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Everything posted by Darkmage

  1. Yeh I get this sometimes as well. Running a 8800 gts 640mb.
  2. Nice scenario Birdstrike was pleased that I managed to takeout the Abrams with an RP-29. Guess a top down attack is more effective than full frontal. My ATGM took too long setting up =( is it even over minimum effective range in this small scenario?
  3. Spindry that would definitely help in some of the larger RT games if for example you have your force split and can only focus on one part at time. Perhaps this option could be selectable or not depending on the size of the battle for example.
  4. that's fixed my jagged buildings, and is still running nice and smooth! thanks:D
  5. Perhaps you can't order snipers to take shots and they'll only take shots of opportunity so to speak against random targets.
  6. Ok just tried this and Wow everything is so much smoother! perhaps a little drop in building quality? a few jagged edges at some angles but running great. what drivers are you running missing as I had to role back from the recent 1s due to problems with graphics redrawing etc.
  7. Yep being systematic and not rushing is they key, avoids you running into any nasty surprises.
  8. Still trying to beat mission 7 So far i've realised trying to advance on the left of the highway is suicide. I'm now trying to push into the town on the right and trying to keep my guys out of LOS of the ATGMs. I've currently got a foot hold in the city however I've lost a few bradleys and squads to ATGM fire pushing in. Will pick up later and see if I can push on through to the suspected sites clear them of ATGMs and rescue my officers. Time is ticking and I'm not hopefully. has anyone else cleared this mission and want to share some hints?
  9. It could be that isn't a 'set up' zone as such, so you can't move your troops into their mounts before the game starts as they are already setup outside? When i've had a blue set up zone etc I've always been able to mount my troops before the mission began.
  10. just given mission 7 a quick go and yep it's nasty =( think I might get a few casualties in this mission as those ATGMs hurt bad.
  11. I'm glad you are enjoying it. I played the last missions again and I don't really like them anymore. Just too many troops to deal with. I think company size battles is the ideal. I wanted to have the campaign growing in size and scope but to be honest it did not work very well. I like the maps and I think there is great potential for those battles but I have to admit I was not successful with them. The bonus mission is enjoyable I think. Anyway the next campaign will be completely different. Well, in more than one sense. -- </font>
  12. so the best bet seems to be to try take the CW 1st? My 1st attempt was cut short after getting a platoon cut down trying to advance through the CW. I'm tempted to try and take the surrounding objectives 1st and then move in on all sides to take the CW. Will definitely make more use of my arty support. I've found I've used artillery a lot less than the onboard stuff from previous CM games.
  13. I've just got onto the crossroads mission and it seems a bit intimidating with all those units to control! has anyone tried and completed that mission in RT? also are the missions after that just as big? I definitely prefer the smaller platoon-company level engagements.
  14. Had my 1st trouble with snipers today playing playing TF Narvick campaign. I lost 2 men in seperate squads approaching the comound wall and had no idea where the fire was from. Pretty sure it was a sniper as I didn't hear any small arms like AKs
  15. have to agree just finished mission 3 and it was a toughy ended up with about 10 killed and 30 wounded, 1 bradley lost. Had to resort to destroying enemy hard points with TOW missiles.
  16. Tuomio I've just experienced the 1st thing you mentioned with bradleys firing both their TOWs. I found if you quickly clear target and issue a small move order then this stops the 2nd TOW being fired. Not ideal I know but it is a work around.
  17. Just finished the first 2 missions, very enjoyable I like the idea of having your little recon force and then rest of the company coming up when you've pinpointed the enemy locations. I found the 2nd mission quite easy though I just had my Abrams crest the hill and any incoming tanks were taken out well before they got within effective range. Perhaps a few ATGM teams could mix things up a bit?
  18. You could play it as the nasty reds and try and beat up the poor UN trying to keep the peace
  19. Just attempted Mission 3 SPOILER ALERT!! * * * * * * * * * * * Managed to take out the peripheral outposts with only a few casualties however as I was taking the last outpost I decided to send a platoon around the back of the village to set up positions in the woods, ran straight into a mine field! Ouch! =( are they only clearable with engineers? I guess the syrians don't want you sneaking in the back door.
  20. Hey guys, Just wondering how a squad would dismount from a stryker in a hot area in real life? Whenever I dismount in game my guys will all go prone around the back of the vehicle before moving off to wherever they've been tasked. Would it be possible to have them just charge out of the back to a position and then take cover? Would surely help with force preservation and would they really wait for the whole squad to dismount before moving out if in a hot zone? thanks, DM
  21. Is there anyway to get different skins to load up with different scenarios i.e the balkans mod etc. or is the only way to make a clean install and load 1 for 1 set of particular skins and one for another? Do i remember some kind of mod manager that allowed you to do this?
  22. isn't hunt a move to contact command? I always find if a squad is taking fire etc they'll stop their hunt command. We could really do with a command where they move forward in a tactically sound way despite enemy presence.
  23. Seabee care to explain a little more about the Australian peel method?
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