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    Sgt.Squarehead got a reaction from Aurelius in RT Unofficial Screenshot Thread   
    Za Rodinu! 
  2. Like
    Sgt.Squarehead got a reaction from Bud Backer in CAAR - CMFI Rome To Victory Beta - The Kirpan & the Rhino   
    Wondering if Ian's Sherman ever saw the 88? 
    If it did I suspect that position will start to attract spotting rounds rather soon. 
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    Sgt.Squarehead reacted to Aurelius in RT Unofficial Screenshot Thread   
    PBEM match continued: The hunt for Tiger II!
    The Tiger II sits and observes the fields, it's commander amused and slightly worried by the fact that he was engaged six times by AP shells, every shell bounced off from the armor.

    Efreitors Polivanov and Dyatlov (circled) decide to engage the enemy tank commander.

    The commander is grazed, he panics, the turret is rotated to confront the shooters, the driver starts reversing, smoke is popped.

    The Tiger II reverses straight into the sights of Captain Astakhov. So that is the beast that Sergeant Saprygin reported and engaged six times without success!

    The crew works as one and sends a bolvanka as a greeting to the enemy tank.

    The engine dies, the crew pops smoke.

    Captain Astakhov and his crew finish the job.

    The Tiger II is destroyed, no survivors.

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    Sgt.Squarehead got a reaction from Bud Backer in CAAR - CMFI Rome To Victory Beta - The Kirpan & the Rhino   
    That was scarily close!  
  5. Like
    Sgt.Squarehead got a reaction from grungar in Stryker campaign   
    I've reported these issues and they were acknowledged.....@IanL  Any news at all?
    There are also issues with some of the briefings IIRC.....It's a while since I looked at it.
    PS - IIRC a JTAC gets the best call times for drones, @MOS:96B2P can probably confirm or deny.
  6. Like
    Sgt.Squarehead reacted to Macisle in Need odd LOS issue looked at   
    On a positive note about the protection factor of complex modular buildings...
    I had time for a couple of turns today in my playtest. I'm still working on the one that I posted the suicide rout example shots from. Well, the northern threat was beaten into hiding, so I sent in a tank to deal with the east alley threat. Due to LOS, it had to target the ground in front of the enemy wall, rather than the wall itself. However, in my experience, that can give good results, too. -Sometimes better, as the HE splash can knock out walls across multiple adjacent building sections, along with perhaps causing casualties. Anyway, I put in a few shots and knocked out their wall.

    Here's what happened as soon as the smoke cleared:

    No survivors.
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    Sgt.Squarehead got a reaction from MOS:96B2P in Shock Force 2 Unofficial Screenshot And Video Thread   
    This makes me happy! 
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    Sgt.Squarehead got a reaction from A Canadian Cat in Trouble installing CMSF2 Big Bundle   
    I'd strongly recommend opening a ticket, here:
    Use the 'new ticket' tab in the top right corner of the page.
  11. Upvote
    Sgt.Squarehead got a reaction from MOS:96B2P in Heaven & Earth: Project discussion thread   
    Here's another of the delta:

    Not too happy with the jungle in the background.....Back to adding foliage. 
  12. Like
    Sgt.Squarehead reacted to 37mm in Heaven & Earth: Project discussion thread   
    Playing around with the new [burnt] tag, our invisible vehicle and some extra buildings for the war torn cities.

