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  1. Like
    Lethaface reacted to sburke in Happy New Year's Day! 2018 look ahead   
    No, because if they had to expand it we would not have gotten it at all.   This is one of those where you either see the glass as having something of value, or you simply get no glass.
     Considering BF is already going to be discounting this for all current CMSF owners and they aren’t even sure financially how it is going to work out, the fact that they even decided to do this for all those who are avid CMSF fans is pretty awesome. It is an amazing demonstration of their appreciation for their user community and a major undertaking on their part. To try and put a negative spin on that is kind of lame. 
  2. Like
    Lethaface reacted to danfrodo in Happy New Year's Day! 2018 look ahead   
    Lefties hate the IDF?  I'm a lefty and have immense respect for the IDF (I've even been to Israel twice on business, amazing place, visited Masada).  That doesn't mean I agree with all Israeli policy, or all my own country's policies.
    Stringing up lefties?  You mean the ones who believe in an evidence-based world, not fairy tales?  The ones that know that climate change is real, as is evolution, and the world is not just 6000 years old, and that people with non-white skin are also people, as are women?   You mean them?   The ones that know that war is real and real people die in them (which is totally cool as long as it is not one's own precious self, yes?)?  The ones who actually know history because they read books instead of watching TV all day?   You mean those folks?  Some of them have a full lifetime of interest in military history and therefore love what CM offers.  Keep your insults to your f(*&ing self.  Let's stick to CM on this forum, there's folks of many differing views of the world here.
  3. Like
    Lethaface reacted to Bulletpoint in Happy New Year's Day! 2018 look ahead   
    I'm starting to believe you might actually be an old English oil painting who gets on the computer when the lord of the manor is away...
  4. Like
    Lethaface reacted to General Jack Ripper in Happy New Year's Day! 2018 look ahead   
    Darn it Steve, just make things we can spend money on!
    I don't think we'll be too picky about what form it takes.
  5. Like
    Lethaface reacted to AdamAnt2 in Thanks Steve :)   
    Hello names Hector. i live in Puerto Rico and you may know what hurricane Maria did to our beautiful island. We have no power only 3 hours a day, and as a CM fan had really missed playing. I had a little problem with the game installation  since they were downloaded (i had the cds also) and tried to contact battlefront but was hard with no internet so I managed to get on for a bit and found a phone number and called Steve whom I really dont know who he is but he answered. I want to say Thanks for the conversation we had. He offered to help and eventhough I got everything working offline after, it was refreshing to hear he was available to help. I really appreciate his gesture and will continue to support Battlefront knowing that behind this company are great and caring people. Again Thanks Steve .
  6. Upvote
    Lethaface got a reaction from PanzerMike in The CM Theater thread! post cinematic RT vids here.   
    Great idea.
    Really liked this one by Bozowans:

  7. Upvote
    Lethaface reacted to Hapless in AAR Video- The Best Bridge in Holland   
    Thought I'd dip my toe in here with an after action video. Its a medium sized, quick battle meeting engagement, I'm playing as the Germans and my opponent is playing as the American army. This is just the intro and the first few turns, more to follow as soon as I get time to edit it all together...
    (I'm liking the shiny new forum- embedding youtube is much easier)
  8. Upvote
    Lethaface reacted to snake_eye in Donetsk Airport map   
    Hi grunt GI,
    I apologize to all of you for not having given any news. Well, to tell you the truth I have discovered that the scale of my map was wrong, while looking at a map  drawing, done for a campaign WIP by Kohlenkau. I gave him mine anyway, it could be of some use, for some of the tactical fights.
    That scale error explains, why I had some difficulties on the slopes leading from the airport to the rail tracks and the buildings, located  all the way up on the right. My slopes were usually two times more inclined that they should have been, since the length of the map was half of what it was on the real ground !. How did I do that  ? I don't know, but believe me that was changing a lot the Tactical deployment of the troops around, either in defense and or attack. That was something I had noticed and that lead with the slope matter to the discovery of the scale problem. So, we will all benefit of the new and real scale.
    That might not have been noticed to some of you, but it was to my eyes something I could not leave as it was. That is why I have been working on the runway, on a new map being this time rightly at the scale.
    So my biggest problem at the moment is the time that could be available to work on it, besides the fact that I have been traveling frequently since May.
    But I assure you that I have not dropped my project and as matter of fact like some of you have already experience it, when you do it a second time, it is usually better than the first, easier to do and  therefore faster..I shall post the new runway as soon as the slope will be done. The terminal will benefit of that, be longer and a real challenge in the coming battle
    So, to resume the situation,  it is only a question of available time for me.
    Thanks to all of you, for your renewed support,
  9. Upvote
    Lethaface got a reaction from beersmurff in German 'Handy Top Tips' armoured tactics document   
    While I follow your point of logic regarding to firing on the move off autobahn with unstabilized guns, don't try to reason german language. There are rules for that! Not a native german speaker since I'm dutch, but your missing the point. 'Halt!' means stop (or rather like the English 'Halt!'). 'The' halte (die/das/der/den/dem/des whatever) is never an instruction to stop, apart from any slang someone might have come up with. Only if you think that a stop to allow for firing is in the same dimension as something like a busstop. And I know better since Deutsch is similar to Dutch, I have had to study die/das/der etc for 4+ years (although I now wish I had put some effort in it) and Dutch nor Deutsch is easy to learn for native English speakers. Ich halte nicht die Klappe! :-P
    Probably there just is a flaw in the original text or like other posted: inaccurate supressive fire is intended.
    By the way GeorgeMC, thanks for the text!
  10. Upvote
    Lethaface reacted to Macisle in CM:BN Screenshot Thread #2   
    The ambush reversed:

