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Everything posted by sburke

  1. I vote they do both- update CMSF AND do CMSF2 in Ukraine. If I have to chose though, I vote Ukraine. Force projection for the US into Ukraine would be a whole other kettle of fish than Syria. I don't see our carriers moving into the Black Sea without the Russians threatening to mine it. It will be interesting to see the background story as it might be a much more limited engagement than Syria, but encompassing enough different type units to make for a good force mix. One front could be comprised of a push from Poland and having to deal with possible involvement of Belarus.
  2. That's the spirit!! Actually love reading other's AARs as long there are lots of screenshots. I don't really like to comment as we all have our own play styles and it isn't one size fits all. Great entertainment Baneman, thx!
  3. Early after the CMBN release there was a thread that discussed this and suggested using other stuff in the cemeteries from the monuments flavor objects etc. LLF also created some interesting stuff for the Ramadi scenario way back in CMSF.
  4. I don't think you guys should be baring your relationship here... While I would love to see triangular buildings, I think they may be problematic for BF. Just moving around sandbags gives you some idea of difficulty of placement. Still it never hurts to ask.
  5. Yeah I just saw that as well, worth asking..... @Freyberg- far from a dumb question. You can't tell even in the editor what they are. Question escalated.
  6. @Fizou, would love to see a bit of AAR showing both the battles resolved at CM level and impact at the op layer. Yeah I know it can be a bit of add'l burden, but am very interested to see how that is going. I liked the fact that HPS OoB is so easily edited and that makes record keeping so much easier.
  7. Allied casualties as in soldiers? I find that to be a ridiculously high estimate. When the Korean war began, the S Korean army was pretty much overrun and had no armor to combat N Korean tanks. Later the forces of the PRC surprised the UN forces with a massive intervention. Despite those two opportunities to inflict lop sided casualties, the total casualty count for several years of war was: According to the data from the U.S. Department of Defense, the United States suffered 33,686 battle deaths, along with 2,830 non-battle deaths during the Korean War and 8,176 missing in action.[251] South Korea reported some 373,599 civilian and 137,899 military deaths.[9] Western sources estimate the PVA suffered about 400,000 killed and 486,000 wounded, while the KPA suffered 215,000 killed and 303,000 wounded.[24] I find it difficult to believe that the NKPA could do better now and the likelihood that China would intervene on their behalf is pretty low compared to the geo political situation in the 1950s.
  8. I'd love the setting, but Colin Gee as a writer? Nah I have read through a couple and finally gave up as his writing is so utterly horrible. The Native American diving into close combat with... tomahawks? It was more like a description of a Conan character, but without Howards ability to actually write. And that is only the most blatant of his two dimensional characters. I tried to ignore the characters and concentrate on the battles as scenarios, but it was just too much. Still yeah I would love to see an East West conflict in 1945/6.
  9. Heh heh, well it is still conceptual, but it is sort of premised on the old CMx1 operation and really isn't anything new to be honest. If the idea pans out into anything interesting I'll post then about it.
  10. Nope, not at all http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=109530&highlight=Korea Personally I'd like it, but it is definitely one of those that is not to everyone's taste.
  11. I think Broadsword would strongly disagree with you there in our current battle. The Tank company at the point of the attack is getting increasingly hard to control. Granted the crews are not bailing but they are backing off at the first indication of opposition. A single HE round is enough to have them back pedaling now and this in turn is forcing the commitment of additional forces. Our suspicion is the unit has been degraded by losses in the company and the crews are now so rattled they are avoiding combat. Actually you had mentioned panicked - I think currently the overall state of the unit is probably rattled and easily panicked. How quickly a unit panics or not has a lot of variables so isn't easily categorized here.
  12. They are on the map to allow you to decide if you want to commit them, however if you don't they are not counted against you. It takes a certain amount of points at the op layer to commit a force. If uncommitted you retain those points and the unit itself is still available for any other battle generated in that time frame at the op layer. Broadsword is much better at explain that process.
  13. Nah, I call BS. Suggesting designers are deliberately altering designs to some "puzzle" format to accommodate a lesser quantity or catering to the iTouch crowd is not just a critique of design. You might feel that is an objective complaint. I don't. Incidentally it isn't my work so I don't even get the reference....
