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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Sgt.Squarehead

  1. Hopefully not, especially if we are room-sweeping: A quick online search offers little more than 'The PPSh-41 ended its military service in the Soviet Army sometime in the 1960s.' (their emphasis not mine).
  2. Cheers dude, done: I'm well chuffed with that for a first attempt. I'll put a link in the message thread.
  3. Cheers @Lucky_Strike. I had a mess around with the various textures you sent me, the finer grained less contrasting styles definitely worked best, but the colder colour palette didn't match the 'Heaven & Earth' look, so I had a mess with the colour balance & contrast of a couple of them in Photoshop and I think we have a winner (17a).....What do you think? Close up it's visibly rocky and it blends well with the other tiles (Heavy Rocks & both types of Forest tile here): It still looks reasonably interesting at a more normal viewing distance Further out the pattern repeat is only really visible if you look for it, certainly no worse than the stock option IMHO: Problem is, now I need to sort the distant .bmps to match.....Any idea how to do that at all please? PS - @37mm I (sorta) made a mod! PPS - Just checked it out in some of the other maps.....Not so good in the Mountain environment, think I'm gonna stick the [Delta] Tag on it.
  4. He fires it into the ground right at his own feet and blows himself to bits?
  5. If you are not otherwise using fortifications, invisible barbed wire might be an option.
  6. Many thanks. PS - Decided I didn't like the towers on those tenement buildings: They're down to just the thirty individual rooms, but I think they look better for it. PS - For some reason I'm getting moire effect on these buildings today.....I wasn't getting it yesterday and I haven't changed any settings! Any ideas? PPS - Apparently it's caused when I turn Shaders on.....Never noticed this before. PPPS - Apologies again for the indecently exposed hill in the background.....The city is going up there too eventually, so there ain't much point in me dressing it yet.
  7. Go with the flow, bro! If I had to guess, your IT guy may have rather overdone it with the settings in AVG, but it is only a guess.
  8. @Lucky_Strike Those darker cliffs look surprisingly effective, not sure if they'd work as well in H&E, but they do look good in that game engine.
  9. Dude, BF's designers have been making multi-unit structures from modular buildings (clue in the name) for over a decade.....Who do you think I learned it from?
  10. You get over it soon enough and get on with making what you can.....That's my approach at any rate. Having extra eye-candy to distract from game-enginje induced ugliness always helps.
  11. Ah yes, just realised this is CM:CW not CM:BS.
  12. Sounds like somebody has buggered it's configuration up.....Suspect that may be at the root of many of the difficulties you've been having. What are you using? PM me if you don't want to discuss it in open forum.
  13. I'm aware of some of the fighting you refer to and of some allegations relating to it.
  14. Either: Hits with the third. or (more likely IMHO): Fires one, misses, Bradley 'god-spots' & turns him into mince-meat.
  15. I really hate it when that happens.....The discussion here is rather putting me off the Soviet campaign which I had been looking forward to, having thoroughly enjoyed the Soviet training missions.
  16. You really do seem quite adamant about that. Have they stepped forward.....I've not noticed them?
  17. Cheers dude, they were kinda fiddly to make! Starting to get the look I was after down on the seafront: I'm now attempting to extend the urban sprawl up the hill on the other side of the highway.....We'll see how that looks in due course, CM hills & CM houses don't like each other very much.
  18. Did you leave your AV on while installing? Did you ping John already?
  19. That's because of the tile spacing.....If you want bocage on either side of the road that's as tight as it can be (hedge tiles overwrite road tiles and vice versa as anyone familar with the editor would know). However it's quite easy to make the sort of urban scenes in those images, again within the limitations of the tiles.....TBH countless map-makers have done so. PS - IMHO making hillside villages is where CM falls on its face somewhat.....It's a nightmare task!
  20. I'm wondering why Massoud wasn't backed and remained a 'nobody', as you so charmingly put it, when various crooks, like Karzai & Ghani were.....They hardly proved to be 'somebody' did they? BTW - My previous comment was based on the presumption that you were suggesting that the Pashtuns wouldn't accept Massoud because he was a Tajik.
  21. BTW - @chuckdyke In relation to one of your previous comments.....These tenement buildings: Have, IIRC, 35 individual rooms each.
  22. You are kinda missing the point.....See all that grey? I didn't choose for that to be there. Meanwhile, back at the beach: Apologies for the naked hills in the background.....I haven't even looked at looked at that area since this was sliced off 'The Delta', what seems like a very long time ago now.
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