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Everything posted by Darkmage

  1. thanks rune, your ingame settings would also be handy to try get the best performance.
  2. Also if anyone running the same gfx card as me and possibly the same OS could suggest a stable set of drivers if that's the problem then that would be great. thanks.
  3. hi guys i'm running vista 64 an 8800 640mb and using 169.21 drivers. every so often the game seems to hang, sounds stutters and when it un hangs all the textures etc seem to be redrawn onscreen. does anyone else have this problem? apart from that really enjoying 1.05. big improvement DM
  4. oh rite, whats the difference in spotting between being in your vehicle and jumping out to have a peak over a ridge?
  5. can you get back in a vehicle once you've bailed out then? :/
  6. apologies that this a bit off topic but I thought you guys might be the people to ask. I'm interested in all sorts of modern military history mainly ww2, but I've got an interest in anything WW1 onwards. can anyone recommend any good monthly magazines I could read or just good general military history books that you've read and enjoyed. I like reading about the hardware, battles and tactics etc. oh btw I'm in the UK thanks guys.
  7. tried a larger map but was getting lag is there no way to pick force selections? I'd though both forces should be equal in size atleast (or with syrians getting more man power)
  8. just tried a 'tiny' QB, village attack as the US and I ended having 2 platoons of strykers while the enemy only had a few MG squads. needless to say was quite an easy mission. How can i generate a company v company sized engagement?
  9. admin please delete (now patched properly and working great)
  10. was originally installing in programfiles when I had the game in programfiles(x86) all sorted now thanks for the clarification.
  11. is there not a 1.03 gamersgate patch already up then? cos I've downloaded 1 :/ 98.3mb
  12. I've downloaded and applied the new patch which is available from gamersgate however in game it stills says I'm running 1.01 is anyone else finding this? has 1.03 been applied ok? Had the same with 1.02.
  13. should the AI be working during 'battles' i.e those you can play not part of the campaign. I've played a few and it seems their units either wait at their start line or punch up around objectives. Is anyone else finding this? Also is there a way to turn off the Fog of war so I can see what the AI is doing? (just to make sure they are doing something)
  14. hmm k i'm pretty new to CM and have tried the 1st scenario but i cant complete :/ i cant seem to advance across the river to the left as advised could someone possible show me how its done? any tactics would be appreciated thanx, DM
  15. dont know if anyone still plays BO but if they do then fancy a PBEM? i'd prefer a company-ish size engagement.. with little or no armour.
  16. just recently bought the CM anthology and falling in love with CM hoping to try myself out against a real human opponent so is there anyone willing to humour a n00b? Looking for smallish, mainly infantry maps.. dont mind a few tanks but not really into the large armour engagements. thanx in advance, DM
  17. anyone know where i can get a paper copy of the CMBB strategy guide? i'd like to read through some tactics for CM, however dont feel like having to sit at a computer to do it. any help would be most appreicated thanx, DM
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