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Everything posted by sburke

  1. I'd love it. I could just area fire any potential ambush locations and voila!, all my opponents well laid target commands would be canceled and his infantry would reveal their positions. What could possibly be wrong with that? Creating new commands to compensate for not using the existing commands well seems fraught with issues. I expect performance won't change, instead those commands just won't work and then there will be a new set of requests for commands. And as Emrys noted, sometimes even a well laid plans fails.
  2. One of my favorite threads. Everything you'd ever want to know about posting. http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=97288
  3. Sigh.... Well I can only blame myself for opening that door. Must climb back onto wagon....
  4. Okay if you are going to insist on suggesting the content to something that isn't even fully fleshed out is insufficient, then perhaps we should review what we got from the ... err... umm... .. Steve's mouth. My highlights added.
  5. Nope not at all. I was responding to others getting tired of you. I made the comment about Phyllis Diller and Siri and then said the uber posting should no longer bother them... Yes victimhood - entirely appropriate description of your behavior on this forum. I myself have gotten fairly used to ignoring the amount of BS you throw at the forum though I have to admit it has taken a lot of effort. I have been pretty good lately at not bothering to comment as it only gives you more feedback and continues the loop. The one exception recently was your totally BS statement about Benghazi and your usual suggestion that you have some secretive sources at mysterious high levels of the gov't that you continue to leak from on a very public forum. Julian Assange you are not. I seem to have fallen off the wagon about not giving you a platform. must...resist...must....aaarrgghhh
  6. Based on? None of us know the full content yet. So far BF's issues have usually been trying to figure out the cutoff point because there is simply too much material. I would not be at all surprised to see that be the case here as well. If they do find it is a bit short maybe we can convince them to add material to do 1940 scenarios in Holland... Yeah I know, dream on...
  7. Scathingly? Really? Get off the victim soapbox, it just gets old.
  8. LOL It occurred to me in the midst of the discussion about trying to sync Bil and GaJ's AAR posts that no one suggested they just include the compass time in their updates and it dawned on me that maybe they just hadn't noticed it.
  9. No it is more an out of control Siri with not even a voice that you might find pleasing. Imagine Siri with Phyllis Diller's voice... there you go. Your day is now set, you can wander about absolutely horrified at the thought and the incessant uber linked responses will be the least of your concerns. You are welcome.
  10. Sorry if I misunderstood your intent, I didn't think it was that obvious.... obviously I might have been wrong.
  11. Never mind. I just re read. Yes in CMFI alt-m will change the presentation.
  12. No, this was a campaign run by Broadsword56 using the St Lo board game as an op layer. I believe in the Hamel Vallee AAR it is discussed how battles were decided upon.
  13. M10 was moving, it raises dust. Even before cresting hill, noise and dust should alert stationary Pz crew that a vehicle is going to crest the hill in the exact location they have been told to maintain overwatch. Is there really any question why the M10 got drilled so fast? Personally I thought it was a very very poor decision. I know cause I have done it myself and paid a similar price... If GaJ really wanted to get them there, he need to provide some means of obscuring their approach or distracting any enemy units there. All he did was drive into their gun sights. It's your fault Ken, you told him to attack.
  14. This is not a scenario, it is a QB and the force selection is deciding the new reality. This is in no way a replay of that battle, it is just similar terrain.
  15. You realize there is a clock in the compass that has it the way you prefer? BF actually provides us both methods but it seems most people over look that.
  16. Anybody happen to notice we have chimney's in Gustav Line? Yep chimney's. B***h to place but pretty cool. The building on the right is as intended, the building on the left is what they look like when you get lazy. I guess properly speaking they are stovepipes.
  17. Fantastic book and I had the good fortune to read it at Broadsword56's recommendation just prior to us launching a campaign game where I commanded the 352nd. I also had Mord and Darknight's great unit icons for it while playing. Fun stuff.
  18. Just ran a quick test. I lined up 20 scout teams and 20 tanks on billiard terrain with an FO in a 4 story building looking at them. The scouts and tanks were set up in around 30m increments. I ran it with dense fog At 9am Nov 1943. The FO could only spot units out to about 150m. At 6am they could not spot anything even at 50m In both cases they were still able to get a lot of sound contacts. If you turn off icons it gets eerie as visually you have no indication anything is out there. However terrain which is probably what a lot of folks will base their observations on is not obscured much. It will get hazy from your point of view, but you can always move the camera up close.