  13. Like
    Sgt.Squarehead got a reaction from Bud Backer in CAAR - CMFI Rome To Victory Beta - The Kirpan & the Rhino   
    I suspect Ian's in a similar place. 
    That you can deliver the suspense of 'waiting for the turn' vicariously is a credit to your storytelling.
  14. Like
    Sgt.Squarehead got a reaction from Bud Backer in CAAR - CMFI Rome To Victory Beta - The Kirpan & the Rhino   
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    Sgt.Squarehead reacted to Macisle in Need odd LOS issue looked at   
    I haven't been able to hunt through old unmarked game saves, but did generate a new example. This is from an urban environment. The building height of the unit is only two levels, but a simiilar thing can happen with much higher buildings, including "double walled" buildings, where the unit only needs to retreat one action spot to the rear on the same level to escape enemy line of sight. Anyway, here are some detailed screens. The unit in question is green. The behavior seems to happen more often with lower quality units, but can happen with higher as well.
    The setup. The top of the image is N, which is also the enemy map edge. Bottom is S, the friendly edge direction. The unit in question is marked with the arrow. It is in C2, with the HQ unit identified via a drawn red line. The HQ unit is in the rear, in safety inside a cleared block. The suicide unit is on the second level with a previously identified enemy unit across the road to its north, and two other identified enemy units directly to the east, with LOS down the alley to the road between the green unit and the northern enemy unit. The suicide unit can reach total safety by simply dropping one level to the windowless bottom of its current building section. Or, it can move to the lower level of the attached section to the east, which is also windowless. A third option would be to exit via one of the two doors in the attached section and move south in the direction of the HQ (and friendly map edge). Next image confirms window and door placement.

    As you can see, two completely safe, accessible lower levels are as near as can be, along with two safe exits, assuming the unit moves south, towars the HQ/friendly map edge.

    However, as the unit panics and displaces, it opts not to use the two immediate safe locations out of enemy LOS and exits out the less safe, but still potentially safe side exit. However, it opts to go north into known danger, rather than south to the safety of the HQ/friendly map edge.

    The unit has now placed itself into the LOS of both known enemy threats.

    First, the eastern alley shooters take out a man.

    Then, the northern threat tosses a grenade as they pass by.

    Two more men are lost.

    Finally, the unit enters a door to safety after losing a number of men. The losses were completely unneccessary and unrealistic. In RL, green units would almost certainly run downstairs and hide, or bolt back to their HQ.

