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Everything posted by Sgt.Squarehead

  1. It should have blown a hole through that wall. Was your Blast order in the middle or at the end of a string of orders? I've noticed the game sometimes swaps Blast out for Quick under those circumstances.
  2. I think (but I may be wrong), that he's unhappy about something.
  3. Best bet for screenshots in CM is FRAPS: https://fraps.com/ Then set yopurself up with an image hosting site like Imgur: https://imgur.com/
  4. @JM Stuff Did you do any more with the minaret? I'd love to give it a look.
  5. Just had to run a pair of scout teams through heavy US mortar fire near Biazzo Ridge, to tell my myopic Tigers where the puny 6pdr that's plinking them is!
  6. @MOS:96B2P created a thread that demonstrates all of this in some detail IIRC (with pictures & everything).....Sadly I'm not sure where abouts it resides. Hopefully he'll pop in with a link. In a situation like this, as @domfluff suggests, it can be quicker to detatch a two-man scout team from a1 and send them directly to b2's location.
  7. I hadn't realised they fitted cloaking devices to M60s too!
  8. I believe that's one of @37mm's products.....He's a creative chap. Any chance of getting a copy of the blank map when its done please?
  9. Yes to all of it, as a general rule.....Sometimes there can be 'complications' (particularly with Red units in CM:SF2). If you are designing a scenario and want the force composition you describe above, it is also possible to attach tanks to a parent infantry formation by using the Single Vehicle options (I do this a lot in CM:SF2 to mitigate Red's already catastrophic C2 issues).
  10. It still managed to take out five of my dudes (in four seperate sections spread over about a 30m area) with a single shell before we got it, those 152mm HE shells are nasty!
  11. Advancing Finnish forces come upon a SU-152 on a forest trail.....Reacting swiftly, they swarm and surround it: The ISU is quickly overwhelmed in a rain of grenades: The ISU crew find no mercy from the Finns: (Second Battle, Tali-Ihantala).
  12. Surrounded & hopelessly outnumbered, a small group of Afghan Tribals prepare to sell their lives dearly:
  13. I was really enjoying the scenario with my workaround in place, however in that sort of scenario, I only use the units I use, everything else sits where it started until I gather enough information to develop my plan.....My assumption is always that the setup area is sacrosanct. While following the adventures of my scout teams I kept hearing loud bangs.....Initial checks seemed to indicate that these were from a TOW attempting to take out one of the other BRDMs as it went for a little swim, fair enough. However the bangs continued and I then noticed the number of trees around the initial setup area was diminishing.....At this point I was thinking 'spotting rounds'. Then the reinforcements arrived and the truth of the matter became obvious.....A tank (I believe) had been trying to plink my MBTs since the start of the battle, but the trees were partially obscuring it and providing good, but diminishing cover. When the reinforcements arrived the next platoon of tanks was parked in alignment with the first and outside the cover of the trees.....Boom! It really did feel like the units had been dumped straight onto the map from the editor.....Very frustrating as I reckon it would take me all of about ten minutes to rewrite the reinforcements so they arrive a little more stealthily and in a slightly more organised fashion.
  14. I found an interesting work around.....If you split off a two man scout team from each of your initial six infantry squads, you can put two men from each platoon into each BRDM. When they are in the vehicle they have radio C2 with their parent platoons, meaning both infantry platoons get contacts direct, rather than through Co. HQ. However my enjoyment of the scenario was rather spoiled when all the reinforcing units arrived in a single big blob, nothing even resembling a formation, and then a T-62 took a hit immediately after arrival.
  15. That's Singling (recognised it straight away).....Whoever made that map did a really nice job! PS - Looks like you did rather better than Creighton Abrams.
  16. This area was dense forest 75 minutes earlier: Now it's a graveyard! The Horror! (First Battle, Tali-Ihantala).
  17. Can't see anything.....Which is a shame as I really like new maps.
  18. Hard to tell, it might be a lighter track, but regardless of that it still can't have extended end connectors.....End of story.
  19. Don't know if it's already been mentioned, but in the scenario 'Czechmate' your BRDM recon vehicles have no C2 links to the rest of your formation. Also your reinforcements spawn in direct LOS of the enemy.....Again!
  20. Just out of interest, what was the experience levels etc. of the troops involved? I kind of expect this sort of dumbassery from my pixeltruppen if they're Green, -1, or below (I honestly have no idea if the game factors this in, but it sometimes feels like it does).
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