out of the actual fights, in order to be able to cope with any potential escalation, at the same time I'd be tempted to use my "expendable" units at the front. On the other hand though, using your best units at the beginning of such crisis might let you avoid any escalation by simply eliminating the threat before it gets more dangerous. I really don't know, but for now I have seen even BMP-1s with volunteer divisions. Anyway: until now I've seen lots of BTR-80, BMP-2, T-64, both in good shape and as wrecks. I haven't seen any T-84 of any version or BTR-4. I'm not convinced this is due to numbers only, because you are bound to get at least a peak sooner or later, from one side or the other, being the vehicle intact or destroyed, even in the case of a rare vehicle.
  14. Ok I just found this picture on the main page of the main italian newspaper: http://www.repstatic.it/content/nazionale/img/2014/09/07/050736006-9b70ef72-d82b-453d-bd7a-3c0eced8692d.jpg So, my question is this: how come I haven't seen any T-84U/Oplot in all these months of fights, but only T-64/72? And how come I have seen so many BV versions (ERA), and now I even see this older T-64 which has no ERA, no gun Thermal sleeve, at all? Edit: on an off topic: the above picture makes me wonder how nice would be to make a dedicated tagged mod in CMBS for night scenarios: a new kind of horizon where modern lighting is depicted (even in a less populated area you are bound to see some lights around at night nowadays).
  15. Holy crap Safe! That wire metal seems to be having an entire 3d model of its own!
  16. Hey there, this is the closest thing I found on these forums: http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=82726 Although it's not dedicated specificly to CM games, it's more of an orientation concepts guide. If you want to start modding the first best thing you can do is to take a look at what's there: use the embedded RexExplode tool within your CM game, follow the instructions to extract all the contents of your CM game and take your time to browse how the stuff is organized, what files are there and what you can do with what. There are a few tricks that you'll learn with experience or by asking on the forums. Anyway, if you want to mod textures/skins etc. I'd suggest you to start using a good -free- image editing program, start simple then you'll improve with experience (that's what I did). Anyway: if you want to mod sound files, you need to replace them, but with good ones with the correct volume, pitch etc. So you might want to search also for a sound editor program. If you want to mod graphic files (2d textures) you'll need a photo/image editing program. There are many free ones out there, I used this for my mods: RealWorldPaint In general, a good way to learn modding might be by looking for videos/tutorials on how to use the specific program you pick for your image modding. Or just try it yourself and see what can be done using those instruments. What would you like to mod in particular?
  17. Yeah, we haven't seen finished troops already, but I guess the steel helmet will be a standard for sure. I have seen many regular and irregular troops not wearking helmets, but those were also not actively fighting in that moment. Anyway a variety of camouflage might be enough. If it is like CMRT you can replace helmets with "pilotkas" (can't get the english name now), but you can't have a random mix of the two. In CMSF Mord modded syrian reservists to have no helmet (but the shadow on their faces and head remains because of game engine mechanics), but again I belive a mix won't be possible unless different head models are coded in originally.
  18. 4 people, 4 different camouflage uniforms. I guess that a dedicated tagged mod won't be hard to make, converting russian units into irregulars.
  19. Looking good Safe! I tried to make a larger variety of textures for the pickups, but the problem is that the game mixes them, so it's possible to make small variations between additional sets, such as adding a different insigna or some details, but you can't have very different vehicles because they start to look odd. I also tried to remove the tarpaulin from the zil trucks, but some artifact still showed so I discarded the idea. ("modern" CM titles have different layouts for the trucks, with and without tarpaulins) Anyway I've sent the plain softskin files to repository, they should fit the generic CMSF setting.
  20. more t64 footage: And an off-topic: 3hours footage of the recent russian tank "games"
  21. ukrainian T-64 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E7I52vAYXHc Note that the engine sound is not bad, maybe an expert could rip it off for CMBS.
  22. I'll take a look at those vehicles. Today I'll send to the rep a package with the softskin red vehicles.
  23. I already managed to get the oldest T-72 without the side skirts... still need to weather it. How does this look like as an IS battlegroup? -or whatever you might call it- Still missing the IS insignas mod mod.
  24. Thanks for the pictures. I have already modded a bit the T-55, which I thought would fit a campaign setting. Dust seems to be prevalent, maybe I can try to dust a lot the green stuff. This is a list of ready to go vehicles for IS with IS markings and/or weathering done: -taxi -pickup in all versions -UAZ -ZIL truck -BMP-1 -T-55 mod 74 I belive these should be enough for an IS campaign. Considering the assets in CMSF, the T-62 I saw in some IS videos, but nothing else for sure, maybe an older T-72. They also got captured hummvees, but I'd need them to equip the iraqis, so I'd avoid them. So, going onto the Iraqi army against IS, I'd go with this list for now: -M1114 in all versions -BRDM-2 -BTR-60 I though these two could be a good matchup against the many technicals IS will have, because otherwise it's only hummers. Ok I know that iraqis have the M1 tank and T-72 donated from poland, but if I put a platoon of those on the field they will just eliminate anything on the IS side, and considering the IS is on the offense I'd put in more balanced equipments. Sure, the T-55 could be a dealbreaker, but in the end there's a reason IS has gone so deept in iraqi territory. Either iraqi army wasn't able to face the first infiltrations/invasion with its best forces or they just couldn't get in touch with the enemy. In any case I'd like to make a balanced campaign (or scenario collection), otherwise it's the already seen asymmetric fight with i.e.d.s, ambushes and such. I figure an IS campaign such as a full speed assault with little tactical rules but to overwhelm an unprepared and surprised enemy, with both sides equipped with a mix of light weapons mainly.
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