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Everything posted by Sgt.Squarehead

  1. The general turret configuration in the first two images is by far the most common on any 75mm Sherman, from the introduction of the type onward.....Things get a bit more complex later in the production run with the introduction of the 76mm equipped turrets and the addition of the true all-round-vision cupola and loader's hatches of various configurations. Suffice it to say that the ability to fire the .50cal into any aspect should be considered the norm for the 75mm Shermans and pretty much the norm for the 76mms. Here's a late production T-23 turret with all-round-vision cupola and oval loader's hatch, it's one of the less common later configurations that does not have a rotating pintle mount, rather it has a fixed pintle in the turret centre: Here's another exception, the high-bustle 75mm turret with all-round-vision cupola & oval loader's hatch: While it's not apparent in the image this type had a similar fixed pintle. These types are the exception to the general rule and they are from later in the production run (presumably after it became apparent thet the Luftwaffe was a spent force and killing infantry was easier with HE). This page will help: http://the.shadock.free.fr/sherman_minutia/turret_types/turret_types.html PS - No need to dig.....I have Hunnicutt & many others. PPS - Maybe have a look at some of the build threads in the GB I linked to, the minutia of the Sherman (of various configurations) are laid out for all to see in various scales & I'm not even slightly exaggerating the expertise of some of the guys there: PPPS - If one of the Russian speakers on the site could give a clear explanation of the slogans (apart from 'For Stalin' obviously) on this vehicle it would be very welcome, there is some concern that something may be missing, here's the other side:
  2. I don't think they are claiming to be fighting ISIS, it's the PKK (YPG) they are targeting.
  3. Perhaps the pack could be released in a manner similar to the Engine 4 Upgrade.....I'd want UnCons in everything (including CM:BS), but others might not feel the same way.
  4. Poor Mosul. The 'Old-City' portion of West Mosul was a warren before the bombing started, I had a look at it in various media and it would be a serious challenge to map in CM, even before it was blown to smithereens.
  5. You are misunderstanding what you are seeing, that whole circular surround rotates, moving the pintle & MG with it: Low bustle 75mm turret, note position of pintle mount Here's another turret of the same spec: Note the position of the pintle mount in this image. The same applies to many but not all T-23 turret (76mm) Shermans: Note identical hatch configuration (but now in the loader's position) with usual pintle arrangement. If you are seriously interested in Shermans I'm hosting the M3/M4 Medium Tank GB over on Britmodeller, there are some very talented and extremely well informed folks taking part.....Plenty of information to be found on a type that is surprisingly misunderstood given its prevalence. Err, yeah.....Through the sight built into the ball mount:
  6. Agree with the lads, it's great to CM:A getting some attention.....I don't normally use mods much, but these will be added to my game. One mod that would make the game look better would be a replacement for the Mig-23 Air Support graphic, the current one shows a picture of a Mig-25 Foxbat.
  7. I hate it when they do that! It's all good.....Seeing as it was you that told me about it! I reckon we could filter quite a novel 'Hints & Tips' thread from the Mosul chat, although it might be better used as a 'How Not To' go about designing a scenario (ie: on a whim).....But I suppose that it does also demonstrate that with proper guidance even a relative n00b can make something that's playable.
  8. Off hand I can only think of some of the T-23 turret 76mm versions, these had MG stowage 'horns' on the back of the turret and a series of pintle mounts,.....But even these had a mount that was accessible to the commander from his hatch (if perhaps somewhat awkwardly and assuming the gun was located there at the appropriate time) IIRC.
  9. Mine too.....I've been advised that 60% casualties or thereabouts can trigger a surrender, so an appropriately sized force can be added as a 'post battle reinforcement' to prevent this.....You do have to remember to take these measures into account when allocating VP though. Reinstall?
  10. The comparative ancientness of that movie is relative to that of the viewer.
  11. This is a misconception, the MG is usually stowed behind the hatch to keep it out of the way, but the whole cupola that it's mounted on can rotate to allow the commander to fire it from his hatch into any aspect of the tank.
  12. That'll be the radio operator/bow MG gunner (which would explain a lot). That shouldn't be the case, on most Sherman's the TC can fire the .50cal (or other AAMG) into almost any arc (if he's brave enough to unbutton and use it).
  13. Blimey! Had a similar experience with a gung-ho Spy in CM:A who wound up running around with an RPK-74 and a selection of other hardware.
  14. @Ts4EVER Good spot on the Luchs and 9 Pz. (only they & 4 Pz. had the full complement in their recon battalion).....Love the Luchs, so you've sorted my entertainment for later on, cheers all! PS - Love the honesty of your reactions in that video!
  15. I'd give them that too.....They did their best to get period gear for the film. It made Bovvy a few £££ too, so it's all good on that front. That said, I still wouldn't use it as a reference for anything.
  16. Operation Storm 333 is one of the stock scenarios for CM:A: I've managed to win it with slightly less than the historical losses on one occasion, I've also suffered at least two total debacles due to poor planning.
  17. Suddenly the need to establish secure local HQ locations becomes very clear doesn't it.....The more I see of these games the more I respect I have for the work that's gone into them. I fervently wish we had 'Persistent Map Damage' so that we could put the game engine's full power on show on a whopping campaign map, with proper scouting missions and so on.....IMHO it's the single engine tweak that the game needs most now (after the 'fleeing under fire' issue).
  18. One question that I've never got straightened out in my own head.....Do vehicles & their passengers always have to be in the same AI group? I could set an experiment up in the editor, I know, but I'm kinda busy right now.....So if anyone already knows the answer (which I strongly suspect is the case), I'd appreciate a heads up.
  19. Nice paint job, love the rims, looks roomy inside too.....I'll take it for a test-drive! The chipping effects are very nicely done.....One thing a lot of scale modellers add these days, but which I've not noticed on virtual models, is 'rain streaking' where pale looking streaks of dust & dirt are deposited on the hull sides by rain-water. This video shows how it's done on a scale model:
  20. That bit made laugh so hard.....I used to play on a particular Red Orchestra server with a lot of really good players, one of the ultimate acts to earn Kudos there was to take out a Tiger with a T-60 on the huge open Orel Heights map, this required an action that became known as the 'Tiger Dance'. Basically this involved using your tiny size and manoeuvrability to stay at point blank range (<10m) in the Tiger's 4-7 o'clock while hammering the rear hull plate with your 20mm cannon. Eventually you will get a critical which will set the engine on fire, after that you just wait for the crew to bail, remaining prepared to back away in case they have satchel-charges or a Panzerfaust. Then there was 'Clown Car Stacking', that was loads of fun too..... (I miss that game a lot.....Can you tell).
  21. Probably too busy pulling bits of shrapnel out of their faces. Seriously, the crew are in a notorious fiery death-trap and something has just smashed straight through (IIRC) their second thickest armour.....Their priorities might not be exactly as you'd like after that.
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