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Everything posted by Lethaface

  1. I checked chrome dev tools (F12), and I see chrome autofixed the 'issue': "Mixed Content: The page at 'https://battlefront.com/' was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure element 'http://www.battlefront.com/content/images/home/21-02-16-1.jpg'. This request was automatically upgraded to HTTPS, For more information see https://blog.chromium.org/2019/10/no-more-mixed-messages-about-https.html" @BFCElvis fyi.
  2. AFAIK the issue before was that the forum didn't have a certificate at all; nowadays that's enough for an 'insecure' notice. It's indeed rather negligible. However what you say isn't fully correct, someone couldn't load malware onto your system because BF host an image over http. This message usually just means that there is an inline image linked in the website, which isn't served through HTTPS but HTTP. The only directly tangible implication of this is that where someone sniffing your traffic to battlefront.com, they can see that you're browser has downloaded that image including the image file in 'plain text', while the other request/response's is encrypted (there is often more than one HTTP(S) call per 'webpage'). In some usecases that can be a problem, but for the average user visit to battlefront the only thing it exposes that they've downloaded the Battlefront logo or something.
  3. What browser / version you use? I'm on latest chrome (Version 89.0.4389.72), all fine here. What does it say exactly? 'Insecure' usually means that your browser doesn't trust the certificate. However the certificate is valid and issue by a regular CA (Certificate Authority).
  4. I had it a few times in a CMFI PBEM, to which the solution was to just try again (in which case it wasn't the issue Heirloom_Tomato described). After those few times didn't happen again.
  5. There is only release, we shall not allow ourselves to get pre-occupied with mundane concepts like time and space. How dare you mention the heresy of release not?
  6. Thanks, sounds good! @BletchleyGeek, would be a good one after our merciless war has finished
  7. I'd say that for submarines or airframes, if you have the capability to at least maintain/service them independently there's not that big of an issue. It's not like those could be replaced on short notice during a war anyway. It's basically 'come as you are', unless there will be a long protracted conflict but for reasons you have stated above that is unlikely to happen in a full spectrum (near) peer shooting war. Although I too think that the 'efficiency' hype is bad for a lot of stuff. For example healthcare where I live. They got so efficient at stuff that new pandemics which require emergency scaling up are much more difficult. They simply don't have the margin or manpower to scale up quickly. However for the new concepts of warfighting, in which software in the broadest sense plays a large role, I guess there will be a trend to nations doing more stuff on their own, for their own.
  8. Although you are sort of right that raising/lowering the camera height is often similar to 'zoom in/out' in other games. Zoom in CM (ZX) is like a camera zoom.
  9. If the goal is to close the distance as soon as possible, I'd go for the quickest route to move to the other side - all moving at the same time as much as possible. Dead ground sounds nice but from the screenshots it seems you still need to cross the open before reaching there? If it's just a short bit to get in the dead ground and it allows to move your whole force forward without the chance to get plinked, I guess that is the best option. But it doesnt seem like that to me from the screens. Some smaller patches of dead ground can/will also temporary divide your force into the part which is covered by dead ground and the part which isn't, allowing Bil to focus these while limiting your returnfire options.
  10. The first man throwing a rock at something and than making a run for it, invented 'shooting & scooting'.
  11. Indeed, that last overview picture helps to get a better grasp of the battlefield. Although I'm still not sure whether there are any nice positions on @Bil Hardenberger left flank, which offer visibility below. Noting the amount of artillery he brought I guess he's going to turn Dolbach into a collection of shell craters. That will keep the USSR infantry occupied without Bil needing to interfere for a while. Still think the plan is to use the crests of the hill as a positional advantage against the advancing Red armor hordes, while cluster artillery degrades their overwatch / SBF positions (and or smoke to blind them). Or in short use the advantages available to him and destroy most of the enemy AFVs, allowing to follow up with combined arms into what's left of Dolbach.
  12. Interesting (no subject specialist myself ). So even if let's say all MBTs etc would be outfitted with 'radar targeting', it'd be still the question whether it's worth it to pursue developing a tactical level capability to detect and target such devices? In game (CM:BS) the Khryzantema-S can be a real nasty surprise with it's ability to spot and fire through all types of smoke. I guess it would make quite the difference (in CMBS) if there would be more Russian assets having that capability.
  13. Another drawback of (a actively emitting) radar is that it's quite easy to detect if you're looking for it, instead of a FLIR optic.
  14. No, it's one made by @George MC. The rubble is a mod used with mod tag I think
  15. Well, if you manage to make the journey from UK on an illegal steamship all the way to Utrecht, I'll organize a midnight feast. We could go for a roast of the coppers which will be trying to fine us, or just settle for some good beef steaks on a kamado BBQ. I've never tried human flesh and don't really hope I'll get into the situation where I'd need to try it out, so I'm all for option B
  16. They might be able to, at least dying is a feature so who knows. I guess you ought to try it out
  17. Depends on resolution and frames. I was lucky and got my 3080 for ~150+ eur compared to what they were asking for 3070s in December. I was planning to go for 3070 but since were talking about 500+ anyway I thought might as well put in the extra. For CM the difference is probably not measurable. But it is nice to be able to run things on 150fps if only because my monitor supports 165hz refresh rate with GSYNC ;-). Still if/when I feel the need to upgrade my 7700K I'll be good with this card at a 15-20% premium and indeed VR is interesting as well. Don't have it yet, but I'm contemplating to buy something mature enough to last a while.
  18. I noticed that there's a free game in the EPIC store at the moment: Sunless Sea. It's about ships and you can eat your crew so it seems. I thought of this thread Haven't played it, but added it to library just now because why not.
  19. For CM it shouldn't make much difference indeed, although I seem to have a bit better performance on huge battles with 3080 vs previous 1080. Could be just imagination though. I did hear that the 3060ti is a great card price/performance and close to a 3070. So for certain games there might be a noticeable difference.
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