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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by sburke

  1. Yeah don't. Really it is a terrible idea to bother using them against Shermans etc. You really should consider using something else. Why do I use them? Oh well to give you a better chance of course, that's all. Just looking out for you!
  2. Yeah I just saw a similar event and muttered at the time, too bad some of your buddies weren't hanging a little closer You really do gotta love that stuff.
  3. You've mentioned now in a couple threads some of the things you guys are trying to work out in development both in graphics and the UI with a proposed target of version 3. (and thank you for those points, it really does peak the interest to see what the game may be like for Bulge/Bagration/Whatever CMSF2 will be called assuming they might come out running version 3). One question and this one may be too early to say - how might this affect the unit modelling and therefore some of the mods? For example it is already a given that the mods for CM:BN will be outdated with the release of a MG module/version 2. Would it be your expectation they may be outdated again with the release of version 3 or is it too early to say on that one? Also a bit of self interest there as having to remake models at both version level releases has got to slow down the production line if even just a bit. I think based on some of the commands visible in the UI shots in the AAR for example some of the scenarios already created will likely be tweaked with armored covered arcs and game play even PBEM will be impacted in existing scenarios (all of which is good news).
  4. Sorry, what were you saying? I was staring at the Guinness...mmm Guinness. Though I prefer the Draught cans.
  5. Really? 1 x 2=2 as an example of doubling your staff? Your high school (and maybe your elementary school) math teacher would be embarrassed and would likely make you go stand in the corner with that pointy cap. If you were trying to show the number of man hours they goof off during lunch sure. Okay maybe that would be 2.5 x 2 = 5 We all know how the siestas go at BF while taking in the views from the yacht. Now 1+1 = 2 that would be doubling your staff. Okay Phill you can stop rolling your eyes behind his back, just be glad he isn't in charge of payroll. oh he is? Sorry.
  6. down in front, everybody sssshhhh, turn off your cell phones!! Back to the AAR please!!! How soon before the reinforcements show up?
  7. Nice shots of the demo charge thanks Bil I love the para chasing it - delivery!!!
  8. LOL I am usually one of those getting called fanboi and I wasn't gonna react. I can't respond on the technical side. For all I know BF is doing just that. We'll have to wait for a response or see in the game. As to BF ignoring us, that one I do have to object to. Sometimes they disagree, sometimes they agree. Sometimes they agree, but it is something they will have to address in a longer amount of time than we are generally willing to give them. Outright ignore- no not generally though depending on how the request is framed yeah I am sure there are some they feel aren't worth their time.
  9. Basically as DC has explained, but not given himself credit for- He's taken several mods specific to unit formations and put them into one brz file. So you don't have to get Mord's, Juju's etc mods for the same unit. It is very very cool. I'd started doing a folder configuration for the Americans and Germans to do the same thing, but DC has saved me from having to do the same for CW formations.
  10. Damn I was gonna say that would have been oh so cool.
  11. amm bearers can man a gun? Is that new or did I just have that one go right over my head? and congrats on the demo charge. Always very cool to see potential moves in the game, though in my case the guy with the demo charge would have tripped and blown up both members of the team. Or as a parent in a soccer game my friend's kid was in would say "Team! T-E-M Team!" God help us . . and we have guys overseas apologizing for their English using it as a second language.
  12. Can they go fast draggin that huge pair along the ground? LOL Gutsy, hope to see you pull it off just to know it is possible.
  13. Is that like "It was this way in CMSF (only worse)"?
  14. We mummies don't suffer too much from it. Must be the dry heat.
  15. +1 on that. Small and interesting. I think I have played it through 3-4 times now and will I am sure revisit. I have noticed at least 2 AI plans for the Germans.
  16. LOL don't even go there! You mean I have to start by not assuming because they both have some of the same commands, they do not have identical effect?! :eek:
  17. I think LLF had posted a comment suggesting folks pay attention to adding gullies etc on maps. Depending on the terrain used for those that could either mean slow, but covered movement or a rapid avenue into your flank. IIRC correctly the Germans at Campoleone Salient, Anzio were able to make quite good use of that type of feature for infiltration. How much they are used in Sicily I don't honestly know.