    While this behavior doesn't happen every time, it does happen fairly frequently. When it does, no amount of available cover seems to help.
    Hope this is useful info.
  17. Like
    Sgt.Squarehead reacted to L0ckAndL0ad in CV90 bells and whistles   
    Hello everyone!
    One of my favorite vehicles in CMSF was CV90. There's little info, but maybe somebody else knows... ( @Artkin maybe?)
    The vehicle in the game is CV9035NL with Bushmaster III 35/50 gun. Does it have airburst-capable rounds IRL? And were they available in CMSF timeframe (2008)? I remember reading about this back in CMSF1 days, but now I can't find it.
    And how does it really compare in defensive qualities and features compared to other IFVs? Both in terms of armor, passive measures and active. APS integration (Iron Fist), from what I've read so far, is being talked about since 2016 only.. So outside  of CMSF timeframe.
    Are there any other interesting things about this vehicle maybe?
  18. Like
    Sgt.Squarehead reacted to Ghost of Charlemagne in CV90 bells and whistles   
    I hope it's okay to resurrect this thread rather than create a new one on the CV90. 
    I recently talked to a Danish dude who served on the CV9035DK in Afghanistan, and he told me some interesting things that the game doesn't get right. 
    1. The CV9035's Bushmaster III gun has two magazines of 35 rounds each, for a total of 70 ready-to-fire rounds. 
    2. The vehicle has an addition 280 rounds (for at total of 350, and not 210 as in the game.) in ammo storage boxes, unfortunately he didn't specify if all of these extra rounds were stored internally or if some of them were stored in the external storage box on the side of the turret. 
    3. The extra rounds are linked together in 7-round belts, because of the sheer size and weight of each round - a 25mm round weighs almost a third of a 35mm one. 
    4. The magazines can be reloaded from inside the vehicle, and the linked and linkless feed system of the Bushmaster III gun means that 7-rounds belts can be quickly fed into the gun mechanism and linked together with 5 more belt as they were feeding. Unfortunately he didn't specify the amount of time it would take to reload all 5 belts.  
    5. Because of the limited number of ready-to-fire rounds, they would strictly use single rounds, or 5-round bursts against high-priority targets like RPG-gunners or suspected VBIEDs. 
    6. They had two different automatic firing patterns for 5-round bursts- they could either be fired at the same target or be spread out in a linear pattern.  
    7. Even with single rounds they were able to hit targets at distances of several kilometers. He stressed that the CV90s had a profound effect on the Talibans willingness to engage Danish or coalition forces in their vicinity. 
  19. Like
    Sgt.Squarehead reacted to Ithikial_AU in CMSF2 Dutch Campaign Revamp Preview   
    Good evening all,
    @BFCElvis has granted permission for some preview pics to be shared with the community of the upcoming Dutch Campaign revamp. (The remaining CMSF campaigns haven't been forgotten ).
    Dutch Campaign revamp for CMSF2 is being handled by @Imperial Grunt and Ithikial_AU.
    Some of the key changes from CMSF1 version (slight spoilers)
    - Reworked briefings to provide more narrative flavour around the Dutch effort and it's role in the wider conflict.
    - Lowered campaign difficulty to be more accessible to players of varying skill levels. (Don't worry I don't think having to undertake MOUT missions with a small Company(+) force will be considered "easy"). There was an initial 15% casualty rule in the old campaign, equating to automatic scenario and potentially campaign loss - this was considered pretty harsh. Some hunting around archive forum posts on the Battlefront forums helped identify issues. We were also aware the CMSF engine had evolved since the original release, with automatic weapons now being much more lethal making this parameter difficult for players to meet.
    - Victory conditions and campaign script reworked for some scenarios to reflect their close timing and geography between battles. For example, shared support assets, no ammunition resupply, the next missions time of day dependent on the outcome of battle before etc.
    - Infantry replenishment added at key points of the campaign.
    - Maps tweaked to take advantage of new map features (water, bridges, fortifications etc). Some urban maps have been cratered/ruined to reflect the timing of the campaign in the wider conflict.
    - Changes to AI plans to take advantage of new features introduced since CMSF’s release.
    - Joint ops for all. (You'll have to play through the campaign to know what that means).
    So I guess the cat is out of the bag. I was asked to come on board to help out earlier in the year and the first task I got was helping out on this one. Most of the work is done with scenarios individually tested and tweaks made. We're just waiting on briefing graphics and final blind runs through the entire campaign to see how it plays. Obviously R2V has priority at the moment but for the modern war fans there's something around the corner.

    "MOUT again?"

    Tweaked mission conditions and maps.

    The Syrians get some new toys. Your air support is no longer invincible.

    Reworked maps. In this MOUT engagement the city isn't as pristine as it once was.
  20. Like
    Sgt.Squarehead got a reaction from Bud Backer in CAAR - CMFI Rome To Victory Beta - The Kirpan & the Rhino   
    Can you mount infantry on tanks in CM:FI.....I forget? 
    One of my favourite little packages in CM:RT is a StuG with a HMG team aboard, these two units in combination really can make a bloody nuisance of themselves, out of all proportion to their numbers, in situations like this. 
  21. Like
    Sgt.Squarehead got a reaction from Bud Backer in CAAR - CMFI Rome To Victory Beta - The Kirpan & the Rhino   
    If Von Reiser were to tuck his StuG into the bend in that road looking down toward the bridge, he would be a nightmare to get rid of, especially if you could position some infantry to defend his right flank.
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    Sgt.Squarehead got a reaction from jtsjc1 in Heaven & Earth: The Delta   
    Really nice to see some life on it after staring at it in the editor for so long.....The new boats are splendid. 
  25. Like
    Sgt.Squarehead got a reaction from 37mm in Heaven & Earth: The Delta   
    Hopefully the new format hills are more user-friendly than my earlier efforts.....Once the mod's out there I'd certainly love to see what you do with it. 
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