    Right in the noodle!

    Meanwhile, in another town:

    None shall pass!

  11. Upvote
    Lethaface reacted to Bulletpoint in My new (and first) let's Play on Youtube: The Loamshire Scenario, PBEM-Match   
    Btw, it's nice that you have a calm voice. Some AAR videos I've seen seemingly have some character from South Park doing the voiceover
  12. Upvote
    Lethaface reacted to Calgar in My new (and first) let's Play on Youtube: The Loamshire Scenario, PBEM-Match   
    Hey fellas,
    I have never been very active in this forum but allways appreciated the dedication the developers and members show for the game. I was hoping I could pay a little back by providing a bit more "Media Exposure" for this game and our hobby in general by creating a (-nother) Youtube Channel that is dedicated to wargaming. The first videos that are going up is a PBEM of the Loamshire Scenario (Commonwealth Forces). A BFN Review will also follow during the next week. 
    hope you enjoy it,
  13. Upvote
    Lethaface reacted to Rinaldi in AAR: Rinaldi v. Emory   
    Ask and ye shall recieve!
    Turns 9-12 (Part One):
    The three minutes between turns 6 to 9 was basically dominated by moving into position and only light and inconclusive exchanges of fire with remaining enemy outposts so I've decided to save some space and cut that out. These last four minutes of play however have been action packed. Unfortunately, my opponent begins to make his presence felt with some effect:

