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Everything posted by Lethaface

  1. Try the campaign I'd say! My protocol is: use them to fire on the enemy as much as possible, while preventing them from doing exploding things themselves . And BMP-2 with it's 30mm autocannon is much more useful compared to the BMP-1, imo. But still the BMP-2 has no business duking it out with most Blue IFVs in CMSF2, if only/mainly because they usually feature FLIR optics which the BMP-2 does not. It's thin armor doesn't help either. However used carefully they can sure harm BLUE force vehicles. While they shine in supporting the infantry in urban fighting: 1 Keep BMP-2 hidden behind buildings. 2 Identify enemy infantry position. 3 Maneuver to good engagement position if necessary. 4 Shoot and scoot from behind building for 10-15 sec while keeping out of handheld AT weapons range (RPG/PzFaust 3/etc), which is 200-500m depending on the type of AT weapon. 5 look at red crosses forming inside the targeted building, while keeping up the fire. After you are satisfied, it is now ready for infantry to close in.
  2. Same here! I was looking forward to it so opened it in a new window and waited a while, but alas no result. (Chrome)
  3. Don't you have any scout teams more forward? In this screen the hill seems to offer a great hull down position for the BMP-2s, but usually I'll keep them back 50m at least or further. All depends of course, but in general they provide fires for me and don't function as point units. I try to keep m close so they can provide fires fast, but if possible far enough so infantry doesn't suffer if it goes boom
  4. I'd probably like any addition to the fidelity of the simulation. Chemical, why not? Battles across fall out zones, why not? However I understand that for many reasons they prefer not to go down that way / rabbit hole. I don't mind really, and tbh I'd prefer extension till the 90s and the addition of TOS-1 Buratino, to name something. And indeed for 'immersion' sense a dense fog with heavy EW, unfit troops and modded chem uniforms combined with a briefing telling what's going on could go a decent way of portraying fighting in such conditions. Although I've 0 experience with it, unlike others here. Plenty of fun to be had still, and at least as much to say for a pure conventional 'what if' compared to conventional +/++ 'what if's' imo.
  5. Like others posted, the Nvidia tool works great (if you have a supported card) imo, it does all what FRAPS could afaik. Haven't fiddled with FRAPS for ages because been using the Nvidia tool. Another pro is that it uses hardware acceleration IIRC, or in other words Nvidia put a small chip on cards dealing with the recording so it won't affect the FPS.
  6. Hehe corn grogs. I see that basically all 'cereal grain' can be called 'corn', didn't know that. Indeed I thought corn to be stricly 'maize'. Guess it depends where you live. Koren or graan in NL doesn't usually mean Maize or Rice. However it does include 'wheat', 'rye' and 'barley'. However in Asia rice is the dominant grain, while corn is the dominant corn/grain of choice in Mexico. So when I read a 'Corn' field I read a 'Maize' field and that sure ain't what's in the picture with the tanks. I'm no farmer but have some in the family and have seen plenty of Maize / corn fields from very close. You can hide very well in the corn fields hehe:
  7. Exactly my opinion. They are quite fast as well, have some offensive smoke capabilities and can spot reasonably with an extra team in it. Of course against IFVs/Tanks with FLIR optics for both gunner/commander, it will have a hard time. But in the way you describe they can still be very useful to support infantry.
  8. Strange, both run fine for me on steam. Do have some issues with the launcher for CMSF2 now and then, but that's it.
  9. And here it is, a good practice for anyone that likes to improve his/her BMP skills:
  10. Good result I think, and I agree that it's a great REDFOR scenario. The other ones in this campaign are of the same quality, @Bartimeus did quite a good job imo.
  11. SPOILER: First time I played it casually in RealTtime , I used one platoon on point, another in overwatch and 1 reserve. Scouts got hammered, I reacted aggressively but got hammered quite hard along the bridge and road. Did manage to fight through the forest but couldn't advance on objective in time. Can't remember the score. Lost several BMP-2s and I think two platoons took heavy casualties, and scouts got hammered too. Second time I played a bit more serious and formed two BMP-2s groups: one mainly made out of support team BMP-2s, with as much HQs / teams inside as possible. Those did the maneuvring / 'dangerous' overwatch duty. Rest of BMP-2s stayed in platoon formation and were on suppressive fire for their platoon / extra overwatch, generally further back and advancing in bounds. Still heavy fighting but against methodical firepower of the BMP-2 company the insurgents got annihilated. The bronegruppa-like tactics will be very helpful in the campaign. I like two divide them up into a couple of groups, based on tasks and load HQs/teams in there for the extra spotting. Some heavy fighting awaits!
  12. Ouch that hurts. First time I sort of blundered into the counter attack and not utilized my full company of BMP. Second time I improved and organized better, less casualties but still heavy fighting. I guess you had control of some objectives?
  13. And tbh my first playthrough of the first mission I got mauled by the AI. Insert disclaimers: [...]
  14. I think this was the first time in any CMx2 game where I deliberately chose to employ several MMGs on the same roof in a good way (and more below so it seems). I think t
  15. It will fire the 30mm instead of ATGM Edit: in specific circumstances.
  16. Try using target (not target briefly) with pauses and reverse + face, to cancel the target, and see how that works for you
  17. Think this campaign fits right in your alley, @borg 's alley and several others.
  18. Some screens with reshade (mostly from the first mission). Have quite some more screens but they contain obvious spoilers One thing I noticed is that the Steam CMSF2 without reshade runs much better for me at the moment. Anyway, some BMP-2 Action and infantry on the lookout:
  19. Having tested a couple of scenario's, I can say it's real fun and challenging! @Bartimeus did a great job creating a well crafted campaign and good looking maps out of the blue!
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