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Everything posted by Lethaface

  1. Although you probably know, Meijel / Overloon are not in the north of our country but rather in the south ;-). I'd imagine more battles about this and (!) the Schelde battle will be featured more when the next module for CMFB arrives, including the commonwealth forces.
  2. Plus IMO the 'points' are an approximation of the capabilities of the asset, the vision being that in a QB with an equal amount of force the combat power of opposing forces is roughly similar. They're not meant to be based on aspects like the original historic monetary value in wartime currencies, or how rare they were (those are the rarity points, but indeed those were probably also not based off fiscal policies but rather general availability in the time period). Using such values for the 'buying points' would defeat the idea of a QB imo.
  3. Indeed looking great! It will be great to have the hat guy as a pointmen in house 2 house fighting.
  4. I never did test-setups, but I am actually very sure that unbuttoning tanks helps a lot with regards to spotting (some examples excluded, like the M1A2SEP Abrams tanks who have optics that are just superior to unbuttoning). Apart from spotting the gunner/loader/driver should be able to operate the tank without the commander. I guess some 'soft factors' will be influenced if you compare a buttoned tank with commander vs a buttoned tank without one. Not sure about that one, but the ability to unbutton is certainly a noticeable advantage to have. It makes all the difference in spotting and firing first in tank duels at medium-long ranges.
  5. Turn your Christmas tree into rubble and join it with fire
  6. No TC makes quite the difference in spotting and situational awareness. Although I never played CM1 and the tank in question will indeed continue to operate without issue, especially if not in tank duels.
  7. There probably were over quite the number of years since CMBN was released (~2011). Tbh I think 1 is working as designed; just don't double click without noticing And yes sometimes this costs many time if it happens lol. Number 2 (and 3) would probably have been done a long time ago if it was easy to implement. Usually impassable terrain shows under mouse over, but for the hedgerows it doesn't and there is probably a reason why. I would really appreciate it too, it doesn't often happen but sometimes I forget that a BMP-2 can't drive over a low wall or some low hedge looks like one which they can drive through but than it turns out if you look better at it isn't one of those. Tbh I wouldn't expect these things to receive updates in CMx2, as IIRC they haven't changed since the introduction of CMBN. Since then quite a number of engine upgrades have been released, but these weren't part of the changes.
  8. Although I've learned to live with 1-3, there are sometimes when they still give me an issue. With regards to 4: actual snipers always come as a separate team. Designated marksman are part of a squad and should imo, stick with it. Depending on squad layout it's often already possible to split of a small(er) team with the marksman inside it.
  9. Welcome to the club Indeed finding time to play all things is the biggest challenge lol.
  10. So you have been putting the ERA to good use ;-). It's a big boon to have in RPG infested cities/complex terrain. Keep it up! Interested to read how it will hold up in a tank duel. I'd expect the Leo 1 to be still superior to most things the Syrians field, apart from the T-90 perhaps (and the Turms-T variants would be on par sort of I guess). But not sure if the 105mm is overmatching the T-72 front turret armor as much as the 120mm APFSDS, while it may have real difficulties with the Kontakt-5 ERA on the T-90's.
  11. Interesting, the BMP-2 should have some IR optics, which also show in the game (although no FLIR I think). Not sure if the BMP-1 even has outdated IR optics. Of course everything changes when fire is opened, because muzzle flashes are perfectly visible without IR optics.
  12. Nice! I guess that RPG-7VR round just missed that Leopard 1 c2 mexas? Would be curious to see how all that ERA holds up, although probably not good against a tandem HEAT round. Never played with the Leo 1 c2 IIRC, it does look good at least
  13. Does indeed seem off that only tracks are damaged (and light armored vehicles), but no other components/subsystems. I can't remember really, but I think this wasn't always the case (or more specific I think that in the past subsystems were damaged by artillery). Or is the issue only with air bursts?
  14. I haven't heard from @Liveload for a while. Think I have m all.
  15. Don't have much experience with such campaigns. As a matter of fact the only I have is partaking in the test of Nathanguns CMBS campaign on FGM. I think he does have quite some experience with campaigns though. Seeing you've already accustomed the KISS doctrine, there's not much I can add I'd imagine starting small with only a basic ruleset, expecting to work those out while learning what works and what doesn't, would be wise. Big question is how to keep 'everyone' involved I guess, although people will drop out like you say. One thing that might be interesting is using COOP. It's quite easy to setup to play a battle with a number of people for one side. Although I guess the downside is that everyone becomes a 'weakest link' in the way that one player who has less time will mean the whole game will delay.
  16. I heard it's also the due date for several men's periods.
  17. Sure seems interesting! My basket is rather full atm though, but will follow with interest.
  18. Continued with my save of the Hornets nest a bit. Something funny happened: Turns out, the more times you replay the turn, the minaret will lower into the building (it starts normal, the above is after I played it through many times to check if I was really noticing it moving). Save provided for who wants to try.Ashsh al-Dababir (The Hornets' Nest)2 - fun.bts
  19. Snipers in CMSF2 usually can get accurate long range shots. The MK-19 indeed is like 'the drunken shotgun of the gods', as others called it here ;-).
  20. Although fog (and forests etc) also allows infiltration for attackers.
  21. Agreed, I guess that's your 1/2 Dutch part speaking . Heavy fog makes a big difference as well. Need to control the engagement ranges and be prepared for hiding infantry being basically invisible until you step on it.
  22. Ah, that's why I always have to explain stuff backwards to foreigners
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