    On my right my Company team attempting to cross the ford has clearly eliminated the HMG; and as I deploy a platoon of tanks to cover the rest of the unit crossing, all hell breaks loose; I immediately lose the platoon commander to small arms fire from a second position further back from the ford, and the surviving crew members back the tank into cover on their own initiative. The Platoon NCO's tank is then promptly hit by a panzerschreck; killing a crew-member and causing the panicked crew to dismount. Only time will tell what the damage on the tank is, but I'm hoping to get the crew back in when they're calmed down.
    Amazingly, the Panzerschreck in the wheat field is actually spotted by the remaining units on overwatch and is promptly knocked out by a combination of HE fire from tanks, and rifle fire from the now-in-position armored infantry, I also have the silver lining of getting a spot on his second set of rifle pits. Note the headquarters and weapons elements of the attached platoon; MG fire will pin any occupants in that foxhole and allow the 60mms accurate and rapid fire to destroy or suppress them:     Here's the plan:     As you can see, I already have a squad of the platoon pushing up to the ford to babysit and maneuver with the tank waiting at the water's edge.The 60mm is already firing, and a second rifle squad is dismounting and preparing to cross alongside the first. Also note the smoke screen covering the tank platoon that just recently suffered a dismount and casualties. This smokescreen, coupled with my base of fire, should allow for a safe remount when the HQ crew is ready to receive orders again. All in all, I think I've reacted quite well.    However, as the next part will reveal, my little diversion with the tank section to the stone bridge on the left - completely unsupported - turns out to be a big disaster.     But that's for the next part to reveal More posts soon.      
  14. Upvote
    Lethaface reacted to John Kettler in Sublime Attack! DAR Sublime vs John Kettler   
    Putin has pulled out all the stops, and Sublime, now Polpovnik (LT COL) I.P. Sublimovitch, but an embittered junior lieutenant in GSFG when the Wall came down, is positively gleeful to do his part in Putin's plan to forcibly reincorporate Ukraine into the Rodina. He is attacking, in great strength, while I, as Major Kettler, defend in sector a key road junction which is the sole VL. This is the biggest battle, in terms of force size, I've ever fought in CMx2, and there are lots and lots of moving parts and things to do. Marshal Foch famously observed: "No plan survives contact with the enemy." Based on what's happened so far, I'd say he's an optimist.
    There was no lull before the battle, for my men , with the help of some combat engineers who didn't stick around, had registered fires, dug foxholes, erected barbed wire barriers, planted AT mines (Americans have only AT mines) and worked out, on the fly, an intricate series of defensive fire keyholes. Just as well, for barely had they dashed into their holes when...
    Artillery began to fall on the village (the VL) on the wooded areas to the front of the village and in the gaps among the various woods. The village got hit with HE in Fuze SQ mode. Painful. Smoke blossomed all over the place to my front. I've left off the usual all caps from the body text of the message traffic.
    Confirm est. platoon of Romeo dismounted infantry attacking Sector Alpha (my left) with apparent Bravo Mike Papa Tango Two platoon in support. Out.
    Confirm est. platoon of Romeo dismounted infantry attacking in Sector Bravo (my center) with India Foxtrot Victor platoon in support. Dust clouds suggest possible tank support as well. Arty smoke is beginning to obscure Point 2 (primary gap between woods).
    Confirm presence in Sector Charlie (my right) of One Bravo Mike Papa Two and Tango Seven Two tank near house Zero Zero One in Sector Charlie. Wait One. Correction. Tank is not. Repeat. Not a Tango Seven Two. Tank is a Tango Niner Zero Alpha Mike. Repeat. Tango Niner Zero Alpha Mike! Out.
    My remarks
    While at first it looked like a most unwelcome dismounted attack with IFV support, I now know I'm facing a full blown combined arms attack. Artillery is raining down, and the telltale signs of an est. 120 mm mortar firing have been noted. And where there's one... It appears my gut reaction to trucks appearing at map rear as carriers (and towers) of heavy weapons is correct. Must do something about that. Meanwhile...
    Battle was joined from the start, with an unholy chorus of Bushmaster and Woodpecker firing. What at first I thought was first blood to Sublimovitch when I observed a Bradley burning fiercely on the ridge in Sector Alpha turned out not to be alone, for on the other side of the map a BMP-2 spectacularly ceased to be (cause unknown) and two others came to unplanned abrupt halts. It was about this time...
    Urgent. Be advised previously reported Bravo Mike Papa Two platoon is mixed force of est. tank destroyer and Bravo Mike Papa Two with Kilo Oscar Romeo November Echo Tango. Repeat. Tank destroyer and Bravo Mike Papa Two with Kilo Oscar Romeo November Echo Tango. Out.
    My remarks
    T-90AM, TDs and Kornet armed BMP-2? It's going to be a very long day. Or maybe a very short one! Remember all that careful DF fire planning? Let's see if it really works!
    "On my command. Fire!"
    Across my front Javelins take enthusiastic wing, Bushmasters hammer away and MGs begin to chatter. Some broken transmission comes in on the higher command link. "Air Threat Condition Red! Repeat. Condition Red!" At which point the sky fell on my head. So abrupt was this and so busy was I that I couldn't tell you whether or not I was able to say "Weapons free!" before the Frogfoot brace jumped all over me. Nor were my Stingers quick off the mark.
    "Air raid!" "Air Raid!" As the very sky tore asunder and the village exploded.
    My remarks
    Fortunately for my ears, with my rig's sound levels still set for online program watching, I was on I.S. Sublimovitch's end when that airstrike hit. This pointed reminder on protecting one's hearing resulted in a crash volume reduction. Screenshots to follow. Have some doozies!
    John Kettler
  15. Upvote
    Lethaface reacted to Combatintman in No Plan Survives First Contact With The Enemy - Planning Tutorial   
    Having promised Threat Integration - here it is:
    Step 3 – Threat Integration
    Recall that in this step we combine our analysis from Step 1 (BAE) and Step 2 (TE) to come up with a likely enemy course of action. Also don't forget we are still in Question 1.
    Likely Enemy Mission
    This is pretty much stated in various bits of the briefing:
    The enemy is an outpost line
    The enemy is to deny the woods
    The enemy is to inflict casualties (especially half-tracks)
    So a likely mission statement would be:
    X Platoon Group is to deny the woods IVO OSINNIK Village until 250800Jun44 in order to allow the regimental main body to prepare its main line of defence.
    Likely associated tasks would be:
    Identify and track German attacking forces
    Delay German attacks through direct and indirect fires.
    Engage high value targets (HVTs)
    Preserve own combat power and break clean to the main defensive position
    This is all very well but it is now time to return to the ground to work out what is feasible given the resources available to the enemy and his preferred tactics.
    So some context about the ground and effects specific to the defender because my previous analysis, particularly that relating to Key Terrain, was focused on my mission.
    Key terrain for the enemy I assess as follows:
    Village A
    Mainly for the same reasons I designated it a key terrain for myself – but most importantly because the enemy is reported to be there.
    Entrances F, G and H
    Designated because these are the most likely points of entry onto the wooded objective for any attacking force.
    Track Crossroads I
    This crossroads blocks avenues of approach from entrances F, G and H.
    It is also worthy of note that Woods C and E and Complex D would be suitable outpost locations but are not significant enough to warrant the deployment of significant combat power given the Red Army commander’s limited resources.
    So initially, on the basis of the above, I will throw the Doctrinal Overlay onto the map centred on Track Crossroads I just to give me an idea of how everything works in terms of ground and tactics. This will provide the basis for subsequent COA analysis which will take into account my terrain deductions and will involve some amendments to the doctrinal solution to make it best fit the terrain and the analysis of the enemy’s mission and tasks as previously described. The schematic below illustrates this step:

