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Everything posted by Lethaface

  1. It has been in the manual since CMRT; I think I've known about it since it was released. Quick (and similar for fast): "Restrictions - same as for Move, but fitness and fatigue play a bigger role. Addition- ally, vehicle with soldiers riding on top of them (such as tank riders) cannot move at Quick speed. Vehicles given a Quick order will instead move at a slower speed"
  2. I am sure. At least a while ago had some M8 HMCs and they were getting spooked by .50 rattling their armor, not penetrating.
  3. Today in the Dutch newspaper there was an article about exactly the same issues: Dutch webshops selling to UK customers now also having to charge UK VAT on behalf of the UK 'Tax Service' (or however its called there). For that they need a UK VAT number, which can take a while as there are delays in the processing. For purchases above 135 Pounds the customer will have to pay the VAT and tariffs at the door upon delivery. Before VAT was charged in the memberstate of the consumer, so IMO this is a consequence of the news laws but me too don't have much desire to discuss the technicalities of the thing. A link: https://nos.nl/artikel/2365856-brexitregels-lastig-voor-webshops-naar-china-verzenden-is-makkelijker.html
  4. You also can't bring ham sandwiches to the continent anymore, or at least our customs do check lunchboxes so I heard.
  5. Indeed another nice video! Plus I can't really watch the new people playing the game posting video's. Not that the vids are bad but after a decade plus it's hard to watch someone new to the game play stuff and (fully understandable at times) assume that things work different than how they actually work lol. It's like watching me back when I started playing CMSF1.
  6. Not to be smart but in the part you quoted he literally said 'no', as in they're not going to give everyone a game engine 4 upgrade key which they are still selling, for free.
  7. The Soviets didn't have similar type of weapon until the RPG-1. But they do have AT rifles, special AT hand grenades and I think it was mentioned that in the coming module there will be some Soviet PzFaust squads (using captured PzFausts).
  8. 7) Certain (not all as the screenshot of Sgt. Squarehead proves) British Infantry Plt HQs cannot call in indirect assets, specifically the ones shown in the screenshot of UK campaign. This is also what seems to have been reported to BFC. Have to say that I agree with the Sgt. that there's a big difference compared to 'no HQ in CMSF can call in indirect' vs the issue that was actually found. A list of known/confirmed issues isn't a bad thing imo, so users in the forum can more easily find if something they noticed is already known. But than it helps if the list is accurate (understatement; I actually mean that the list is only useful if it's accurate). TBH some of the issues mentioned here are so vague that I don't think it will even help people to consider whether what they noticed is the same or even an issue at all. So perhaps you can improve the quality of your list by making the reports more accurate and indicating whether the issue has been confirmed and reported, or not. Vague issues like 'something might be in some situation' shouldn't be in the list as it just clouds up stuff.
  9. They take morale hits when there's shots penetrating their vehicle though, even without kills. Also large calibre non penetrating hits can spook a crew if they don't see the shooter.
  10. The reason is that they've only started modelling that for CMRT. And so CMFB could made use of those, while it would be much work to put that back into CMBN.
  11. Yes I know how to share c2 horizontally . What also works imo is to have a Inf HQ ride on a Tank HQ, if mobility is a requirement.
  12. And making sure c2 is shared between formations (in this case INF & Tank) is indeed important for winning firefights.
  13. No, good point to remind me though. Got in a couple of turns but work deadlines, Christmas and ongoing PBEMs didn't have time to play with this one and it moved off radar. Will look into continuing my save soon! I was enjoying the battle.
  14. I do agree that QBs allow for setups which will make infantry less of the queen of the battlefield. Available infantry cover, price of TRPs, etc, all have their influence in the matter.
  15. Indeed imo. Although to be correct I failed to mention those 6-9 impacts where with 152mm precision munitions. But another tank survived two 203mm direct hits. AFAIK those should both be ready for the dumpster indeed.
  16. Hehe somewhat I guess . I'm not against making TRPs a bit more expensive but the exact numbers are, in the end, arbitrary imo.
