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Everything posted by Darkmage

  1. Just tried that mission too, was great fun. Elite squads really are deadly at close quarters they seemed to take out any squad in around 10-15 seconds. I managed to sneak in to the main compound from the rear after taking out the two machine gun crews and then opened up on HQ units from behind, they didn't stand a chance
  2. Nice AAR webwing here's mine with the AI trying something different.
  3. Nice little scenario Seabee, enjoyed it its a shame that CAS isn't a bit more accurate as I had to wait for several runs before the compound was hit.
  4. there is a free version of FRAPS you can use that works well. It will only take Bitmap photos (which is fine) unless you pay for the full version and any videos will have a watermark on them.
  5. 2nd part: At this time the south of village is secure and therefore the convoy begins to cross the wadi and enter the village. 3rd squad enters a house to the right of the road and begin to engage and eliminate what has now been identified as a Syrian special forces platoon HQ. 40mm grenades have suppressed the unit and they are trapped in the open as 3rd squad moves to open fire. A final set of compounds remains in the north of the village and 1st and 2nd squads take up positions overlooking them before strykers advance to perimeter of the village. No more enemy presence is detected and the convoy moves up MSR delta and leaves the village. All in all a good battle, although I couldn’t seem to trigger ‘home base’ and therefore didn’t achieve all of the ground objectives. The loss of XO was also painful and the Syrian forces saw this as a minor victory. Force preservation was achieved and the convoy passed through unharmed.
  6. I know webwing has already posted an AAR for this mission however here's my version of things, played earlier this week, written up this afternoon. It's my 1st attempt at an AAR so I hope it's ok! AAR – just another day Just another day is an escort mission where a 4ship humvee convoy must be escorted through a small village which lies on MSR delta. Under your control you have A platoon of the company and also the battalion sniper team. The convoy is 5 minutes behind your present location. Compound 1 and 3 south of the village each have a 2 story building within them and an MMG team plus the sniper team and XO team are dispatched to their roofs in order to provide overwatch for the platoon as they enter the village. Both teams approach the rooftops at the same time and begin to take fire for an unidentified location. Compound 1 receives RPG rounds and this wounds 3 of the sniper team, leaving the remaining member to take cover on the roof while the MMG team attempt locate the source of the enemy in order to return fire. Compound 3 also receives small arms and the XO is hit before the team can react. Syrians squads are seen in the trees west of the 2 compounds and the MMG teams begin to lay down suppressing fire as the platoon dismounts in order to counter the threat. 3rd squad splits to take up over watch positions to the north while 1st and 2nd squads along with the platoon HQ take up residences in buildings overlooking the field to the west of the compounds and begin to return fire. Enemy strength is estimated at platoon level and enemy uniforms suggest Syrian special forces. An assault team splits off from 1st squad and begins to move down an irrigation ditch in the field to close, engage and destroy the enemy presence. They are met by a Syrian squad rushing the ditch in the opposite direction and despite accurate fire from the assault team and from the platoon HQ in an over watch position the team is reduced to one man however the Syrian squad is eliminated. At the end of the engagement 1st squad has 3 men seriously wounded and 1 lightly wounded. The forward MMG team and XO team are all wounded after taking heavy fire from the flank and after re-arming, the platoon HQ moves up to provide medical assistance and provide flank protection as the platoon prepares to cross the wadi and enter the village. A 40mm stryker begins to cross to left of the destroyed bridge when it takes incoming RPG fire from the East of the bridge and also small arms fire from the farmsteads to the east. 3rd squad on over watch pinpoints the source of the fire and as time is critical due to the approaching convoy looses 2 javelin rounds which silences both the RPG team and the squad in the farmsteads. The stryker then crosses the bridge followed by 2nd squad and the depleted 1st squad also riding in their strykers. The squads take up positions in the south of the village and after 1st and 2nd squad are safely across the bride 3rd squad and the remaining MMG team pack up and