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Everything posted by sburke

  1. Dang thanks DC. I tried that and not only did I get the day off, but the CDC truck just pulled up with some interesting outfits. I think I am gonna get a few days extra CM time in!
  2. two items. First, the 122 can hole the KT from the front. Seen that already. Second if it doesn't, the crew is still going to be freaking out. It is a helluva blast effect. You just have to make sure you hit as that reload time is gonna doom you otherwise. Meanwhile those T 34 85s are deadly. The Russians have a full suite of very capable weapons, but they each need to be handled differently.
  3. Back Before Baneman's Grand-daddy invented fire, I was shot at driving a T 34, but I attributed it to just being dark.
  4. where to start first? The demo. Play that to make sure what you see is what you like. There are free demos for both CMFI and CMBN so you can get some feel for the differences. If you find you do like the game, then I am sorry to say you are gonna eventually end up with everything anyway so it just matters where you want to start. CMBN is more claustrophobic with hedgerows etc at least initially. CMFI is much more wide open and as an allied player your Shermans will make you feel like you own the uber tank, at least for a little bit. CMFI covers a longer period so your choices in kit are more extensive assuming you also get the Gustav Line module and you get seasonal variations including snow. Urban fighting is a mixed experience to be sure, but I wouldn't write it off. I actually really like creating urban terrain in CMFI. It stresses the weak points in CM more, but it is still a blast...no pun intended.
  5. crap. I hate work days. Be a bit before I can check it out...or *cough cough* maybe not..*cough cough* I think I might be coming down with something...
  6. yes, we Phila fans are a bit slow. They have to play it before every game otherwise we'd forget why we were there. And I can say that as I am Phila born and raised. Still can't get a decent friggin Cheesesteak or Hoagie out here.
  7. go head and PM me and I'll take a look. Just to be sure, what version are you running - hopefully the latest. (I deleted my older installs )
  8. Understood. What surprises me is the things I find I am not expecting. I was fully prepared to buy CMFI and be kind of ho hum about the theater. However what I have found instead is I think CMFI makes the best dense urban maps of any of the WW 2 variants so far including RT. Outside of PBEM and testing, CMFI is the game I gravitate to. Not at all what I thought before hand.
  9. yeah I had one get shot down and crash right into a Tank covered with Tank riders. Wiped out the whole lot. Oh wait- no I didn't, I was just day dreaming while waiting for a game to load.
  10. I've been wondering the same thing every time I hear that particular request. Try sending a column of tanks down a road and then find the one movement path you are looking for. .
  11. not me, the Bulge family is the one I am waiting for. Modding it using CMFI just doesn't do it. I want Ardennes building etc. Just look at the changes BF wrought on trees for CM:RT. Who knows what else they will have up their sleeves by then.
  12. NP thanks. I'd certainly be interested to look if you have any other occurences. Unfortunately simplifying in this case could only make the situation even worse. CMx2 is never going back to borg spotting (and frankly I don't know that these same things didn't occur there- folks tend to have some very rose tinted glasses when it comes to CMx1). As to Charles abilty to possibly do something else, no idea. The guy is already a genius as far as I am concerned and I am absolutely clueless as to what the possibilities are. The best I can do is look at it, say yeah that is wonked and pass it along.
  13. There may be no justification from a RL perspective, but there are possible issues from a computing/gaming perspective. CM does have a cycle for when spotting checks are made etc. and trying to increase those spotting attempts to reduce the few times this occurs would make the game pretty much unplayable except for the most high end machines (and questionable even then) Do you happen to have a save of the turn prior when you issued the commands as well as a save of the turn itself? I'd be willing to take a look if you want to PM me. I'd like both as sometimes as AKD mentioned you get an outlier and in those cases behavior can appear totally wonked. When I hit those I write it off to mud on the vision blocks or bird cr*p or whatever. I don't see it often enough to freak out over, but it can happen. Despite Erwin's protestations, you aren't getting blown off. There are recognized limitations in the engine and Steve has gone into great detail as to what it costs in processing power to get any more detailed than they are. Unfortunately that is not likely going to change anytime soon. Whether there are some possible other items in play that would make this more plausible, I couldn't say. I have seen it often enough a player overlooked something, it happens to us all.
  14. Matches? Who said anything about matches? We just rubbed their head with two sticks and mixed some tinder in their hair. A bloody mess most of the time. And how did you know I used to have that nickname? You must be one of those NSA dudes. Pfft, you probably have lighters and stuff.
  15. If so please do it in the CMBB forum.
  16. yes, but when all twelve guys are yelling "look at that" and pointing in all 12 directions, the TC usually just rolls his eyes. kidding. I honestly don't know.
  17. Congrats Sergei, nice performance. Now why the heck didn't you guys do that to Sweden?
  18. Very cool, nice to hear. +1, thanks again GAJ for both the app and the outstanding ongoing support.
  19. I think Steve's point was a little broader than that. First that the information would only give you a general idea and you'd still need to use the targeting tool, second it would be a big hit on computing power. And even with the targeting tool I still can't be guaranteed my tanks will have the LOF I might think they'd have before they moved nor that once there they won't be spotted first. I have learned the hard way, there are no absolutes in this game. You plan for what you think you can do and to optimize your chances. Then you hit the Red Button of Fate and start praying you were right. Kind of like a RL commander.
  20. Was the stuff on the napkin to more explicitly explain the hand gestures? I am one of those folks would probably consider a micro manager. I love playing this game at ground level watching what every damn one of my pixeltruppen is doing. The behaviors exhibited by the TAC AI are sometimes outright amazing and as much as I am not a modeler, seeing the drama unfold in a live action diorama is an absolute blast. However I don't particularly spend my time trying to figure out every shot and movement expecting I have that level of control. The tools at hand allow me to do what I need to do and then some. Only thing I'd still like is the ability to tell my guys to toss a hand grenade in the way they do smoke now, but I expect if I had it I'd run out of hand grenades even faster than I do now.... Then I'd complain about that.
  21. I'd probably go for another shot with the Hetzer as well, but in the off chance he gets a round off and it hits.. well let's just say you won't have to worry about it getting repaired.
  22. LOL during that bloody nose- it is a good thing we don't have hit decals for pixeltruppen. That Hetzer crewman would simply have been a little pile of them.
  23. I have had the same happen in both Japan and Hong Kong. Japan I expected. Hell they have a huge warehouse in Tokyo just for this sort of thing left on the subway. Hong Kong surprised the hell out of me. I'd dropped my Passport on the street and was passing that same intersection an hour later and some guy was holding it looking for a face that matched. He refused to even accept a gift. I was absolutely floored. I have gotten lot better about watching my s**t while traveling. Fortunately my learning experience was not based on pain, but rather how people can really surprise you by their generosity.
  24. Hey maps are always welcome - period. For those folks who like to do quick battles HTH, it doesn't need any AI. They can just name them to be included in the QB set and off they go. If you are not comfortable with the AI, but are into spending lots of time making nicely detailed maps I am sure they would be greatly appreciated. To be honest (at least pre trigger) the AI isn't that hard to do. What is hard is understanding how long it may take the player to move and where they are likely to go. THAT is the difficult part. A phenomenal AI plan doesn't work so well if the player does something completely unexpected that makes the whole plan moot.
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