    As you can see from the graphic, some manipulation is now required to turn this into a viable defensive COA on this particular piece of ground. Also on my initial laydown, I have not taken into account the probable scout team reported to be in Village A. So let’s do that now.

    COA 1
    The graphic above becomes COA 1 which I will call ‘Defend Forward’. In this COA we have the reported probable scout team in Village A which provides coverage of AAs 1 and 2 and then all three assessed rifle squads have pushed forward scout teams IVO Complex D, Wood E and Entrance H. The main outpost line is linear and lies back from the forward edge of the main wood. In this laydown the eastern most squad can cover Entrance F and any advance along AAs 1 and 2. The centre squad can cover Crossroads I and AA3. The westernmost squad can cover Entrance H and approaches up AAs 4 and 5.
    Note that there is nothing in Wood C but it is possible that the scout team in Complex D could equally be positioned there or Wood C could be a fall-back position for the scout team in Village A once it decides that remaining in Village A becomes untenable. This is marked in the diagram by a dashed circle.
    Also note that the westernmost scout team could also be located further forward at the western end of Wood E and achieve the same effect of covering Entrance H and AAs 4 and 5. This is marked in the diagram by a dashed circle.
    Each of the platoon scout teams in this COA I would see as being augmented by an LMG squad and an ATR squad to take advantage of their ranged capabilities. The role of these teams being to identify my avenue of approach and to disrupt my attack by engaging HVTs before falling back on to the main outpost line in the woods. The probable scout team in Village A will likely have an observer grouped with it and its role will be to identify my avenue of approach and disrupt my attack through indirect fires before falling back to an alternate position in either Wood C or Complex D.
    COA 1 Advantages
    Conforms to doctrine.
    Allows early identification of the German axis.
    Allows early attrition of the German attacker.
    Makes best use of ranged weapons.
    Makes good use of concealment in the main wood.
    COA 1 Disadvantages
    Dispersion creates C2 problems.
    Extraction of two platoon scout teams will be over open ground
    Linear main outpost line lacks depth
    Linear outpost line does not provide mutual support.
    Defence can be outflanked and taken down from the rear.
    So that is the first COA, on to COA 2 - illustrated below and derived using the same process:
    COA 2

