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Everything posted by Sgt.Squarehead

  1. Cheers for that fella, I thought it looked a bit odd, even for NERA! Modern tanks really are entirely too complicated, I'm much happier with simple things, like the Sherman. PS - I thought the armour upgrades had been removed from the SEPv3 program and included in a SEPv4 specification.
  2. + Another. If anyone here can help you with a technical issue @Schrullenhaft is that man.
  3. They do. Various members then responded and explained exactly why it can't happen without diving into the editor (and I should add, how to do exactly what you were asking for in the editor). But the bleating continued.....And here we are. Which takes more effort do you think: BFC rewriting the whole game. Users opening the Scenario Editor. Answers on a postcard please.
  4. When I can find the article again I'll link to it, but there are some figures in Wiki for the current APFSDS (the designation of which eludes me).
  5. Don't think anyone's mad at you fella, just a bit perplexed at why you don't click that button and answer all these questions for yourself.....You are clearly a bright bloke and you are clearly interested in the intricacies of the system. The most experienced (& least experienced) guys here all keep telling you exactly the same thing, that the easiest answer to many of your questions is to be found in the editor, but you apparently just won't click that button.
  6. Great thread on advanced tank armour (NERA) here (I suspect @IMHO is familiar with it): http://sturgeonshouse.ipbhost.com/topic/553-****ing-nera-everywhere/ Similar thread for ERA: http://sturgeonshouse.ipbhost.com/topic/574-explosive-reactive-armor/ The current proposed armour upgrades do actually cover the frontal aspect, these would (AFAIK) be applied in addition to the upgraded side armour (as seen in CM:BS) in high threat environments. This in itself is an acknowledgement of the threat presented by modern ATGMs/RPGs (& Russia's improved long-rod penetrators): PS - Wow! The forum word filter sorted the title without breaking the link, I'm actually pretty impressed by that!
  7. I refer you to my learned colleague: Click the one button marked 'Scenario Editor' and all will be revealed! I definitely agree.....On the other hand, this shouldn't stop those so inclined from jumping into the editor, making the changes they want (& dealing with the consequences of doing so), it's a good way to learn to use the editor.
  8. Yup, there's plenty as others have shown. Inevitably when you dump weapons into a volatile environment, they will be dispersed, regardless of your intentions: http://uk.businessinsider.com/isis-javelin-2017-8?r=US&IR=T
  9. Maybe we should open a map making suggestions thread like the one for AI? That one's in CM General Discussion Forum which makes sense as any tweaks would apply to everything before too long (except poor CM:A ).
  10. Amen to that too (What's all this agreeing about? ) Indeed in a tank on tank engagement its the combination of 'cyber-spotting' & 'laser-panic' that most screws things (IMHO).....A really good crew with a round already up the spout should have the option of firing it straight down the beam while their opponents are mucking about. PS - While I don't disagree with the general gist of your point regarding Trophy/ERA I do think you are placing a little too much emphasis on it's focus toward RPGs.....Perhaps fairer to say it broadly provides a supplemental defence against advanced chemical-energy warheads, found in both modern RPGs and modern fast ATGMs (precisely because composites & ERA were beginning to demonstrate vulnerability to such weapons).
  11. No argument there and as I discovered it's all too easy to waste a lot of time in the editor trying to do something overly complex/clever.....On the other hand, nothing ventured, nothing gained. Anything that encourages people to get creative in the editor is a good thing IMHO, especially now with CM:SF II imminent. Appreciate the input, I guess how it's framed in the briefing would be a big factor, if the player understands that he's witnessing a scene setter and that the ambushed party is not 'his troops' (and thus the ambush will cost the player no VP) I think it would be broadly acceptable to most people surely?
  12. Totally agree with the wish for more ruined buildings, also a ruined state for walls that matches what a bit of artillery soon produces would be great.....Placing a million flavour objects is not the ideal solution for linear ruins TBH.
  13. If this is 'Charge of The Stryker Brigade' there are issues with the briefing in mission one too.....It states the battalion 120mm mortars will be available and they are not.
  14. Agree with this.....Exported versions of the Abrams are not even close to the spec of the M1A2 SEPv2, let alone the SEPv3. Saudi versions are alleged to be more capable than the Iraqi versions (probably why the Iraqis want T-90), but they've displayed their usual tactical genius and managed to lose quite a few. But I also agree with this.....Modern ATGMs are just plain mean. However the issue that is most pertinent is this:
  15. In Mosul I took the 'best average' of the damage inflicted by my playtesters and modelled it on the overlapping section of map in the editor, it took quite a time to do it, but my map is just a tiny fraction of yours, I can't even imagine how long it would take to do the same thing with this one!
  16. The Occupy objectives may be set to 'Known to Enemy' or 'Known to Neither' (deliberately or otherwise), you will have to find them for yourself.
  17. Nope, still grinding away, I'm five missions in on Blue, three on Red.....I keep rewriting the third Blue mission, just can't get a satisfying scenario.
  18. Yup, I'd buy it in a second at that price.....But realistically it just ain't going to happen. Better get your modding hats on for CM:SF II and pray for a new vehicle/weapons pack in the not too distant future. PS - I did suggest to Steve that he should declare unilateral sanctions on Snow(whatever) I'm sure the US govt. would support his initiative.....Apparently unilateral sanctions are all the rage these days.
  19. Looks like we're about to find out if upgraded M60s are any good, Turkish Sabras have been deployed to Afrin.....Better hope the Kurds don't have Kornet (or Javelin).
  20. I'd guess that would fall under the 'exaggeration of capabilities' I alluded to earlier.....But why bother even going there? We both know how it ends.
  21. TBH that's why I suggested stacked Medium IEDs, they are just enough for the job and even if both go off it doesn't leave a massive crater. I know you don't like these dramatic scenario starts @Combatintman, but tastes differ and it's not an inauthentic way for the action to commence. Workarounds for the problems you describe can be devised, not with 100% predictability for sure, but within a reasonable margin of error IMHO.....If @ncc1701e can pull it off, I'd certainly be willing to give it a go. This would indeed be a viable option.....But a lot less dramatic.
  22. A Kurdish perspective: http://www.rudaw.net/english/middleeast/syria/230120181 A Turkish perspective: http://aa.com.tr/en/middle-east/turkey-backed-fighters-liberate-more-villages-in-syria/1040369 The 'claim' has definitely turned up in the latter! PS - Interestingly this article, from the same source, claiming to identify 'Why is the Afrin situation a threat to Turkey': http://aa.com.tr/en/analysis-news/why-is-the-afrin-situation-a-threat-to-turkey/1033281 Doesn't mention Daesh or ISIS once. Some truly priceless quotes in this latest one: I thought that was Syria, Hezbollah & Iran? Our conquering heroes motivation finally becomes clear!
  23. Ahhhh.....We've been at cross purposes to some extent. I hadn't seen that claim from a news source that I respect, but I don't doubt it will get some use. Frankly I'm utterly disgusted by all of it, if I were to openly say exactly what I really feel, my time here would be at an end. Oh I suspect there are a few, hiding under rocks with all the other vermin.....But they are far from a viable target for the Turkish army, a particularly well armed pest-controller would be more proportionate. PS - Interesting to note the terminology used, suddenly these are no longer 'Valued SDF/YPG Allies', instead they have become 'Kurdish Militias', which makes it all OK, presumably. PPS - Apparently it's all Russia's fault: http://www.aljazeera.com/indepth/features/russia-green-light-turkeys-afrin-offensive-180123064315810.html
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