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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Sgt.Squarehead

  1. What do you think is wrong with it? That scheme's pretty well known and documented.....Here's a period image of a tank from the same company: I'd say they did a pretty fine job (forgot to idiot-proof their schurzen though).
  2. That's my general understanding, supported my limited testing of that mode in CM:A.....The units in question appear to dig in and slug it out, not moving until they have eliminated any opposition. I'm wary of it too, hence the limited testing and only in CM:A.
  3. Just how much politics do we need to have in a thread before it breaks the no politics rule?
  4. .50SLAP is your friend.....Goes through bricks like butter.
  5. That's a one off Pz.IV with hydrostatic transmission: http://www.tanks-encyclopedia.com/ww2/nazi-germany/panzer-iv-mit-hydrostatischem-antrieb/
  6. TBH while I do see the utility of your wider idea I'd be happy for the AI just to be able to drop massive lumps of explosive (or clouds of smoke) on a player mid-battle in a predictable fashion (the normal AI Target painted zones for artillery, but with a timing option of some kind).....That alone would make me very happy.
  7. Ahhhh.....Smokescreens! If there were one tweak I would bite your arm off for right now it would be the ability to assign a turn number (or even better a start and end time) to the AI Targets list.....God what a difference that would make! Please, please @Battlefront.com, if it's possible, make it happen!
  8. A retreat in place followed by a pause of about a minute and a half might be more effective as it gives the smoke screen chance to spread out.....I need to get back to this in the editor and have another mess around.
  9. Please keep me informed of any progress on that front.
  10. I could get very deeply into the realms of 'whataboutism' (or moral equivalence as grown ups might call it) with that statement right there.
  11. Once again that might be considered a matter of perspective.....People in glass houses & all that.
  12. I don't think Russia are alone in that. This. Or to put it another way Russia is attempting to make the US & NATO live up to the promises they made in the 90s.
  13. To celebrate our victorious coup, local aldermen perform the traditional 'Air Guitar Conga': See.....I didn't burn everything after all! Meanwhile.....Former regime soldier Abdul Aziz decided that, all things considered, his day could have gone a lot worse: My hat's off to the mighty @MOS:96B2P for this epic creation.....Absolutely magnificent!
  14. The Canadian advisors have a few concerns about the composition of this locally recruited 'WMD Task Force': PS - Look.....A view of Al Mout where nothing's on fire!
  15. Defence by international committee.....What could possibly go wrong? PS - I'm sure the French will love being told when & where they may or may not use their nuclear forces by Brussels.
  16. So what would happen if a putative member of this euro military grouping got into a squabble with a NATO member? Don't say it can't happen, we've seen it plenty of times in the past.
  17. I reckon it should be called the Europe Union Nations' Unified Command Headquarters.....Because they don't have any balls either.
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