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Everything posted by sburke

  1. Sorry to intrude. What is an unfrozen snowball? A puddle? Okay I'll leave now.
  2. Armor is not so invulnerable as it used to be. If you get a chance, close assault the beast. I think you will find the results surprising and your opponent cursing you for using cheap infantry to kill his expensive tiger. smoke can get you close enough. JonS managed to get two of my tigers in a pbem even before the recent changes in infantry vs armor behavior.
  3. got it Rokko, your game was started in version 2.0 if it is of any interest. I got the Eighth air force bombers coming over if I applied either of the two subsequent patches. Couldn't hear the mg, but can definitely see the rounds flying out. I'll submit
  4. Am in the process of a gradual upgrade of CM on another issue and figured I'd kill two birds with one install so to speak. I am able to see in v1.11 a movement to an angled wall that has the AS all adjacent to the wall in a formation that the pixel truppen line up correctly every time. I will continue on through 2.0 and the subsequent 2 patches to figure out the diverging point and add to what akd has already submitted. retraction- sorry I think the issue is not your version but how you approach the wall. I have been able to verify that at least for CMBN version 1.11 through 2.12 the behavior is identical. You need to approach the wall from a perpendicular angle in order to see the option for 3 AS all adjacent to the wall. In that selection all your truppen will line up correctly. If you approach from an angle, that particular selection of action squares doesn't seem to show up. Just verified with CMFI 1.12, behavior is identical.
  5. you can send it to me rokko, I'll PM you. I did a test using CMFI 1.12 with 30 different tank crews from different formations and ToEs to get a broad spectrum. I didn't see this behavior so it isn't anything broadly based. The save would help a lot to narrow down.
  6. I hear that. Before I moved here they had that little ditty for water shortages. If its yellow let it mellow, if its brown flush it down. I don't ever want to have to use that. we now return you to our regularly scheduled program "Waiting for Godot to learn something new about Eastern Front game".
  7. welcome to the eastern front where life is hard.
  8. Fortifications Under unit selection. you then place them under unit deploy. Go into blue side, select fortifications, buy what you want and then deploy them. They aren't considered "map" features. Modules Under data there is a selection for Holland or France. I believe that will only drive the map selection features. You then have to base unit selection off of some knowledge of what units are available from which module. That is a little trickier. Ditchlock I think is not a MG feature, but rather a 2.0 feature. In other words you can have CMBN upgraded solo to 2.12 and have that feature. A player with CMBN only upgraded to 1.11 will not. Keep in mind use of the overlay feature implies having an upgraded base game as well. That was not available in cmbn 1.0. One thing I do if you want to do fortifications before you select your actual combat forces. You have to select a formation to start- select the FO. It qualifies under formations and yet you only have a team and vehicle to deal with.
  9. I have tested in CMBN 2.11 and 2.12 and can recreate the behavior in both. Beyond folks recollections that they don't remember it being this way before, can anyone say for certainty it wasn't? I may get around to re installing a 1.11 version on CMBN, but am honestly not sure if there really is new behavior. My indications are that the patch introduced nothing new and yet folks here are swearing it did.
  10. make sure the facility you are having him committed to is nice one. He deserves that much even if he is so whacked he won't be able to appreciate it.
  11. It's okay dude, we think he knows a little about that, hence the qualification. Note he did not say all (and for what it is worth the T 34 isn't the only early war tank that gave the Germans a little bit of a wake up call).
  12. I a little weird how much fun it is doing blasted towns eh?
  13. I haven't examined the scenario, but you can have different placement depending on which of 5 possible AI plans is in effect when you launch the scenario.
  14. More than money it would require all UIs to be the same so that EF Stalingrad and CMSF 2 would both have Holland terrain and bridges. That would also tie up more UI space for every game unnecessarily. You'd then have to have the drop down options for Holland dates etc...it would be a really big mess unfortunately. Within the East front family of games that would seem to be more an option as the terrain aspects shouldn't vary that much. The exception being the first game- I would assume we will have Polish and German terrain/buildings at some point. 1941-1943 however should see relatively the same terrain (hopefully 1942 will focus on some additions to recreate Stalingrad).
  15. Which the allied Casablanca declaration a month prior for unconditional surrender rendered a non starter. Whether that stance would have held had the Germans seriously considered negotiation and Hitler being dead is another question.
  16. Take a look at the Venafro map in CMFI-GL. I had a lot of fun creating a seriously rubbled town using elevation changes, different terrain tiles and lots of junk flavor items and wall sections. If your map is fairly flat you can also use the shallow ford tile to create puddles/water filled shell craters. Add some mud and a little rain and it gets pretty atmospheric.
  17. LOL you want an immediate update if any information is imminent? Jones'n for a fix? We are a funny bunch and BF has us hooked. Goddamn the pusher man!
  18. rotflmao I was just thinking earlier today- great he's got an assault rifle in the kid's room.
  19. 2014 is gonna be a really good year. :eek: <- CM fan
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