    The graphic above becomes COA 2 which I will call ‘Defend Deep’. In this COA we have the reported probable scout team in Village A which provides coverage of AAs 1 and 2 and then all three assessed  rifle squads have pushed forward scout teams IVO the northern perimeter of the main wood. The main outpost position is constructed as a standard defensive position with two squads forward and one back with the killing area centred on Track Crossroads I. This laydown means that the probable scout team in Village A covers AAs 1 and 2. The easternmost platoon scout team provides very limited coverage of AAs 1 and 2 and good coverage of AA3. The centre platoon scout team provides coverage of AA3. The westernmost platoon scout team provides good coverage of AA4 within the main wood and limited coverage of AA5.
    As with the previous COA, I would see each of the platoon scout teams having an LMG and ATR team grouped to permit best use of those weapons systems and the scout team in Village A having an observer grouped with it.
    COA 2 Advantages
    Conforms to doctrine.
    Excellent use of concealment in the main wood.
    Excellent C2.
    Good all round defence and mutual support.
    Provides best defence of Track Crossroads I.
    COA 2 Disadvantages
    Limited observation and fields of fire over avenues of approach.
    Limited ability to maximise use of ranged weapons.
    Surrenders initiative to the attacker.
    Allows easy break in to the main woods by the attacker via entrances F, H, K and L.
    Scout team in village A is entirely dislocated from the main force.
    One really useful product from the IPB process is the Event Overlay which is designed to show activities related to time and space. Doctrinally it would contain timelines or events, I have done this but in a very simplistic form. The purple dotted lines are my timelines (measured in minutes) and are based on dismounted ‘Move’ rates of movement (which in broad terms = 2 minutes per 100m). Of course I could make this more comprehensive by showing movement rates for ‘Quick’ and ‘Hunt’ etc and applying movement rates over different types of ground (woods dismounted ‘Move’ speed per 100m is about 2 minutes and 45 seconds) and also for my vehicles.  Clearly by doing so, you expend more time and sometimes make the product to complicated. By keeping it simple my event overlay is telling me the following already:
    I can cover the AO in 20 minutes.
    The earliest I can assault Village A is H+10 or 0710 hrs in the scenario.
    Related to that, enemy in Village A may attempt to extract at the same time.
    The earliest I can assault Wood E is H+12 or 0712 hrs in the scenario.
    Related to that, enemy in Wood E may attempt to extract at the same time.
    The earliest time I can start my clearance of the Main Wood is H+16 or 0716 hrs in the scenario.
    The earliest time I can finish clearing the Main Wood is H+20 or 0720 hrs in the scenario.
    These are all useful for planning and particularly any synchronising and phasing required. It also gives me a window (H+10 to H+12) to potentially acquire track and engage moving enemy targets.
    So that was a very basic look at the timings, now I will focus on the Named Areas of Interest (NAI) part of this product. The NAIs show where you need to look in order to acquire the enemy and determine his likely COA. This product will later be refined but for the time being let’s look at NAIs.
    NAIs are placed based on the previously derived enemy COAs. In simple terms, wherever an enemy is reported or wherever you assess an enemy grouping to be is the starting point. The process involves drawing a box around those areas and if required, refining those boxes or combining them. This is important to get right because ultimately each of those NAIs should be covered by a reconnaissance asset, and ideally for redundancy two assets. Clearly the more NAIs there are to cover, the more troops you have to allocate to the task.
    Here is the Event Overlay for this mission

    To complete the process and to add meaning to the above, an Event Matrix is produced and the combination of these two products drive the Collection Plan and ultimately the plan as a whole. In the Event Matrix you are basically defining, where you are looking, when you are looking, what you are looking for and what it all means. I will ignore the ‘when’ part of this for simplicity and because I don’t think it is a war-stopper given that the only moves I anticipate from the enemy will occur in the H+10 – H+12 window.
    Here is the Event Matrix