  18. Speaking of narrow streets, the StuG III in the CMBN loading screen looks like he's getting a parking ticket from the guy standing on it.
  19. Imagine being told back then you would eventually have it - but you have to wait 35 years? Now think about what we might have in 35 years from now (we'll probably all be retro and clamoring for...squad leader). Me, I'll likely be dead. oh wait no, the miracle of modern medicine, I'll be in a jar!!! Woohoooooo! Issuing telepathic commands to my holographic pixeltruppen.
  20. Moderation is a relative term. Wine is made by the vat, not the bottle right? I'm bettin you're 52 and hoping the "I'm 22" gets you a pass. No sir, you must now post a collage of your worst moments playing CM for us to all belittle (and pretend we didn't/don't make those same mistakes.) The fraps idea is quite, good. That will work. Hold on while I grab myself a Vat of something tasty.
  21. There's a power switch?! :eek: So what kind if battery life can I expect?
  22. Isn't that what we do year after year, game after game, engine after engine? It was no different when we had cardboard.
  23. One thing there- As was pointed out to me recently we rave a LOT about modders (Aris, Mord, Juju etc) but rarely give the scenario makers their due (and I am at least as guilty of this as anyone else if not more). Part of the inspiration to the community comes from our feedback. Scenario creation is hard- really hard. No offense to the modders you know I love your stuff, but it is one thing to create a fixed item that the player can not really do anything but look at and admire. It is quite another to create something that requires you try and get in the players head to create something that will at least give the perception of interacting with them. I am slowly learning just how hard it is to create a scenario for the single player that will take into account the difference between RT and WeGO, differing playstyles and experience/skill levels etc All too often our feedback is limited to what we personally feel about a scenario and does not take into account that how I may play it is totally different than what someone else does and my tweak could make it completely unplayable by another. Worse- we often give no feedback at all so folks have no idea if we even liked it. I have heard the suggestion before that BF have something on the site that could provide for more rating of scenarios. I am on the fence on that one, but there is a comments section in the repository - leave some feedback. Folks would really appreciate it and it may just help encourage them to do more with a better idea of what it is we like and don't like.
  24. Good points Artillery isn't just there to be dumped on known enemy units, but to protect your units and allowing them to adhere to your plan. So if you need to attack past a section of woods, dropping some arty on those woods to suppress whomever might be in there is a good idea. Now there might be no one in there. On the other hand there could be that one MG that totally hoses your attack plan. Screen your units, allow them to bypass threat locations without having to actually go in and dig someone out. Interdicting paths your opponent will need to move through to react to your plan is another good use. It may end up hitting thin air, or it could trash that platoon coming to reinforce the position you plan on attacking. I think we all have the same issues about getting good observation locations (and those locations can become the most dangerous places to be - your opponent is looking for those to kill your FO if they can.) and figuring out how to use the various tools at our disposal. It is the fun part of the game, how to put together a plan and make it work. It isn't easy which makes it all that much more rewarding as you start figuring it out and can make it work. At least that is my theory. When I start figuring it out, I'll let you know.
  25. It is a computer, it isn't thinking. It is simply doing what it has been told. Even if we had a reactive AI it would still be a simple matter of learning the trick to make it react and preparing yourself to counter that. It will be a long time before we see an AI that will give you the HTH feel. Until then for the full experience you will simply have to react with other humans. And unfortunately they are wargamers- grumpy, smelly, childish, lacking in almost all basic social skills, prone to fits and tantrums, crying foul over every perceived flaw in the game and immediately citing it as grounds for invalidating your hard fought victory..... so much to look forward to! Seriously the AI is what it is and after you have played the scenario the umpteenth time you will generally know what is gonna happen. The upside is there are so many quick battles that you will never get to the point where you remember all of em. (SDP just announced some 200 in CMFI) and if you want a better challenge, you don't need to figure out who in a 20 mile radius might actually be interested in the game. The world is your oyster. (and the human opponents out there are actually a decent bunch.)
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