  19. Here you go, a bunch of them. Some of the shots are zoomed in so you lose the effect of distance, but there are enough there you'll get the idea. http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=109876 I think part of the issue may be perception. What does "dense" mean, it is a very subjective term. What might be more helpful would be if some tests were run to indicate what it's impact is on spotting. For example just tossing some numbers lt fog 500 m Heavy fog 200 m Dense fog 100 m That might be say noon. At 7am they might all drop by half. I think the actual visual will be impacted by the hardware you run on so it becomes more difficult to align perception with game impact. As Normal Dude suggested post some shots, let's see what you get and include your graphic card info.
  20. I am not sure what you are trying but I am working on one that uses dense fog in winter conditions and I am finding it very atmosphereic. Are my pixeltruppen still able to see their hands in front of their eyes? Yes, but a tank a few blocks away is an indistinctive blurry object. Perhaps due to being really a completely different game CMBO/CMBB handled it differently and maybe a little less realistic? I tend to avoid using CMx1 games as a comparison of what conditions should look like.
  21. we just need to be able to acquire grenades, lots of grenades.
  22. Technically speaking...if you use an 81mm mtr team as your "demo" group, you can blow a bridge..
  23. or you can believe this version on wiki. It actually has footnotes and other documentation that reputable sources usually supply. It is also well...a lot more believable. In no way does that detract from their heroism. Note Ambassador Stevens and his bodyguards were killed at the consulate. Doherty and Woods were killed at the CIA annex. Not sure how they were supposed to have picked up weapons dropped by Steven's bodyguards who were in another building over a mile away and several hours earlier. They were also not shot to death, but died from mortar rounds. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2012_Benghazi_attack Assault on the CIA annex Just after midnight, an attack on the CIA annex began, which included machine gun, rocket and mortar fire. The CIA defenses held off the attack until the morning of September 12.[19]:45-46 Early in the morning, Libyan government forces met up with a group of Americans (reinforcements from Tripoli including Glen Doherty[67]) that had arrived at the Benghazi airport. The team, which included two active-duty JSOC operators and five CIA personnel, had commandeered a small jet in Tripoli by paying the pilots $30,000 and forcing them to fly the team to Benghazi.[19]:43 After being held up at the airport for a few hours, the Libyan forces and newly arrived Americans went to the CIA annex at about 5:00am to assist in transporting approximately 32 Americans at the annex back to the airport for evacuation. Minutes after they drove through the gates, the annex came under heavy fire. The team immediately took up defensive positions. With a lull in the fighting, Glen Doherty began searching for his friend, Tyrone S. Woods, and he was told he was on the roof manning a MK46 machine gun. He found Woods on the roof with two other agents, they quickly embraced, filled each other in, and retook defensive firing positions. After only a few minutes, a mortar round hit Woods' position, fatally wounding him. As Doherty attempted to reposition and take cover, a second round fell on him, killing him instantly.[19]:46-47[68] 31-year-old David Ubben suffered shrapnel injuries and several broken bones in the mortar attacks, and according to Ubben's father, "The first [mortar] dropped 50 yards short and the next two were right on target."[69] Immediately, several agents ran onto the roof to assess damage and help the wounded, who were taken from the roof with a ladder. At the same time, a JSOC operator was using a hand-held device displaying images from a Predator drone above, which had been sent by the DOD's Africa Command after request. The operator told the Chief of Base, "There's a large element assembling, and we need to get everyone out of here now!" Evacuation was agreed upon, and everyone was notified to collect their personal security items and evacuate. Within minutes, vehicles were loaded, and they headed to the airport. On the way, they were hit with small arms fire, but arrived with no further injuries.[19]:47-48 During the fighting, the CIA had successfully rescued six State Department personnel, recovered Smith's body, and had evacuated about thirty Americans out of Benghazi alive. Most news accounts do not mention the number of attackers killed. "Benghazi: The Definitive Report" claims that just under 100 attackers were killed.[19]:46, 48
  24. From 5/20 - not sure if there has been anything else from some other thread. Been off the forum all day...damned office IP address range is blocked and I am in Silicon Valley.
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