    High Value Targets (HVT) are another consideration, doctrinally these are the assets that are critical to the success of the Enemy Commander’s mission. This demonstrates why it is important to thoroughly analyse the likely enemy mission and tasks – if you don’t go through this process you end up targeting everything which is sometimes difficult to do and it is wasteful of time and resources. There are a number of ways of deriving these but I’m going to keep this simple. So if we refer back to assessed mission and tasks, I had them as these:
    X Platoon Group is to deny the woods IVO OSINNIK Village until 250800Jun44 in order to allow the regimental main body to prepare its main line of defence.
    Likely associated tasks would be:
    Identify and track German attacking forces
    Delay German attacks through direct and indirect fires.
    Engage high value targets (HVTs)
    Preserve own combat power and break clean to the main defensive position
    From this my HVT list looks like this:
    Platoon HQ – Destruction of this will affect enemy C2 and morale and reduce his ability to communicate back to higher HQ.
    Forward Observer IVO Village A – Destruction of this limits the enemy’s ability to call in indirect fire.
    Anti-Tank Rifle Squads – These are the only assets that can effectively defeat my light armoured vehicles.
    I could go further with this but the more I add, the more I have to target which means allocating assets. The above list is the minimum needed to effectively limit the enemy’s ability to achieve his mission.
    The above, although it is truncated, is about as far as we need to go with Question 1 so next time we will move on to Question 2 – What have I been told to do and why? This in effect is Mission Analysis and there are many ways of cracking this nut and again I will pare this down to what I consider to be essentials for this situation.
  16. Upvote
    Lethaface got a reaction from Rinaldi in AAR: Rinaldi v. Emory   
  17. Upvote
    Lethaface reacted to Rinaldi in AAR: Rinaldi v. Emory   
    Turns 1-3
    Note: Click on photos for larger versions. I am currently using Bright Night and War-Movie shaders. Let me know if its still hard to see details.
    I was secretly hoping that my opponent wouldn't attempt to hold the crossings right up front, but unfortunately that is precisely what he is doing. While I don't think the position he's in is tenable for any amount of time, all he has to do is delay until sunrise....especially if he has any big cats or StuGs. A result of his frontal deployment however are quite early fireworks.
    The first turn is spent with my engineers in cover and my FOOB spotting. I quickly spot German infantry dug in along the orchard and river bank; already in a zone pre-planned for a short airburst barrage. So far so good; my first reasonable assumption hasn't made an ass of me .
    The second and third turn open up hostilities as the Engineer platoon makes its first approach to the bridge; its met by fire from several other foxholes. There's at least a MG42 per fire-team; which most likely means Panzergrenadiers. Unfortunately the first move to the bridge ends with a handful of casualties at the first scrap of cover for the two assault squads.

