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Everything posted by sburke

  1. Shame on you, this must mean you have not been following the AAR particularly Bil's. However you have redeemed yourself by quoting the almighty Python.
  2. True, but in a different degree. You can still tell AT teams vs scouts by the icon for the team. Basic Setting - you pretty much know their entire personal life Veteran Icons show unit type. Specific members within unit, but not unit organizational info Warrior Unit type icons still visible, but no member or organizational detail Elite and Iron Generic icons, no info. If you want to know it is a HQ, you need to see the radio guy or maybe binoculars. (you can still select a unit and see it is some HQ type, but for those hard core ones who don't want to know, don't select the unit.)
  3. Curved roads??!!! Is that a screenshot of CM 3.0?!
  4. Well there is the home page on GL and the read me file that comes with every new version or.... http://www.battlefront.com/community/showpost.php?p=1443137&postcount=70 Compliments of Childress. edit -or you could just ask MikeyD... ninja'd again I believe you have just enacted what is called the 5 second rule. Why look around when it would simply take 5 seconds to ask someone else and let them take the time to look around. I have a coworker who does this and I plot very evil methods of revenge. None of which seem to have worked as a deterrence...
  5. building damage is set on the editor by the creator of the map.
  6. Keep up, you are already falling behind soldier. http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=109886&page=2
  7. My experience is it has absolutely no impact on spotting. It simply changes the amount of information the player gets on units they have spotted. The higher the level of difficulty the less information you get. At Elite and above for infantry formations you only get pretty much what you can see. You will still get some info on weapons team formations, but that info no longer says anything organizational. If you split up a squad for example, your opponent no longer knows that so assessing the state of your force, it's potential size or components is much much harder now. The best bet is to simply create a basic scenario and put the units on a map then try launching that scenario in different difficulty levels. You know right away what the differences are and the level of FOW that appeals to you. This is what I found in doing that. Basic Setting - you pretty much know their entire personal life Veteran Icons show unit type. Specific members within unit, but not unit organizational info Warrior Unit type icons still visible, but no member or organizational detail Elite and Iron Generic icons, no info. If you want to know it is a HQ, you need to see the radio guy or maybe binoculars. (you can still select a unit and see it is some HQ type, but for those hard core ones who don't want to know, don't select the unit.) I personally like Elite. I really like not being sure if that team running across the field was a scout, sniper, BAR team, AT team or what. All I know is what weapons did I see them carrying and maybe I can guess, hey wait did that guy have a radio?! Is he an FO or HQ team?
  8. drooooollllllllllll dang, *busy wiping keyboard down*
  9. It's been reported and Normal Dude is on it. http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=109889
  10. I am not sure I would characterize it as finished. GL only takes us up to June 1944. I do not know what BF plans to do and honestly I wouldn't say 100% that they are sure. They could very well decide hell, why not, let's do CMFI:Tunisia next or CMFI: El Alamein. CMFI caught us all off guard. I would expect part of that will be decided on how well sales do. If high enough it might reflect more interest in the theater than they expected and therefore perhaps them revisiting their plans. CMBN at the moment only has MG planned as a module. Anything further in NW Europe would come with the Bulge game. CMFI actuall covers a much longer period and CMBN may never include winter scenarios. CMFI may actually become unique in that regard covering likely 18 months (and who knows maybe more) versus CMBN which is expected right now to cover 4 months. Bulge would cover MAYBE Sept 1944 to May 1945.
  11. That's easy for you to say. I can only imagine the anguished cries of foul as everyone leapt onto their chairs decrying the lack of realism and the ensuing firestorm.
  12. This is so subjective it is really hard to advise Wodin. There is some great stuff in both CW and the CMFI/GL game. I think when it comes down to simple overall volume of stuff particularly for a solo gamer, CMFI/GL should win hands down. As others have noted it also provides for a much different experience than Normandy. How the bundle price would compare to an eventual purchase of CW and MG though is a different issue. If we assume that CW and MG are somewhat comparable to the CMFI/GL bundle then your choice becomes a bit stickier as you could get CW now and by the time you are played out, MG should be close to release I would think. Personally I am really partial to CMFI right now. The sheer variety in it is pretty amazing. That is saying a lot as the Italian theater had not held that much interest for me prior and I never thought to hear myself say that. edit - yeah what MikeyD said. Watching guys run around in the snow with greatcoats on is just waaaaayyyyy too kewl.
