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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by sburke

  1. Man that explains so much, but they seem far more prevalent in CM than they did on WW 1 battlefields. And I believe the proper name for this is "Ent"
  2. google drive also has some free file storage. There are quite a few out there.
  3. yeah, unfortunate that like Kohlenklau's Kate Upton dreams they turned to smoke
  4. LOL yeah that is one thing I genuinely hate on the internet. For all it's hype, it is a lousy communications medium. Humor is really difficult to project, especially if you are just poking at someone in jest. If everybody always agreed about everything this would be a stunningly boring place. That actually sounds like a premise for a twilight zone episode, but the episode would itself be boring. Remember one thing from this. You argued with a guy with a doody hat on his head. Now how do you feel? edit, I guess I shouldn't blame the internet. The medium is text - it could just as easily been video on the net....grumble grumble new technology hrrumph
  5. dude if you think I am gonna cater to your need to be coddled, not gonna happen. I did not insult you. I simply pointed out with an attempt at humor which you missed focusing on tactics II - the joke. You can stop upgrading CM anytime you wish. You could have stuck with CMBN 1.0 or 2.0, but just like the rest of us, you want those additional features. You aren't "threatening my beloved game" whatever the hell that is supposed to mean. I never said you didn't like CM, I never said you shouldn't play CMx2. I reacted to what is a frankly silly idea. (hold onto that thought, I am not calling you silly). Gee BF when are you going to stop developing this product so I can have a CM final version (because I can't enjoy it as it develops). When I say dumb a** s**t (which I know I do on occasion) I would hope folks would slap me upside my head (verbally) and say, hey burke, that is just dumb. Then I could look at it and say "umm yeah it was okay, moving right along". I don't worry about getting my ego bruised and ask, gee can you be a little nicer at pointing out I was a dumba**. It is part of being a member of a community of people who are intelligent and frequently witty and being able to accept their good natured ribbing. It is a social thing that if you can let go a bit can be quite fun, even if you are on the receiving end. Stop worrying so much about being tactful and have some fun. Life is short. I have this vision of getting to retirement, having all the time in the world to play CM or whatever else I want to do and then getting hit by a bus. I really hope retirement turns out the way I hope, but I am not putting my enjoyment of life off till then. That is the silly I was referring to. Life is now. Stop worrying about when CMBN might be at a final version, it is likely going to be years from now if we are lucky, enjoy what you have and embrace it. Note I did not call you a dumba**, I was referring to my own behavior. In answer to your question I hope they never stop developing the game. Honestly I have no idea why anyone would want that. I am not trying to be dense, I just do not get what the upside of ending development is. It isn't about being a religion (I really do not understand these references). Just a couple examples 1 This one came from Steve - wouldn't it be cool if CM had the capability for an AT team to lean around a building and not have to march into the middle of a street to shoot at a tank? 2. Wouldn't it be cool if a save game could be opened in the editor and saved as a new battle to allow for better control of HTH campaigns? 3. Better animations, less collision issues. 4. Tanks having limits to their elevation for better portrayal of urban combat 5 Molotovs My list is probably endless. Why would I say, nah let's just stop there and not add anything else. Did you ever wonder why any thread that is a "wish list" seems to run on forever and no one EVER says nah, let's just stop now and have a final engine version. oh and frankly you have not been very tactful either. You instead have resorted to those same old tired phrases that usually include being called a fanboi. Credit to you for not using that one.
  6. I once worked with a guy at a dotcom who's official title (this was the height of the dotcom days) was Unix Jedi.
  7. beer up the nose, a waste of good beer, but the laugh was worth it.
  8. no offense guys, but this is a dead end discussion and we all know it. If it continues it will simply get more rancorous until Steve has to intervene and lock the thread. Short answer to the OP - no sale, don't plan on delaying your purchase in the hopes of one. If it happens many of us on the forum will likely die of shock. There are however discounted bundles which may not be too far off the mark, but those discounts tend to be permanent. CMBN full bundle for example at $105 is a good deal. It won't be going away after the weekend though.
