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Everything posted by Darkmage

  1. From what I can remember from the campaign if you get a good victory on the 1st mission where you are sneaking about with your scout snipers you were spared having to force a landing through the town etc in mission 2, has this now changed? as I seem to be having to do this now!
  2. Ah k, I was always getting dodgy force compositions when trying QBs, looking forward to the new patch and I've cleaned out my folder in anticipation!
  3. looks good smarter infantry is always great! and I guess all these new cool features can just be ported straight over to future titles etc.
  4. regarding breaching, just made me think has anyone seen their teams 'waste' a demo charge and then it not actually breach a wall? Seen that a few times myself. They 'hide' waiting for it to go off, and then just stand up and nothing happens, maybe it was a dud...
  5. I was wondering what we could tell from those new screenies too
  6. well surely it is...? and who's definition of 'not controlling' do we use?
  7. I've still seen my squads lose men to snipers at silly ranges so I reckon their aim isn't all that bad. If snipers were made too accurate it could go the other way and become silly.. just thinking out loud but would it be possible to make snipers more like to kill when they haven't been spotted by any enemy units yet? Once they're position etc is known then we can assume that units would be taking steps to avoiding coming under direct fire and therefore their effectiveness drops.
  8. I thought the concept was to have an air mobile force that could deploy quickly to combat zones and hold their own until 'heavy' support arrived? I'm pretty sure that because they've had to put all that cage armour on strykers, now they're too heavy to be deployed by air as originally planned. Also as you can see the MGS isn't the best vehicle going with its spotting problems etc..
  9. oops.. bit of a flop then... Seems the whole stryker concept didn't really work out.
  10. I always found the MGS had a problem spotting enemy units. Is that how the MGS performs in the field or is a problem in CMSF? I thought it would be bristling with all kinds of high-tech sensors etc..
  11. Will you be able to load in units/scenery from CMSF1 +modules into CMSF2? or Will they be ported across anyway?
  12. how close do you have to get to the enemy to use those babies then?
  13. Just started playing again, 1 thing I've noticed is in the 1st mission the Bradley seems to have way more TOW missiles? I'm pretty sure the 1st time around it only had like 2-3? and I had to choose which buildings to engage, now I can go to town on the whole village! This time round does this Bradley just have 10 TOWs for the duration of the campaign or do we get resupply etc?
  14. Well the 1st time I tried using 'move' was having some trouble, but now it seems to work ok. I think it has something to do with how you line the vehicles up facing the breach and turning circles etc..
  15. Steve I have to say after re-loading the scenario to try recreate it my AAVs have been moving through the breach I've made fine, my marines must've known I was out bug hunting and decided to behave.
  16. just had a quick try still no luck! managed to get 1 through!
  17. I was using 'QUICK'. I guess the behaviour I was seeing kind of makes sense as trying to charge through a wall you've just blown with rubble and not too much clearance either side isn't a v.smart move. I'll try again with 'move' and see what happens
  18. looks like a great mission, I'm having some problems getting into the compounds via anything but the front door though see here: http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=84322
  19. Just wondering if anyone else has noticed a change in the vehicle pathfinding from 1.08 to 1.10? I was trying to play the Cabal's new mission, Siege of Latakia but am running into serious problems. Basically the the 1st 2 objectives are in large walled compounds, and instead of driving through the entrance (RPG ambush anyone?) I thought I'd use my engineers to blow a gap in the wall large enough and storm my AAVs through a different route. I've created gaps big enough (about twice the width of an AAV) however I can only get them through with great difficulty, lots of tiny waypoints up to and through the breach and sometimes this doesn't work (consequently trying to get 8 AAVs through 2 breached compounds is giving me a headache). If i park an AAV 1 side of the wall and give it a forward move order through the breach it turns, and takes the long way round and drives in the main entrance
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