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Lt Belenko

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Everything posted by Lt Belenko

  1. But if we delivery isn't till after 30 April we can give this game a try: http://games.gamepressure.com/game_info.asp?ID=16562
  2. I'm turning a vacation request for 27 April today. I hope you are right.
  3. Years ago aluminum cans were recycled because the production of Al required 5% of the all electricity. Who would have guessed it, pot and beer account for 10% of the electricity. Next week they release a study on porn and bacon using another 10%.
  4. Question for BFC. I saw the movie Atlas Shrugged. Definitely a "B" movie. I had never read the book. The movie only covered part 1 of 3. So I went out and bought a copy. Bottomline: Will I finish the book before the release of CMBN? The book is only 1478 pages. Or will part 3 be out in the movies (15 April 2013) befroe the release of any Ostfront games/modues?
  5. I didn't read entire thread, sorry for any repeats. I thought about giving your operational campaign a try, but I sure as hell don't want my first CMBN game a battle for my whole Battalion. Give everyone few months or so to become more familiar with the game. I did look at your web site. Nice start. Keep refining the rules make sure they are air tight to prevent any disputes. And like some one said a previous operational game was the Onion Wars. Perhaps you could talk to the organizers there to know what pit falls and triumphs to expect. If in the end you don't get enough players, you could always assign a full Regiment to a player with the restrictions of committing a single battalion to a battle at a time.
  6. Besure and place Bayonet Charge Mode in the plastic knife setting.
  7. My company's weekly pay period starts on Friday at the middle of your work shift. Which means its next week now!!!
  8. Google "Longest Day Avalon Hill". You can buy the original complete AH board game on DVD - cheap $7.00. Rules, counters and maps all on disk. Even the variants and AH General Mag articles. All you need is a computer/printer, scissors and glue. The board mounted sells for $75 or so.
  9. BFC stated if there is a problem with DRM they will absolutely right any wrong. Just like they've correct any bugs for last 11 years. Fear not and buy the damn game already, DRM or no DRM. One more thing: not "every" bug has been righted...there is this Bren Gun tripod issue still unfinished. http://www.battlefront.com/community/showpost.php?p=1245802&postcount=153
  10. Yes, the guidelines hold up until the enemy is sighted....then chaos.
  11. I would buy a game if it interested me, the demo was good, and the price was right. Piracy protection would never enter in to the buy/don't buy criteria. But in this case I pre-ordered without seeing the demo.
  12. For small unit action described in excruciating detail I really like Pegasus Bridge - Ambrose. But that will have to wait for the next module.
  13. Historically accurate is the BFC goal. If new data was located the between the development CMx1 and CMx2 it will be incorporated. Mostly the same is a good guess.
  14. Does this affect both players in a PBEM the ones with a valid copy and the SW pirates? These are the people I want as PBEM opponents. Perhaps, then, I will have a fighting chance.
  15. This must be a Cromwell Type T. T= Trigonometry. What's up with those degree markings. Commander: "Excuse me gunner, but there happens to be Panther at 57.4 degrees." Gunner: "Would that berring be true or relative, sir" Personally I prefer the old "Panther at 2:00 o'clock" command.
  16. In boot camp they were taught: Viewer warning: mature content. They need the other hand free, just for fun. Also provides nut scratching capabilities.
  17. Maybe BHFC will toss a new mouse pad in with the steel box either that or go buy a new mouse pad.
  18. More due to the terrain: The area of Normandy the Division was to start fighting in as the Calvados region, south of the Bay of the Seine. It could be divided into to parts. The open campagne area south and south east of Caen, with rolling fairly open country side and the close bocage area to the south and south west of Bayeux.http://www.btinternet.com/~ian.a.paterson/battles1944.htm#Normandy Which puts the British sectors more open area and the GIs in bocage country. The Brits then fought Espom and Goodwood and tied up the German Panzers while the Amis were still plowing thru hedgerows.
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