  9. Nah didn't make me feel better, but you have to admit saying essentially that you want to see BF stop developing CMBN for example so you can have a finished product is pretty out there enough that you are gonna get that kind of feedback. If you can not process through how your suggestions may be perceived, then yeah I agree with Mord, don't say them publicly. Honestly this is one of the oddest requests I have seen on these boards. We took your statement to it's logical conclusion. Maybe that sucks, but you were the one that tossed the idea out there.
  10. funny, that has historically been a nickname in my family for years. We have all (father, brother even sister)been given it at one point or another.
  11. It really is a shame you have such abysmal reading skills, otherwise you'd know I pointed that out 5 days ago. You are slow, both in the sense of time and comprehension. And you need a hat. That "inside" joke must be inside your head, told by the voices there.
  12. Congrats agusto, very nice I think you should consider buying a lottery ticket today just in case and I never consider buying lottery tickets
  13. I notice you are still fixated on hammers though. Maybe you could use one of those to knock some sense into Boo, that wanna be Justicar.
  14. It was driven by his dog and his ex.
  15. This is all as I understood it as well. Also note some of the strategy was changed by another announcement. The licensing model changed. Now everyone downloads the full installer and their license unlocks the pertinent modules. That did two things 1 it reduced patching issues and 2 it meant there really is only one release supported, the current one. I think that was a good move all around. I think you also hit the nail on the head. One issue we did voice concern about was the amount of time that would be spent keeping each family current. I think the last thing any of us want is for releases to slow to a crawl because the workload to keep titles consistent expands geometrically as titles are added. That BF would look for a process that is manageable and still commits them to supporting each family is the best for all even if it means we have to exercise a little patience about how quickly a particular feature may take to show up in our favorite title. I am speaking of CMFI of course, everyone's favorite.
  16. watch it there, you are gonna be over the legal limit! PUI - playing under the influence is a no no
  17. well he is our resident troll, which while I am thinking of it, who's turn is it to walk him? I took him out at lunch and if he leaves one on the carpet I am not cleaning it!!
  18. Basically, you have as many player as you want, each takes the file in turn, makes their moves saves, then passes it on to the next. The last player runs the turn and gets the replay file. Saves that, posts a copy to dropbox for all to review. While they are reviewing, takes their copy and makes their moves, saves and passes to next to restart the sequence. Most of the time in passing turns is the time you spend reviewing. The folks at the end of the line will already have reviewed the turn before they get a chance to make their moves so it would not exponentially increase the time per turn, in fact the more players the less time lost per player in review. The overall time would go up, but not as bad as one might think.
  19. yes. You already covered the caveat of making sure both players get to see the replay phase. Theoretically there is no limit to the number of players who can participate. You could have an individual in charge of every team.
  20. mature, reasonable? Have you looked at my avatar lately?
  21. oh man you found and posted it! I still have the files from our .... postponed HTH. But as a saved game I couldn't do anything with it. Doh, you posted it in 2013, somehow I missed that. Good times.. http://community.battlefront.com/topic/105648-syrian-civil-war-baba-amr-dar/?p=1386557
  22. That used to be the behavior. I haven't used direct fire mortars in CMBS yet.
  23. Yeah this is one of the disturbing things when you go back and play CMSF. You hit an enemy team downing a few members, but you know you missed a couple. So you spend the next few minutes suppressing the area and getting a unit in position to eliminate the survivors...then you get to the position and.... where is everybody? I then usually panic expecting them to pop up now and hit my guys until i remember...doh!! they routed, they are gone... I hope.
  24. Tactics II man, Tactics II, that one I think fits your bill http://www.ebay.com/itm/TACTICS-II-2-Vintage-Military-War-Strategy-Board-Game-1961-Avalon-Hill-/261921185809?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item3cfbb82011 You do realize as long as you only want to play single player mode you can just stop upgrading whenever you want. CMBN 1.0 is "set for the ages".
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