  14. I can't speak for others, but no I do not consider the points you raised to be negative or overly critical. Broadsword and I have gone back and forth over a lot of this including the issue of availability of reinforcements and how to include forces that may have contributed flanking fire. In our current battle we had variable reinforcements show up on the map in a position where the player can decide to commit them or not. As to higher level decisions being incorporated I'd say 20 minutes is excessively fast. Higher command would first of all have to be made aware of the situation, come to a decision, formulate plans, issue them to the forces involved and then have them familiarize themselves with the plan etc. The TCS system has a pretty interesting setup that incorporates command staff capabilities into a decision cycle. The primary staff element is at BN level. Command decisions formulated w/o a BN staff suffer a penalty for lack of resources. The primary remaining issue is having a battle where there isn't so much an issue of flanking fire. Screaming Eagles fits the bill fairly well. The mechanics can be easily adapted to anything you want to do. All you need is a map and OoB. Regarding synchronized battles, Broadsword and I have discussed an option on this, but so far haven't seen a need to implement. Personally I lean more towards an Op layer that is regimental in scale. Most of the op layers I have seen so far tend to be much larger, divisional and corps. In that case I think Broadsword's method makes for a good compromise. The save file becomes less an issue at this scale as units would have some time to refit and re arm between battles.
  15. Can I assume from this you think BF folks are fair game for any obnoxious swipe, but it isn't okay to object? Somewhat of a double standard me thinks.
  16. not far away. The problem with an op layer is how to apply it in such a way that you don't fight a bunch of short battles of no consequence. No offense but when Noob first showed the OP layer using HPS games, the AARs listed here were basically these rapid movement by scouting units to escape the map that lasted just a few turns. I was hoping to see how it progressed, but no further AARs were posted. Broadsword has taken a different tack of playing the OP layer game and only invoking CM if there were a critical point or specifically interesting battle that came up. Right now we have this huge fight going on for a ridge line and we have been able to factor in committing or not reinforcements from the op layer as part of the CM fight. It makes a very tough decision about using the reinforcements or not as there will be repercussions. I have the TCS board game Screaming Eagles in Holland (available on vassal) waiting in the wings, but primarily I am using the rules and to some extent the map for planning only. I hope to run the entire thing in CM. At it's scale this does seem possible. I'll be curious to see Broadsword's feedback. As the person running the campaigns I would think that feedback would be more relevant to you than mine. @Steppenwolf I would love to see a file generated at the end of a CM battle to generate an OoB for a followup, but Broadsword has been pretty good at integrating that in even for Op layer events that affect a units fighting strength. It is not an exercise for the faint of heart, but the results have been really really fun. The best gaming experience I have ever had by far.
  17. I guess we are just going to have to take your word that you are unable to use sensible tactics and don't just suck at combined arms. Not saying you do, but considering that amongst your sweeping generalizations I know at least one is false (Campaign count amongst releases seems to be pretty uniform) I can't expect you to actually validate these broad statements. And honestly they are not getting any less insulting. Designing for the "iPhone" crowd? Really? C'mon man.
  18. I know you didn't intend it that way, but I'd suggest reading stuff like that a few times before posting. Having seen how hard these guys work, it is a pretty insulting comment.
  19. pffft he's a pushover. All you need is a superior force in a great defensive position where LOS is too short for him to use his support weapons and there is no real opportunity to even maneuver much. Piece of cake.
  20. I have been playing around quite a bit with urban environments. If you have a good map that isn't just a bunch of buildings plonked down in a row, infantry can actually do fairly well. And an AT rifle grenade is capable of doing damage. I recently had one inflict a crew casualty which then caused the tank to back down a street right into the sights of a shrek. Another reason not to have an auto map generator.
  21. I had a similar experience flying in to Germany last year. Went right over most of the battleground the 101st fought over in MG. Considered yelling at the pilot to slow down or circle around and then thought better of it.
  22. Enough of the short jokes. He can't help it if he is of small stature. And what has the state of his fly got to do with how erect he is...umm wait a minute, that didn't sound right...
  23. Fireflys grrrrrrr Am in a battle with Broadsword now and I have Pz IVs - no Panthers, no Tigers..... and a map that has long distance overwatch. I have a very healthy respect for those damn things now. Oh and no we do not tire of your AARs, bring em on.
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