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Everything posted by Darkmage

  1. If a Brit module is released them I'm sure I'll be buying it! would be interesting to put the Brits against the US too
  2. Just wondering if development on the marines has had to take a back foot during all the change overs etc or will be getting a juicy update soon?
  3. woop (damn minimum character count... lol)
  4. I prefer the lighter uniform on the left but don't like the 1 on the right
  5. so you get to play extra scenarios for playing badly? doesn't seem fair really lol
  6. Pandur, Just played through this was good Lots of arty to play with which is always fun. Think I had a bit too many red forces at my disposal though. Might've been a bit more tricky - the 2nd wave of t-72s.
  7. If the VAAR contest is running for about 2 months and 2nd prize is a copy of marines module am I reading in to it too much that that is when the release is aimed for? (and the comp will be shortened if its ready before then?)
  8. could it be possible that just as for example if we buy the marines module we get the marines units, that if we buy for example the WW2 game which has new terrain, that we can then have access to those terrain features in CMSF?
  9. can you give buddy aid to 'yellow soldiers' too then? I always thought they had to be condition red. Maybe I haven't been paying attention lol.
  10. Cpl Steiner, just played the mission through and enjoyed it. Would it be possible to attach some kind of points to destroying the Saggers? My M1s managed to soak up their fire pretty well without sustaining damage and therefore there was little incentive to close and destroy them. I know using tanks to draw fire is a risky business but it worked surprisingly well.. Didn't lose any Bradleys. Particularly liked the staggered platoon arrival, helped a lot when playing RT as I could concentrate on each side of the highway individually.
  11. would've finished with no casualties however I lost 1 man and 1 wounded rushing into a building =( enjoyed the maps Mishga however I just had too much armour at my disposal, with a cut down force I think it would play a lot better.
  12. Chelco, I found that too. All my javs were ineffective and fell short.
  13. Mishga, I had fun playing through this however I didn't feel they were that many tactical decisions to be made. That artillery barrage in the final mission was scary! never seen so many US troops rout before.. got a minor defeat in that mission due to casualties but not sure how I'd minimise them with the opening barrage. A bit more in the briefings would be nice too
  14. OK well I gave the 1st mission a quick go, 1st lesson I've learnt... RPGs don't go through trees.. Set me my nicely placed ambush a bit too far in to the forest, will try again from a forward position also is there anyway to get the ATGM to watch the approaches but only fire on tanks not APCs? I tried using a small target arc but I guess that means they are only looking at that small sector or is that not the case?
  15. George, just finished it now. very good mission, lost a few bradleys at the beginning of the counter attack in the confusion before I could move troops to respond. My abrams on the ridge definitely helped ID incoming armour as well. A very good tense mission as you have to balance pushing forward to your objectives with securing your flanks etc and making sure you have all round security. Enjoyed the scale of it to as I haven't played that many large battles.
  16. sounds like a great idea normal dude Helps you to get attached to your squads and look after them that little bit more if you know a bit about them!
  17. Really enjoying it so far, about 50 minutes and have taken the 1st 2 objectives, just about the mount up and move to the next 2. So far resistance has been light, apart from a few BMPs which I've managed to pick off at long range with my M1s on overwatch on the hills to the rear.
  18. wow great mission managed to force a syrian surrender with 10 minutes to go, 8 men lost and 20 wounded. A lot of immobilised strykers early on as well, they really throw themselves at you early on! v.good mission for your 1st attempt. Was really wishing I had some demo charges for those compounds I assume that was a deliberate decision to leave them out?
  19. does that mean high motivation troops are less likely to go into the crawl of death if caught in a street?
  20. Just given this a go however didn't get a victory as I managed to by pass most of the enemy by moving down the road on the left and then moving into the market. Guess I'll have to try again and move through the centre of town to flush some more enemies out. If this is needed then perhaps changing some of the victory conditions might help. If the objective for example is to have Rte Cobra open then it might make more sense to have secure the buildings on the corner of the road and at the map edges. Had fun playing the scenario just annoyed I didnt bag the victory after I thought I'd acheived my objective
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