    I had the wherewithal to deploy two M18s from my first Company team in hull-down  to cover the attack of the Engineers, and amazingly despite the low-light situation I'm able to fire .50 BMG and a few rounds of HE into the orchard with effect. Note the hull down position and target arc of the M18. I took a risk and did not have it pull back after a 30 second "Pause" command; and amazingly I took nothing but sporadic MG fire in return. Could it be that he's playing it close with his ATGs?
    As the turn ends I observe enemy casualties in all the foxholes, as well as routing enemies. Its evident I've given as good as I've received, and I intend to move up the platoon of M4A3s to smoke the opposite bank and provide fire support as I probe the bridge. Fingers crossed that the bridge isn't mined. What a windfall that will be. Note in the below photo enemy casualties from the preparatory fire; the short barrage is lifting as the third minute comes to an end.
  18. Upvote
    Lethaface reacted to poesel in Soviet SMGs II   
    Jason - I think we disagree here. I'm not going to run a test if there is no exactly defined expected outcome. Doing that is just a waste of time.
    The question that (at least I) would like to have answered is if the PPSh is too accurate in CM. To test that I need a setup that only(!) tests just that property. Then I define my expected outcome before I test. If the result is close to the expectation then nothing is wrong, if it's off then there may be a problem.
    That test is not realistic as in 'that never happened in reality'. It still tells us something about reality because an overly accurate PPSh would also skew all 'real' battles even if it might not be obvious.
  19. Upvote
    Lethaface reacted to Combatintman in No Plan Survives First Contact With The Enemy - Planning Tutorial   
    There seem to be a few tutorials doing the rounds of late … so you’re going to get another one – on planning. So if you’re somebody who wondered how it is done, or are somebody who casts a rudimentary eye over the ground, skims through the orders and then just launches across the line of departure with the view to developing a plan on the hoof and wants to change this – then this is the thread for you.
    The vehicle for the tutorial is SeinfeldRules Assault Position Mission.  The associated thread is here:
    The mission can be downloaded from here:
    What do you get from this thread – simply put it will delve into the planning process and then roll into an AAR. I am playing this as designed so Axis attacker versus the AI. So without further ado, let’s crack on with it. Also I’d be grateful if people could refrain from posting spoilers on this mission if you’ve played it – I haven’t yet – which is kind of the point of stepping through the planning process first!!!!
    I will warn you that I am no means an expert on military planning but have been around it enough to know how it works. I will cut corners with it here and there but this isn’t necessarily about military doctrine, it is about giving you guys an understanding of some techniques to help you plan your battles should you have a mind to do so.
    Clearly questions (that do not contain spoilers) are welcome but many of my answers might be ‘I’ll come to that later’.
  20. Upvote
    Lethaface reacted to antaress73 in RPO nerfed/not working well?   
    Did à test . A platoon of RPO (10 two men teams) against a US reconnaissance platoon in some standard 2 storey houses. So far, after three battles, 72-1 in casualties in favor of the Russians. They are very effective. Some shots took out 5 soldiers at a time. Three houses were flattened.
  21. Upvote
    Lethaface reacted to Nidan1 in Bradley Fighting Vehicle Troop Transport Capacity   
    Really? I think the opportunity for us "Westerners" to get interesting anecdotal stories of real military experiences from our former "enemies" is really important. I grew up during the cold war, the missle race, the space race and all the other competitions real or imagined that took place primarily between the US and the former Soviet Union. I myself am tired of the conflict. Russian and American people have more in common than we like to admit, and to continue the Cold War on these forums is a waste of time. We can learn from each other here, many more things than just the common interest we have in military matters.  As my friend sublime has said, sarcasm and other verbal nuances do not work well in message boards and forums, especially when not all of us have a common native tongue. I only brought up the T-64 autoloader story because it was something we heard back in the 60's when the Soviets were putting them into front line service. If its totally without merit then you have convinced me, and I will stand corrected on the issue.
    Let's not waste the opportunity, to move past our old suspicions and predjudices and really have some credible give and take.
    We can still enjoy playing this game, and debating related interests without starting World War Three on these boards.
  22. Upvote
    Lethaface reacted to Nidan1 in Claymores?   
    In my experience we rarely, if ever,  set up a claymore for trip wire detonation. We used them on ambushes, and for defensive protection of our nighttime positions. They were always in the command detonation mode.
    On night ambushes, as a combat engineer it was my job to set up some sort of improvised tripwire device(s) that would trigger an ambush when someone walked through the area. We did not do this indiscriminately. We truly hoped that civilians would not be walking through the area at night, especially an area of active engagement. I now would like to tell an interesting story. In May of 1967 I was involved in Operations , supporting the 3rd Marine Regiment south of Da Nang in South Vietnam. One night I went out on an ambush patrol and I set up a daisy chained string of c ration cans stuffed with C-4 and machine gun links. I set this up around sunset and placed two separate trip wires, as well as a wire running back to our positions attached to a mechanical detonating device we called a "clacker" To make a long story short, the night was uneventful, and at dawn I went out to retrieve my handiwork and found that all the cans and devices that I had emplaced were gone. Obviously someone watched me set everything up, and quietly and efficiently removed each can and wire without either making a sound or triggering the devices. The implications sent chills up my spine, and from that day on, I either avoided using ambush triggers entirely or set them up in darkness.
  23. Upvote
    Lethaface got a reaction from FueGo357 in What do you think the first module of Black Sea would be?   
    I'd like to see some Leo's!
    Maybe there is some chance left for the Dutch to venture into CMBS, as our government has decided to keep some Leo2a6 in the light of recent events. What a surprise

    Love to see USMC and VDV too, although seperatists and Poland are high on my list as well. Like Germany, UK and France. Then Canada, Italy, Turkey, Spain, Australia, Norway, perhaps the Swedes? and who knows the Armata/Kurganets/Bumerang family.
    I guess the backstory would need some spiffin up in the case that NATO builds up a coalition that large, but it's a game right
  24. Upvote
    Lethaface reacted to rocketman in How not to drive a tank   
    Sorry, site is in Swedish. Check in full-screen mode and fast forward to 1:45 for the "main" action 
  25. Upvote
    Lethaface reacted to Chirac75 in CM:BN Screenshot Thread #2   
    So here's my lead Panther, minding its own business rolling down the road with its two SPWs homies (second one is just above right side of the turret).

    As they near a crossroad, I stop all and ask the right 251 to exit a team to get a peak thru that right hedgerow for any contact.
    Well... I guess... Jackpot?   (trees removed for visibility)

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