  13. I have seen plenty of things like that in WeGo, but I agree with both this statement and your next. It is all a matter of preference. Both have advantages and disadvantages. Replay though is the only way to get screenshots, and without those we think the reports back to higher HQs about that Sherman atttack were just an excuse to leave your positions w/o permission. See the SS officer out the door on the right. Leave your weapons.
  14. I beg to differ, there is more than just one is paid for. I know cause without a lot of help from other testers and BF folks I would not have been able to design a scenario that was included in GL. Exactly BECAUSE you pay for it, they hold themselves to a higher standard. I don't think I can go into the specifics, but it is a challenge and I have learned to have a very high level of regard for the sweat and effort these guys put in. As to the mods and UI, that is all personal preference. I have found myself adding a lot fewer mods these days. On top of that with the options BF is including now the amount of work to keep up for a modder is climbing almost exponentially. I bet Aris is thrilled about the tags and at the same time staring into the abyss at the potential amount of modding effort. The BF guys on the other hand have to make all those designs in order to release the game. I do find it amusing to hear folks criticize the original QB maps. I don't disagree, I wasn't thrilled by a lot of them either. However the continual cries for a CMx1 map generator which would create countless numbers of maps of more than likely lesser quality kind of runs head on into the complaints about human generated maps that whatever their issues are still better. And yes the maps are getting better, many of the GL QB maps are absolutely stunning. I think that is largely just an issue of learning curve. When CMBN was released it was new to everyone. I think folks had to learn all over again how to create good battle maps that were no longer long range desert encounters from CMSF.
  15. I just downloaded, unzipped and it shows for me as well. Maybe I'll take another run at this now that it is a bit less painful. LOL
  16. why oh man? Not sure I understand the concern here. Actually I am sure I don't understand the concern.
  17. I have had up to 4 installs at a time. When you install instead of the default directory of Battlefront\Combat Mission Fortress Italy insert something else like Battlefront\Gustav Line\Combat Mission Fortress Italy. They will still use the same my documents directory for scenarios etc. If you want to have Install specific mods stick them in a z folder in the data directory of that specific install. If they are generic across installs add them in the my documents user data mods folder. In some ways this is more elegant than CMBN as you have an option to share compatible mods across installs instead of having to have individual copies while also retaining the ability for individual install mods. At least that is my understanding of how it works..... Maybe I'll go give it a test drive... hmm what mod..... Confirmed, this does work. But as MikeyD said, you can just ignore the my documents mod folder completely. Really nothing has changed other than having a common folder so you don't have to have multiple scenario copies. Not bad.
  18. Here is a great thread on posting. Everything you could want to know and nicely organized. http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=97288
  19. Actually I find the opposite. In Wego you make a plan and then for the next 60 seconds you watch it go horribly wrong without being able to do a damn thing except cry out at the inhumanity of it all as your teams get shot to pieces. In Real time you just go, "Huh wait I didn't know that tank was there" and hit pause as you decide on a new plan. Instantaneously everyone gets to react to the new threat. Now if you refuse to use pause at all, now your talking.
  20. Wouldn't be the first time I was wrong. From the support page: SUPPORT FOR DOWNLOADED PRODUCTS All of our products are now being offered in Digital Download format. These products use a special licensing and activation system, enforcing our End User License Agreement. With your first purchase a customer account is created for you automatically in our store, using the first 25 letters of your email address as your Username, and a random password (which is emailed to you). In your customer account, you will find all relevant order details immediately after your purchase (no need to wait for emails!), such as download links and license keys, for all your orders placed with that account. Please note that download links remain active for 365 days after the first time you download them, but for only up to 10 downloads.
  21. I don't believe they count at all - activations are what count.
  22. That has been what I have seen so far. Set the same environmental conditions and alter the date or time and you will see significantly different behavior. I have messed with this scenario a bit and decided to have it begin just before dawn to give the GIs a chance to get moving before the German FO(s) can get better visibility.
  23. already reported http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=109889
  24. Holy crap. 15m? Dang even the PzF30 is gonna be opening up then. Well the scenario vKleist and I are about to start launches at I think 7am or so in November. Gonna be real interesting for the first couple hours.
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