  17. I've never played a Tiger II vs Firefly/m36 Jackon match. Although I think one of my first (and few) CMBN QBs was a game where I bought 3 Tigers and the opponent got some Achilles. That was about a decade ago though. With regards to reality I do think that most battles would feature Mortars, MGs and artillery to have registered before battle would commence. It's a routine for any defensive position: dig in and register / sight weapons to cover area's where potential attackers might assemble, chokepoints, etc. Same goes for offenses I'd say; often those weren't organized over night but carefully prepared, including registering targets for artillery/mortars etc. These preparation logistics are largely outside the scope of CM. And usually the same goes for long preparatory bombardments. Although I guess that TRPs in CMx2 combined with the overarching all seeing eye of the player can give an amount of control and coordination to fires which can be much more effective compared to the organized chaos I'd expect on the actual battlefield. Combined with limited defensive works available in CMx2 there is indeed a challenge to defend with infantry in maps with limited cover and plenty of TRPs .
  18. Indeed. While point detonating fuze can and will damage subsystems, air burst doesn't make a scratch. Did a quick test with 152mm/203mm (including some precision shells for the 152s) airburst and no scratch on tanks (Oplot APS in this case) even if it impacts direct above it. Also equally strange imo is that the same Oplot APS seemed to be rather indestructible. Even several direct impact 203mm didn't hurt the crew, tank still intact. Although most subsystems gone and immobilized. After sustained 3round precision strikes on the same target, I finally was able to knock out a Oplot with a partial penetration on the front upper hull. I counted at least 6 but probably more like 9 direct hits on the same tank, before it was destroyed.
  19. Yeah I understand what you mean about fairness. Personally I try to establish what kind of game we intend playing before starting it. It's less fun when one side picks a sort of (semi) 'authentic' OOB, when the other player goes for a tank/rocket arty spam build (exaggeration to make the point extra clear). House rules seem the best way to establish what both parties think is a fun and fair game. And of course opinions will differ among players.
  20. The battle I was imagining was 'Storm on Stoumont'. Found a Youtube video about it:
  21. Interesting subject. One thing I'd like to mention is the defender has also access to TRPs for the same price. So, he can return the favor in a similar way. Also, mortars/artillery to use with TRPs aren't cheap. So I look at it as more of a choice. Rough exapmle: You can invest a lot in arty + TRPs, but if the other player decides to invest a lot in Tanks all that artillery will be less helpful and you might have issues dealing with his tanks, as you don't have as much due to the focus on TRP/arty. And yes TRPs are very good. One reason why in Real Life nobody would want to defend to hold an open plain (in general). The attacking side could just casually observe defenses, register artillery on it and start a setpiece battle hammering everything with artillery while moving overwhelming forces to assault positions. War isn't meant to be fair and both sides will usually look for any advantages they can abuse to the maximum. Apart from gameyness, I'd say that's all good in CMx2 too. Perhaps TRPs could be a bit more expensive per pop for both sides (let's say 50pp), but I think the cost of all QB assets is somewhat arbitrary. It's not that artillery/mortars are useless without TRPs. Spotting rounds give away something, but that doesn't always matter. Direct fire mortars work great too and with good FO's the time to call can be quite decent even without TRPs, depending on what you want to achieve with the bombardment. Regarding 'competitive' QBs I think that the houserule for defenders to not be allowed preplanned fires outside the attacker setup zone is more of an issue combined with TRPs. In 'surprise' battle I would think not allowing preplanned fires is ok, but in a surprise battle the attacker wouldn't have registered his artillery either or he'd give up the surprise effect. While the defenses will usually preregister artillery on favorable avenues of approach at the moment they are digging in. So a meeting engagement without preplanned fires or TRPs for any side, but for attacks I'd say it's different. Probes could be somewhere in between, but as probes are often used as more balanced attack scenario's I don't see why a defender can't use preplanned artillery to deny terrain if the attacker has had the time to register his artillery (and is allowed TRPs). So with preplanned barrages and TRPs for both sides I don't think there is a big advantage to one side or the other. Just my 2ct.
  22. Also played this a long time ago. It is a tough battle and a lot of casualties will be taken. IIRC I attacked over two axis: one along the road through the town, while the other went for the highground. It went 'ok', however I took about 100-200 casualties if I remember correctly.
  23. Well I expected you to have a need to be first Genuine just says that that's the 'real' benefit. I usually don't pre order but just buy when I see it's available. And indeed I doubt that I'll miss it for weeks
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