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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by sburke

  1. LOL Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid Much as I absolutely love the game, it is still a computer game and occasionally it glitches. I think less and less so as time goes by, but it is what it is and you can't expect you will never run into stuff. Broadsword and I have a battle now where if I exit an MG team from a bunker they cant seem to move. There is an adjacent wall and I suspect where they exit from the bunker is somehow too close and allows the AI no path. Oh well. Maybe the wall will get blown down and they can escape if need be. I am definitely not going to have a stroke over it, but it is noted so in the future we can check placement and movement out before the battle kicks off.
  2. I've had my abacus since about 2700 BC and I still can't figure out how to use it.
  3. Man I really hope that is just a bad joke in poor taste, are you serious?
  4. Steve, Charles, you writing all this down? You have been given free expert outstanding business advice from an acknowledged pro in the industry who has demonstrated his acumen by how well his own gaming company is doing (I understand it is going to be considered the next facebook of IPOs). C'mon guys you can't be too proud now, you very success is at stake here! Can't you see it, you have made a total mistake in your business model. This will crash and burn just like everything else you have done over the past 10 years. By the way, what venture capitalist is flushing their money down the toilet funding you since you obviously do not know how to make money at this. Well don't blame me if you hear "I told you so", you were warned.
  5. Nah think of the opportunities here!- Arras - German tanks units getting overrun by the 1940 version of the KV, the Matilda French Spahis giving even Rommels men a bloody fight The British defenses around Dunkirk The tank battles of the 3rd and 4th Pz around Gembloux GrossDeutschland at Stonne Tons of great historical material
  6. LOL I am still mostly playing CM-BN. I finally have a couple PBEMs in CM-CF scenarios. I haven't touched much else. Not that I don't want to, it is just that there is far more here than anyone might want to admit even in just the base game. CM-FI is gonna be here before I have really gotten to CM-CF. That for me pretty much sums up what BF's announcement is going to mean. I will not be able to keep up. Damn I love that thought. 1/2 full, 1/2 empty. Hell with that, my cup runneth over
  7. Watch it there buddy, someone is liable to come along and call you fanboi or something just to rain on your parade. Seriously yeah, down in the weeds is where the coolest stuff in this game happens.
  8. Man you really are a piece of work aren't you? Can't even make a simple response without taking a backhand swipe in the process. Worse, the swipe doesn't even make a bit of sense. I don't believe BF actually even mentioned Husky in their announcement. Fortress Italy is a new "family" of Combat Mission games covering the Allied struggle to knock Italy out of the Second World War. This initial release deals explicitly with the battle for Sicily and sets the groundwork for future additions to simulate the hard fighting in the rugged terrain of "Europe's underbelly" up until the war's end in 1945. Look DON"T BUY THE GAME. It is that simple. I am sure BF would rather you not than have you sit around crying about it until hell freezes over. Edit - before you point out the blazingly obvious - yes the battle for Sicily was from the allied perspective Operation Husky, The point is the game wasn't intended to cover the entire operation knowing they couldn't include CW troops. God I can't believe I figured I would have to note this in here due to the nature of how these threads go, friggin pathetic.
  9. rotflmao!!! Wait I was supposed to be wearing my glasses... holy crap no wonder I thought there was a vehicle bug, those are bulidings!
  10. (googling moon phase) Ahh full moon- just as I thought, no wonder it is a "I wanna be an especially big p***k" day
  11. Sorry I wasn't trying to dismiss the concern just as you said one is a bug and crashes a pbem game so I can't PBEM the KT to even see it's performance. I fully expect the time on the patch is far more than a few hours. What we note as issues and what BF notes as issues are likely not the same thing and ours is a much smaller subset. Still the point is to make a game that truly simulates as realistically as they can WW 2 tactical combat. Vehicle performance being an important part of that. I am not disagreeing with you just noting which items push my buttons versus what might push someone elses.
  12. Oh boy this can of worms again. Honestly way beyond my ability to comment on having about zilch technical knowledge of what it would take. So instead I'll punt and did what I recall doing last time - defering to Steve. http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=100325&page=2 edit - for what it is worth the rotating tank pulling the gun off line drives me batty as hell too.
  13. Considering the response level you can expect I wouldn't hold out hope to have a meaningful discussion. Personally I feel there are more serious issues still being worked on in CM (wire for example is a big pain for PBEM- Broadsword and I are working around it now, but still a pain). But perhaps the KT is just his particular button - whether the model or the mechanics. Still it is an odd item to be the decision maker between 2 vastly different games. Edit Actually nope- it is just the graphics, he's been at this before and at about the same level. http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?p=1359720#post1359720
  14. Sorry, too busy to talk. Trying to get BF's balls in my mouth. Maybe I should use that for a sig. If ever a thread deserved this...
  15. I was thinking Pine trees (covered in snow!) for Bulge and for MG possibly some of the Huertgen fighting. I have already taken a stab at a large Schmidt map and depending on the size and focus of the map it could be really heavily forested.
  16. That would seem to be implied in some of their statements. I certainly hope so and not just across size, but also based on content. I understand trees can really drag the game, though I haven't played that many really large forested maps. That will change by the time we get to a Bulge game and perhaps before depending on what scenario content we see when the MG module comes out.
  17. LOL I thought it was just me or they weren't up yet. Was reorganizing folders last night to make sure I had everything. You really are cranking out a lot (of very much appreciated) stuff.
  18. Nice dude, I was simply commenting that a fairly large game purchase is driven by one single unit in the game. Now that I have a much better perspective of your maturity level I'll leave you to decide what to do with the lunch money your mom gave you. Hopefully the bullies won't simply take it and stuff you in a locker. edit - oh and by the way, BF's balls are way too big to fit in my mouth, I mean damn have you seen those things? Hell with that last announcement they look like a Tanuki! If you have never seen one a Tanuki is a Japanese mythological character with balls so big it can use em for a Barca Lounger!
  19. Hmm is that like "virtual" consoling? Sounds kind of creepy. Man the internet these days..even my pixeltruppen are not safe.
  20. and the quality of the graphic for one vehicle is going to decide that? LOL Whatever floats your boat.
  21. Just don't confuse it with fitness level Damn it's hard to fight a battle with a bunch of old winded geezers.
  22. The Breaking Point: Sedan and the fall of France 1940. Slip a copy onto his nightstand, who knows maybe Western Front 1940 will jump the line like Italy did. Funny I have a copy and just checked if they happen to have for kindle - nope and the HC is 239 bucks. Thankfully Amazon is willing to buy my copy from me for $20.
  23. just ordered for the kindle. Amazon is my other entertainment crack.
  24. Would it be an option to get a save posted? I have already once mis understood the situation. Would be helpful to have the whole picture before I stick my foot in my mouth again. I have removed shoes to make it easier, but still I have big (stinky) feet.
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