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Everything posted by Lethaface

  1. There would be plenty of fire at suspected positions with HE fire too. The larger the better.
  2. That would also disallow any recon by fire or suppression of area's you want suppressed, not because of having seen a unit there but because you don't want to see any units there.
  3. Lol, you will be happy to know about the H&E mod (and Syrian Soundscape mod).
  4. Not everyone appreciates the same jokes, but I can guarantee that their are a lot of people inside your 'they' group that can take jokes very well. Anyway very off topic.
  5. Looks interesting but got too much in the basket already! Haven't really got to continuing with the Hornets nest, but when I have a couple of free CM hours without turns etc to do I'll surely continue it.
  6. They are excellent doing recon on the attack (or better said: observation over key area's from concealed positions), can be used to provide overwatch and or put fires on (preferably isolated) enemy crew served weapons or sentries, HQs, etc. During the actual attack they can continue in this role and or join the firefight directly, although I usually don't use them as a manuever element ;-).
  7. FWIW running a RTX 3080 on latest drivers and no issues whatsoever.
  8. That's one anecdote, however I've played quite some games in the fog. Often LOS/LOF is just maxed at ~200m, but clears up a bit after a while. And usually infantry discover tanks before tanks discover infantry. Actually the main reason for spotting is muzzle fire. So infantry or tanks shooting at something, which than gets noticed by others, so more shooting, etc. But, spotting is definitely impacted by fog. Also during spotting is much worse, unless you got Thermal optics. So I'd say that the quote is quite correct after all.
  9. Messing around sure enough. Geopolitics as usual unfortunately, not only in Ukraine but across the globe. All with the capability are guilty of this behavior. However at least in my perspective there is a difference between messing around with politics vs annexation and direct (para)military action. And yes of course the loss of their strawmen in power Janoekovitsj and thus the loss of 'messing power' was probably not only correlative to the annexation of Crimea. But to me it feels a bit like: 'So, Mr. X why did you burn down Mr. Y's kitchen and damaged the rest of his house, beating up his kids? Mr. X: well me and Mr. Z were competing over who can join in for the daily dinner Mr. Y cooks up and it looked like Mr Z. was winning the competition. So I made sure nobody will have dinner by burning the ktichen and after that Mr. Y's kids became angry (because their kitchen burned and no dinner) so I gave them a couple of punches.' Do the actions of Mr X become any better by the fact that Mr Z was also competing for the dinner? Is annexing part of a country and vacationing soldiers in another part a fair reaction to losing the geopolitical power game? I don't get it.
  10. Higher bandwidth, double channel (check the specs of your mobo and install the sticks in the correct slots for it to work properly).
  11. Indeed, as this is the CM forum :-). No disagreement though, however it's not like there will be a night vs day difference if the CPU you happen to choose has a slightly lower single core clock speed. Perhaps it will cost you 2-5 fps.
  12. True, but as long as everything is compatible you generally won't hit a bottleneck. Where you will hit those bottlenecks is if you combine a old X with a new Y, or choose a budget Mobo for a high end cpu. There are some other important things, like not getting only 1 stick of RAM (always choose at least 2; so for example 2x8). And indeed Toms Hardware is still quite a good source imo, but there are various other sites nowadays. Google is your friend.
  13. Solid advice I think. Don't know about the 1660 performance but my previous GPU (1080 GTX) was more than powerful enough for CMx2. But AFAIK older higher end cards like that are not available anymore and or still expensive because the coin minerz. Regarding AMD: although I've always bought Intel CPU's, AMD seems to have Intel beat lately. Although that also means that they aren't as cheap anymore. The AMD Ryzen 5 3600 seems like a great choice for price/performance. Plus the AM4 socket is the same for newer generation CPUs, so in theory you could upgrade to a better CPU in the future (depends on Mobo support though, but with Bios update that can often be fixed). Edit: although since CM mainly relies on single core performance, that will probably matter more compared to overall performance so could be that the i5 is a better choice for CM.
  14. If that one works! Before I tried the permanent link but it didn't work. This is a new link but will expire again i guess: https://discord.gg/2tEH35aD
  15. probably just frustrations coming of from running an integrated graphics chip
  16. Lol seems like the OP struck a nerve with you when he wanted to buy an imac. There are various usecases and requirements, not only gaming or maximum performance for minimal $. So you come of quite condescending when telling him off because of your 'superior qualifications'. This is a public forum so everybody is as qualified to post stuff, it is the one who is seeking the info who decides the best 'qualified' answer for her/him. Clearly your answers weren't deemed as the most valuable I personally don't buy apple stuff either because of price / performance and windows got what I need (for my personal entertainment PC, business workloads I favor linux but still use a windows pc to work on). But that's irrelevant to other people when they want/need other stuff. If he asked what would have been the best gaming pc for price/performance than an Imac would indeed not be the best choice. But that wasn't his question, init? He needs a mac and asks whether CM will work on it. He didn't ask you opinion whether Macs are in general too expensive and or ****ty. That is the answer you gave m. It's a useless answer. Also, the bull**** about the GSKILL RAM prove you don't really know much. It might be the best RAM, but on the whole it won't make that much difference; without having ever bought an Imac I'm quite sure there's no option too choose the brand or timings whatever of RAM for an Imac, which is a prebuild pc anyway. If there are options there is option A & option B, where B will be faster and more expensive. Maybe take a chill pill. Peace
  17. It is perhaps not the most intuitive system but basically boils down to a way how they can and did support old titles going forward. I like it. Everything has pros and cons, for a system originating in 2005 orso I guess it has held up quite decent
  18. Don't see the relevance indeed. It's not like USA has annexed Crimea or has soldiers vacationing inside East Ukraine, against the wishes of Ukr government. So, from there this thread started; whether the attack was likely or not. USA does have it's own fair share of military endeavors (no fan of their foreign policy usually), but that doesn't undo what Russia does. Anyway I read the thread more like 'new possible cause for friction in the 'semi dormant' conflict between Russia and Ukraine, taking place inside East-Ukraine as we all have been able to know about.
  19. With the 5k screen a faster GPU wouldn't hurt I guess. Although it only matters really if you need apps that have to calculate and render stuff in realtime and 3d etc. Playing some video's or photo editing at 5k is no issue and 8GB VRAM isn't 'bad', but for 5k textures I guess more would be better.
  20. I remember you did those massive battles loong ago. Enjoyed watching those!
  21. Yes, did discover those channels and the others mentioned (in the thread). Actually just fully watched the AAR DoubleD made of the first round in the CMBS tournament. Nice movie and good action! Lol I watched someone loading up the infantry in IFVs to get ready to assault the objective. Right about where I'd normally dismount the infantry It might work of course, but IIRC they ate an ATGM or RPG and all died in the explosion. So at least solid lessons being learned I hope. Who knows? Already from the experience and knowledge of all the scenario's you've created, I'd say you'll pass many scrutiny levels. Sometimes I plan to write up a proper AAR of a battle I played (because I thought it was interesting) and include screens / edit some movies. But than RL reminds me that there's only so much hours in a day. Doing it incrementally while while playing a game would perhaps make the workload more manageable. I'd like to see something like that for H2H battles, especially if looked from both sides.
  22. There are no changes with regards to multiplayer through Steam. So, no features like the one you mention. There is a STEAM 'coplay' function, which allows a user to stream his video and share controls with the other player.
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