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Everything posted by sburke

  1. Actually it is Banzai. Bonsai is for plants. uhh duh, oh wait herbicide... joke, yeah umm never mind. (watches as CM1fan passes his hand over his head and mutters "zoom" while rolling his eyes.) "Banzai(万歳)" literally means ten thousand years (of life). It is written with the combination of the kanji characters for "ten thousand(万)" and "age(歳)." Bonsai (盆栽, lit. plantings in tray, from bon, a tray or low-sided pot and sai, a planting or plantings,
  2. I generally follow that stance as well. About the only time I will use target is if I am afraid the AI will choose what I believe to be the least threatening or lower probability kill in choosing between multiple targets. I find the AI also wastes less ammo if I leave it to decide. I once watched a PzShk team loose 4 rounds at a Stuart when if I had let it be it would have only likely used 1. I was worried though the team would waste fire on some nearby infantry if I didn't set a target order.
  3. It looks like your LOF goes through the branches, not necessarily the trunk. If you can get an immobilization, then a kill is guaranteed and a side shot like that... Yeah I'd have to go for it. If the fates are against you so be it. Besides at a minimum the rude shock may make him even more cautious.
  4. heh heh and word of warning, the file size in PBEM is quite large, but so far it is running good. The map is per usual for Broadsword simply amazing.
  5. permanent666 is no troll and while I think it is a bad idea to post that link without warning, clicking on it wouldn't reveal anything to Bil as it is the very start of the thread before they even switched maps.
  6. Building your own is actually kind of fun. I read avidly all the talk on the forum while CMBN was still being prepped for release, copied down the specs of folks who seemed to have no issues and then went to Fry's, bought the components and built it myself. It isn't rocket science. Though I am sure there are folks who could tweak my machine and get even better results out of it, my rig has handled anything I have thrown at it in CM and what it couldn't handle has usually been determined to be a bug. I spent about $1000 on it, but I wanted two 2 terabyte drives, one for my use and one to auto backup. I also got a blue ray disc player etc. After almost 2 years now I think I have definitely gotten my money's worth out of it.
  7. I don't think there is a math gamers forum.... Then again how the hell would I know. What I do know is I feel like I am listening to a big bang theory episode with Sheldon arguing with himself. Oddly enough that is sort of amusing.
  8. Never know, BF might come up with some kind of model for that, but I suspect the terrain, flavor items, buildings etc will all change so much it may not be feasible. Even looking at CMBN vs CMFI you have a significant amount of variation in the building types. CMFI has more 3 and 4 story buildings than CMBN currently and it capable of creating higher population density urban maps. I have gone back to CMSF and tried to recreate some ideas I have been tinkering around with in CMBN/CMFI and I just can't do them in CMSF. Really looking forward to CMSF2 as I think the map creation capabilities will be a lot better.
  9. Yeah well you have fun with that. My inability to imagine is simply a healthy level of skepticism to unproven hyperbole. Just because someone talks about it on the internet doesn't make it true. That you choose to believe all that stuff is your business. That you toss it around here as fact is just annoying. I work in the VoIP field. If I listened to what the carriers told me about SIP I would have a lot of egg on my face at work as it turns out the carriers do not even transmit SIP between themselves. Skepticism is a good thing, it has kept me gainfully employed.
  10. That is bogus. Have you ever heard of any instance at all (verifiable - not just some internet blather) of an aircraft having any instability much less accident due to cell phone usage or any other device in the cabin? I fly a LOT and have forgotten to turn off my cell phone in my bag more times than I can count. Cell phones are on a completely different spectrum than the aircraft functions themselves. The ban is simply there because no one will take the effort to lift it. Which frankly I am quite happy about, the last thing I want is chatter on cell phones in the plane. If just one in 10,000 people forgot to turn off their cell phone, the amount of impact on airline traffic would be catastrophic according to your statement. You really think not one in 10,000 forgets on a regular basis? This one is so easily refutable it is sad that time is wasted to even bother pointing out the glaring hole in the logic. Not to mention,if it were true Homeland security would ban devices being even brought on to the plane. Hell they ban water. Also it is bad form to cite you own links that have already been refuted on the thread you are linking to. Recycled bad data is still bad data. Recycling as a good thing only applies to products that can actually be used to help the environment.
  11. Getting awfully close or maybe over the line there on OPSEC. I haven't read Bil's installment, but there should be no discussion here about what Bil might or might not have noted. Pfft GaJ beat me to it. I type s...l...o... where is that "w' ...ohh there it is....w
  12. I dare you to repeat that over in the peng thread
  13. what if the water is infinitely deep and the source of the fire is infinitely hot..... of course using real numbers.
  14. In the immortal words of the old man in Monty Python's The Holy Grail - I'm not quite dead yet...I feel happy! Bil may yet hear from that sniper again.
  15. They aren't minor now. I expect periodically the division the country comes up every now and then, Entering the EU I remember N Italy talking about dumping S Italy as the economic drag on the economy. Okay enough SHOOT SOMETHING!
  16. Well we have only a cursory reference on GaJ about placement. It is an HMG bunker which begs the question why it was placed with visibility all that distance. Even if Bil had not spotted it yet, it seems to have been a really bad position as whenever it got spotted, there was a nice overwatch position to kill it from. Again there are assumptions about concealment that don't have anything to support them yet. For all we know this thing is standing in the open in clear view of anyone with a pair of binoculars. This is another bit of bad luck for GaJ that I think is going to be traced back to not paying close enough attention to where things can be seen from. Bunkers are tough to place and I can only attest to having ever placed one in a good position. That was an off angle to hit an attacker from the side while being completely concealed prior to the enemy getting into that position. The good news is - you can bail out.
  17. Bil, we are talking tree farming for crying out loud! Shoot something.
  18. Never. As BF promised to keep the game up to date, these will be final when BF releases a new engine and starts back on Western front WW 2 with the new holographic 3D version that allows you to use a time portal and go back in time to find out if anyone ever resolved the question of infinity posed on some thread that is still running on the forum....
  19. Now I get it!!! This is all proof that a thread can be infinitely boring while still amusing....sort of. Can boring be measured to infinity? Is that mathematically possible? *edit just giving you guys a little grief to keep your feet on earth. If it helps pass time till Gustav is released, it is okay by me.
  20. Lots of assumptions there to get so worked up about it being spotted. It's big, it was on a forward slope and it looks like it spotted the JgPz first, GaJ just made the call to wait for a better shot.
  21. they are drawing straws as to who gets out of the vehicle first.
  22. It sounds more like a hybrid networked hot seat play.
  23. Yeah really, I'm thinking to cut class and go get stoned. Up for a beer?
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