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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by sburke

  1. I am not sure how you don't consider the first ideal. The ground is flat and hard and the snow acts as a lubricant. The second is a movie set and that doesn't even look like a real tank much less a Tiger to me. No offense Odin, but those are not going to sway BF. You know the kind of stuff it takes to change their view and it isn't like the issue of turning speeds of vehicles hasn't been brought up. Honestly I don't know if it should be changed or not, but I do have some idea of what type of information can be used to sway their opinion. No offense, but I think none of these qualify.
  2. Somebody reading the War in the Pacific AAR with Capt Mandrake and Rear Admiral Sprior?
  3. Also note that all these instances are folks who are in fairly ideal conditions, the vehicles are very likely kept at high maintenance levels. The drivers probably have a better idea of their equipment limitations then the folks who were churned out as drivers during the war. There are no consequences to a thrown track other than having to fix it etc etc. The 3 links to the Panther all seem to be the same demonstration (check the driver). BF is never going to accept any of this as the basis for vehicle performance in game. First they aren't truly realistic behavior comparable to wartime conditions and the requirements to keep a vehicle in fighting order when maintenance is harder to come by, secondly this would presume conditions are always ideal. How would we feel after watching a tank maneuver like that all the time and not be throwing a track constantly in less than ideal conditions. We'd be complaining again only the thread would be "Do tanks not throw a track often enough when pivoting?" In the previous example of the StuG under attack, I would think the more appropriate response would be to accelerate or reverse, not to rotate. If you lose a track while rotating, you are a sitting duck.
  4. I feel the need to step in here and correct some cultural mis communications. JonS is actually a really nice guy. However you have to understand him in the context of his culture, or in this case his adoptive culture. As an infant JonS was left in hell. No not that hell. Hell as in the New Zealand Pizza franchise. He was found and adopted by members of the reclusive pissoff clan of the Maori. The pissoff clan has a highly devloped sense of communication through sarcasm. It is a gesture of respect to use high levels of sarcasm as the intent is to acknowledge the listener has a highly developed sense of humor and the self confidence to accept the humor in that vein and reply in kind. Beware however of responding inappropriately. Any reply not showing the same highly developed sense of sarcasm invariably leads to a communication loop through which the pissoff clan member is trying to find the appropriate sarcasm level for the recipient. Similar to Japanese where in the process of conversation with a previously unknown person, the participants will look for clues as to social status and the appropriate language including use of Keigo. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Keigo While Keigo is a recognized social status based language use, the pissoff clan is less well documented, mostly because linguists aren't sure how to appropriately respond to the sarcasm. LukeFF you had been graced with a high measure of respect initially - honored even, but I fear the communication loop is beginning to break down. Unfortunately your original post was so sarcastic that I believe JonS figures you to be some national leader or equivalent status who should have a very highly developed sense of sarcasm. fmj, I am afraid your attempts at sarcasm have not been very successful. As I started with, the pissoff clan has a very highly developed sense of sarcasm, meaning it must represent some amount of dry wit and humor. Unfortunately I think in pissoff clan culture, you would be asked to stand in the corner of the classroom with this strange attire on your head. I hope I have been able to clarify some of the cultural miscues playing out here and I apologize JonS for revealing the details of your life in hell, however I understand the pizza is good.
  5. psshaw, heresy from the Pacific Northwest. I am in the Bay Area. The source of all that is evil and destroying American family values. That shot should actually be slightly more familiar to you too. Particularly that building complex on the top of the main mountain. Though it is still a work in progress and that shot is taken from about 1500 meters away.
  6. Is this big enough? A work in progress. That is not background, that hill is in game. See town at it's feet. If you need something bigger, you'll have to wait till BF gives us Ski troops.
  7. you know how much stress that puts on your f5 key when you haven't pre-ordered? AND it is a whole 24 hour wait..okay granted someone will ALWAYS spout out on the public forum they are downloading so really you don't need to f5
  8. You are saying this to the generation that thinks the MTV generation's attention span was too long. Doesn't big data mean you should give me what I want before I even knew that I wanted it?
  9. according to Chris on his latest twitch installment, there is no information currently available on the topic. I think that is about as good as you will get in terms of an update. It is neither a yes nor no really, but simply it is too early for BF to comment on. They have mostly been saying no, but things around here are subject to change and CMFI was a surprise for everyone.
  10. If you don't do CM:Vietnam first I'll be so disappointed. Crustaceans are food, not combatants. and man are they good food.
  11. those idiots must have played CMBN and figured dismounted tank crews were really deadly.
  12. Heh, what's to say we won't see someone do that? BF's story is just a backdrop to give us the kit. What we do with it is up to us. I could see someone doing another battle for Kharkhov featuring the Bundeswehr. Hell maybe BF will do it for one of the modules.
  13. There are definitely behavior issues with units in CM that are not consistent with what you'd do in RL or hope a combatant would do. Keeping low in a crouch trying to stay below cover when moving, rushing across an open space and not bunching up etc. You definitely have to take those into account in CM and in close terrain it becomes much more critical. This isn't simply an issue in urban fighting, but is far more evident as the particular interactions that are at the root of it are standard environment. Doors, wall interactions with buildings etc BF has stated at different points the difficulty of working on the TAC AI, but their intent to continue to do so. As the engine progresses hopefully we will see smoother behavior etc but in the meantime, the AI labors under the same issues as does our human opponents. The lesson, think about how your pixeltruppen are going to move before you commit them and if you aren't sure, do something to increase the odds in your behavior or try a different path.
  14. Honestly I have no idea how you come up with those figures. Not saying you haven't seen them, but I'd be hard put to think they are not an outlier experience. Having worked enough with the editor and in scenario author mode to test scenarios, the AI just does not have enough (any) intelligence. At the TAC AI level, the AI and you are equal. It is at the level slightly above where the advantage is all yours. You can decide when to move, the AI can only follow an AI plan or route when beaten up. Area fire, smoke, demo charges etc are all something only a human can use. Please do not take this the wrong way, but if you are suffering more playing the AI over a human player, I have to wonder what that human player is doing wrong. According to your experience, they would be better off not issuing any orders. The AI has no special benefits over the player in anything period and I spend an inordinate amount of time messing with urban maps.
  15. I actually see those quite a bit. Enough so that I don't send troops anywhere near a burning tank even if I have seen it cook off already.
  16. That is all CGI you know, that wasn't real footage. I am thinking you probably know that, but why then that would be included as an example is questionable. Assuming for the moment though that it was real footage, a single example doesn't change the overall view that it is a very rare event which if allowed in CM would become a very common event.
  17. Thanks Elvis, AAR much appreciated and very entertaining.
  18. I'm gonna be chuckling about this all day tomorrow. Damn that was funny.
  19. Heh heh I suspect that thanks to RockinHarry, I am gonna have my rubble terrain tile..like now. Being able to have the underlying terrain match up to a scenario is just far too cool.
  20. The AI has no advantages in urban terrain except maybe more patience. If not told to do anything, it won't Seriously the player can execute suppressive fire, smoke, demo charges (if you have em) etc. The AI has none of those in it's tool chest. Attacking in urban terrain however is a whole other thing. Recon by fire is a nice way to get the AI to reveal itself.
  21. everything is in the .btt. Once you have loaded them in the scenario editor they are embedded in the btt. If you play the scenario and see them, so will everyone else.
  22. Nice, very very nice. You've given me plenty of reason to be smiling on a monday morning.
  23. I dunno, drinking two Guiness and calling you in the morning sounds like a recipe for you getting a lot of drunkards calling you first thing. I usually wait to drink my Guiness till afternoon.
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