prepare to cross the wadi. The village is situated on a dog-leg on MSR delta and a 40mm stryker cautiously approaches the bend with the intention of checking for any enemy presence in the remainder of the village. As the stryker approaches the bend an RPG slams into the stryker from a ditch to the side of the road. Both crewmen are un-harmed and run to take up positions in a nearby house to try and locate the source of the RPG The crew of the stryker locate and identify the enemy RPG team as a special forms RPG-29 team however before the crew can retake cover the gunner is hit by AK fire. B team of 1st squad then move into the building on the corner of the street and silences the enemy RPG team. 2nd squad and an MMG team then take up position in the upper floors of buildings looking down the main street in order to provide over watch for the strykers to advance. So far no additional enemy presence has been detected. 2 40mm strykers advance up the street and begin to take sporadic small arms fire from a compound to the left. The strykers begin to suppress the target and a further vehicle carrying A team of 3rd squad moves up to deal with the threat. [ February 24, 2008, 09:59 AM: Message edited by: Darkmage ]
  7. If you want to get used to the engine/tactics then I'd suggest the Al Huqf engagement. Its a platoon vs. platoon engagement in a small town and will help you get used to how things play out and how to assault buildings etc and it's one of the pre-installed scenarios.
  8. Definitely buy it!! works like a dream now, great game!
  9. thanks for the update webwing I'll give the campaign a try over the weekend!
  10. just played it through as the US and thought it was definitely a lot harder. Due to a lucky shot on my Abrams quite a lot of armour and BMPs managed to get into the village and the farm and it was good fun pushing them back out with my reinforcements. Still a US total victory but more fun to play
  11. Will try it out with tweaks + the new patch tomorrow can't see anything in the patch notes that will make it play much differently though apart from maybe a few less explosions? (Tanks hit by depleted-uranium APFSDS (such as from Abrams tanks) explode slightly less often.)
  12. wow that was unexpected thanks for the patch BFC downloading now!
  13. Ah ok I'll have to try and get in there even faster next time then to avoid the trapped guys taking casualties!
  14. Pretty sure clear target should work. Have you tried actually targeting something and then clearing?
  15. Handi you'll have to upload that photo to imageshack or something similar we won't be able to see it saved on your computer
  16. I don't know about you but I love reading AARs and I think it would be a good way for everyone to compare tips etc and see how our modern tactics are shaping up. I'm tempted to try make my own soon, can anyone who's written them in the past give me a few tips? do you just scribble stuff down on a piece of paper as you go and try take a few nice screenies? If anyone is also considering one then please do I'd love to read it! It might liven up the tactics forum a bit PS I hope a new scenario pops up on CMMODS soon so I can start!
  17. maybe they should call it the rabbit hutch Nice mod M1A1!
  18. Would love to see the Syrians attacking some overstretched US supply convoys.
  19. Damn that last mission is tricky managed to gain a victory but I couldn't push in and take the crossroads. foolishly Manoeuvred my MGS platoon and associated strykers on to the road to approach the crossroads without scouting ahead and 2 t-55s devestated them. Perhaps with that platoon intact I could've pushed in further. I had a few Abrams imobilised, nothing destroyed luckily though. Will have another attempt later! edit: it's also very hard to do that mission in RT with platoons all over the map!
  20. Yep I got 200 points but for some reason so did the enemy I can't really remember why though. Shame I missed the counterattack but I probably saved a few troops by a speedy exfil.
  21. I got a lot of immobilized in that scenario as well haven't really seen it in any others though. Those spg-9s on the hill could immobilise but not take out my vehicles.
  22. I've just finished mission 2 of the campaign and I called a cease fire after I secured the cross roads and transported the trapped squads back to my start line, however the battle stats are recording a draw with 100 odd syrians left however I can't see any on that map. Is there a last minute counter attack I missed? I cease fired at around 10 mins to go. Webwing, enjoying the campaign so far 1st mission was very good. (tracked the campaign down on CMMODS don't think I saw the original release on the boards.)
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