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Everything posted by Sgt.Squarehead

  1. Is this mod & map pack still available anywhere? It looks awesome.
  2. That's an interesting idea, I'm always interested by alternative settings for these games.....The biggest issue I forsee would be modelling the Lebanese. I've been considering trying to do something from the Iran-Iraq war, possibly with CM:A as the timing is just about right and it can easily model Type-59s (just use a T-54B).
  3. I think it may be present.....Possibly represented by the building with gardens with a cross shaped path, near the left centre of the image.
  4. I'd expect it to have at least two campaigns.....One for each side. Judging by the number of very large 'master' type maps we've seen, there could be more (and there's so much potential to make them, if they haven't been made already). I can't wait to get @benpark's awesome Berlin map into the editor.....Preferably in CM:BS!
  5. Decided to try something in a conventional WWII format.....Experiments with a test CM:FB scenario entitled 'The Lost Platoon' are underway. Simple concept, nightmare conditions, lots of time.....Density of Germans yet to be determined.
  6. Not me mate.....The sun has started to come up while the fight continues (and there's explosions). PS - It may not end well for my Mujahideen if they are still running around in broad daylight. PPS - I think this may well be the penultimate testing variant of this scenario, I've already tweaked both sides for better balance since this one was finished. I plan on writing two more AI plans, but the plans are very simple, this scenario can be extremely brutal already, especially if the player does not come up with a sensible plan of action before clicking 'Go'.
  7. While it's five years after the official CM:SF2 'History', this might be of some interest: http://www.understandingwar.org/sites/default/files/SyrianArmy-DocOOB.pdf Apologies if it's been posted before.
  8. With covering fire from captured AFVs, Hizb-e-Islami Mujahideen advance to the town walls: The first breach is made:
  9. Safer from inside.....More realistic too, as @DougPhresh's image shows.
  10. Don't forget the Finns. I loved the Finnish scenarios & campaigns for CMx1 CM:BB.....I'd have loved the option to do the Winter War too TBH.
  11. I'm off to try & blow up some tanks.....If this isn't working it makes Soviet Tank Hunter Teams a pretty pointless investment.
  12. That seems very odd.....Did you give them a Target or Target Briefly command? Which title was this please? @IanL I think this merits official investigation.....What actually is the score here?
  13. I quite agree. That doesn't match my recent experiences.....Are you sure those infantry weren't broken?
  14. Are you sure? Perhaps it's not represented the same way, but parking a tank next to a building full of hostile infantry never seems to end well for me.....Regardless of the game title or nationality of the OpFor.
  15. That's an interesting question.....I'm testing a CM:A scenario set to freezing conditions and two of my Mujahideen HMGs have stopped firing.....They both have ammo & LOS to plenty of targets, but they appear to be ignoring the order to fire. Nothing says 'Jammed' like it used to in the CMx1 titles, but they are surely acting that way.
  16. AFAIK they can.....Someone lobbed one from a building at one my panzers the last time I played RT as the Germans.
  17. IMHO the low intensity option is actually easier to do and gives better results.....If you can make a decent QB, you can make a scenario of this type. With 16 AI slots you can make a couple of platoons behave really quite realistically. To plot their movement orders, just paint the same tiles on the 2D map as you would select by clicking on 3D the map. Have them suppress the same buildings etc. you would.....Basically treat their orders as yourself, playing them, at a remote. The trick is to ensure they will leave the map after a certain period of time, via an Exit Zone (or due to being dead, either will do). Once each group has exited the map, you can then spawn reinforcements and reuse those AI slots to repeat the whole processs.....This technique combined with a large map is great for modelling low level skirmishing over a wide area. It's also very easy to set the broad objectives for these missions as using Exit Zones places certain restrictions on you, thus one might as well make those restrictions part of the package: 'destroy the enemy infiltrators before they can do too much damage' You can always use the final round of AI Order sets to have the AI occupy territory for a climactic battle, it's just a matter of timing things to get an overall configuration that pleases you.....Indeed timing is everything in this system. One must always ensure units spawn just prior to receiving a fresh order set and not the other way around, but TBH none of it is rocket science. I'm experimenting with this in CM:A at the moment (which has only 8 AI slots) on my own large(ish) but very complex 'Valley Map' and it works pretty well all things considered.....I am also accumulating suitably large maps in CM:BS, which is where I hope to explore the technique more thoroughly. I did briefly experiment with a scenario on my adapted 'Mtope Valley' map in CM:SF2, but the AI is truly terrible at using Technicals! I may yet give that one another look, but it will have to be even lower intensity than I had originally intended. The one thing this really is though, is time-consuming.....I cannot even begin to guess how many times I've run the scenario that was the genesis of this concept, then opened the editor, tweaked an order by a tile or two, then run it again! I believe a very talented gentleman may be working something of this nature using CM:FI and TBH I liked his idea so much that I nicked it and started work on a 4kmx4km map for the same game, but set on a different continent.....It was starting to look fairly promising, but sadly it almost immediately fatally crashed on my decrepit old system.....Here's the only surviving image: So I bought a new computer and started another one.....But it'll be quite a while before that one's fit for the forums, it's twice the size of 'The Delta' map that I made for Heaven & Earth and it has a chunk of the Andes in it, so it's quite tall too! PS - @MOS:96B2P I reckon you might be able to offer some ideas here.
  18. Cheers.....It's actually the AI pathfinding doing that, I just grabbed each group by double clicking and gave them very coarse movement commands. That's why I liked that image so much, the engine took something ugly that I did and made something rather elegant out of it.....That's the opposite of what usually happens!
  19. I think @JoMc67's suggestion above is probably your best bet.....Apologies if my suggestion confused you.
  20. For buildings I'd have thought cardboard railway models might be an option? https://www.pinterest.co.uk/pin/846747167410847736/
  21. Almost has to be really.....Very curious to know now, presumably there will be other oddities too. I do sometimes wonder if something like this may not be a factor in the 'Bocage Bug' discussed at length elsewhere.....Something baked into the older scenarios perhaps?
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