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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by sburke

  1. well yeah but neither was the comment it was in response to.. yet I didn't see you comment on that...hmmm. It's the circle, the circllllleeee of price!!! Man you guys are so lucky you can't hear me sing.
  2. ha for what is is worth neither have I, but that is more a case of just having too many conflicting priorities. As for this scenario I have play tested many variants of it, with varying US forces. I have had at times success with the Brads, TOW mounted Strykers and HUMMWVs. I have at times crushed the Russian force and at other times been burned badly. I can't say I have an easy answer to success nor can I say any one unit is useless. It is one of the reasons I really liked this one. You have to work at it to make all the pieces come together and for me the replay value was very high. It is a fairly unique scenario pitting a vastly inferior sized force with a lot of support assets against on paper a much larger force. It is a really great learning scenario for what makes CMBS so different.
  3. man that is an awful case of flatulence, good thing he wasn't sharing the foxhole with anyone
  4. Let me be the first to say, Oh christ you are back? The cesspool is not the same without you, .... compliment or insult... hmmm Pickup truck eh? Sounds like the beginning of a country song there somewhere. oh by the way we can get you a doody hat, but you'll need an avatar...
  5. you don't know Baba Ji? You obviously don't get enough spam in your diet.
  6. Just curious, how was the Bulat assessed as having poor situational awareness? Is that based on actual testing in CM or simply general impressions. I ask as in the situation above that same Bulat went after that Russian tank twice and in both instances got off the first shot before the T 72 had noted it's presence. It was more nail bitingly frustrating it took so long to get the kill and it was sheer luck when it did. I do not have a whole lot of time in game with tank on tank action to feel I can really make an assessment yet on it's relative capabilities.
  7. I am not sure that is true, I don't think you are going to see US troops grab stens. You can however get them equipped with plats I have only played around with this to a minor degree so I don't yet know what the limits are. I mostly wanted to know if Reuben Tucker's paras could grab a truckload of PFs.
  8. following your advice and just hitting report and marking as spam. However on the CMSF thread I had to wonder if my aging pixeltruppen might actually need anti aging cream. difficult call.
  9. What my Bulat did to a T72 and a BMP in one shot. The Bulat and T72 traded a couple rounds. The T72 backed out of sight behind the BMP... no problem.
  10. yeah that would be a decent assumption. However the actual mechanics of aircraft are very much fudged. The average CM battlefield size is such it would be pretty rare even for an aircraft to enter it particularly in the modern era. The advent of UAVs is putting a wrinkle in that. For sure I do not think the viewing location is equal to the UAV game physics location for AA fire. If it were in the Tunguska test from above the UAV would never spot the 1st TG. Where and how that viewing location works is something I really haven't had the time to try and test though. How long did you have the UAV looking for that team? There are a few things that can affect it, the first is time. When you assign the UAV to a location, the folks running it need to time to view the area you have noted for observation, which brings up the second point of how large an area for observation. The larger the area the longer it may take to spot stuff. The best option may simply be to target the area with artillery fire and while it is falling get someone up to get eyes on the enemy location if that is an option, or just move up a tank and area fire with a brief target command and retreat. The artillery will hopefully keep the enemies heads down while you pound the area with direct fire. As to aircraft. hard to say how well they will spot on their own. Against vehicles my experience is pretty good. Against unspotted infantry, I would expect not so good but possible.
  11. Blame Bil, he took vacation and everything grinds to a halt.
  12. The problem is you didn't place the Raven there. You told it to look there. I am still struggling with understanding what to expect in code, but while playing poking the bear it was clear my UAV was always in the corner of the map. You'll notice that when they get shot down How that impacts what they can see and where I honestly don't know, but I do know it affects spotting and targeting them. Quick test. (you'll need to buy it to do this...) Create a map with a big spine running down the middle. Put a Tunguska on the enemy side then send your UAV over it. The TG will never spot your UAV. Now put a Tunguska on your side of the map. Your UAV is likely toast while it is observing the TG on the opposite side. The model as I understand it is the UAV is observing from a standoff distance. It does not position itself directly overhead where you tell it to observe. That may be impacting how well it observes. That would require a lot more testing than I have time for to prove/disprove
  13. It was more about how much you can rely on China's friendship. I'd take a Russian tank over a Chinese tank any day of the week and twice on Sunday. Tested, probably. Russian engineering while differing at times on priorities from the West has still produced some innovative designs. Proven? Where? US has unfortunately had plenty of battle time to test our equipment and improve on it. Russia hasn't - 1. Had so much experience and 2. Proven themselves well. Most of their lessons learned have been how badly they need improvement. That is just the reality of everything they have gone through and the adjustments they need to make which they are in fact doing. Proving that those adjustments are valid though...well hopefully we won't see Armatas showing up in Ukraine cause that one might be a little hard for even Putin to brush off.
  14. Note if you use shift-esc you can get rid of all the paused text for your screenshots.
  15. you'll need to clear your box, it isn't accepting messages.
  16. Well yes, we just completed the paperwork. More will be taking up residence in the Happy Valley rest home July 1st. House rules, no internet, no gaming and absolutely no modding.
  17. They can only share the stuff they can pick up from an ammo dump, I have yet to see anything like buddy aid, but I have equipped us paras with panzerfausts.
  18. and if you really want to have someone watch your back and defend you.... well don't make your new BFF be China. http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2015-06-08/china-battle-tank-maker-trash-talks-russian-rival-online?cmpid=yhoo
  19. To rub salt in the wound I noticed the Para across the street just mowed your guys down and escaped out the other hedgerow.
  20. Don't worry Doug, you will know in time Start diabolical laughter.
  21. No, but while we wait there is this https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ZrHmcpRAZNs
  22. I'd have thought you'd be sick of fighting around Arnhem. I bet you are now.
  23. yeah this is part of the nature of a campaign game, both good and bad. Part of what you want to have is the kind of friction that happens in RL. S**t happens. Revel in it and enjoy the battle for it's own sake. It is important in these to fully understand the commanders intent and to communicate, but if you don't and it goes t**s up, that is okay too. In the AAR you speak with your commander and clarify the communication issues and make sure in the next battle it is all clear. Honestly though the mis communications to me is kind of cool. Hang in their gents and keep playing. For what it is worth Broadsword and I in our campaigns where it is only the two of us had fewer issues, but we still had discussions prior to and after the battle about how we thought it went, what was the result and why. Translating the results from a CM battle to the hex OP layer was more a theoretical discussion than a hard and fast set of rules.
  24. Honestly not sure of status on that one, but the point of the demo is simply to figure out if you want the game...and you want the game.. this is the game you have been looking for..... you need this game...... Seriously though, not sure.
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