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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by sburke

  1. Touché! Finally. You can't distribute the hat unless you wear the hat. What kind of product message is it that you will not don your own attire.
  2. That is what I have done. It really is pretty straightforward. Nice gift!
  3. I think you could verify that by putting them in front of an obstacle they could only see over if standing. My suspicion though is that you'll get a disconnect between the animation and what the game thinks the unit is doing. In other words your guy will see through walls they shouldn't and take a bullet between the eyes when you think he is behind cover.
  4. yeah really, and the Russians haven't exactly shown much concern about the humanitarian crisis they have created. Hell the "humanitarian" convoys are even a joke. Yeah we are sending "aid" but we aren't gonna let anyone see the "aid" we are sending even though that would be a PR coup.... Me thinks I am seeing crocodile tears.
  5. yeah I think I'd have to agree with Sublime here. There is nothing in that section meant to be comical, but rather as dramatic as possible. The futility of trying to save a guy's life in the midst of a torrent of fire, but still they will try because that is what they do. It is a level of heroism that we don't often see.
  6. LOL As a non Russian friend I can still do basic math. a drop in income has to mean a drop in spending or you start heading towards a very bad financial state. No rocket science needed and Russian is not a magical place where the basic rules of finance don't apply. For some fun reading though you may want to try this one on. http://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2015/07/27/the-double-sting
  7. Smartass. Gave me a good chuckle though. Could you hear Charles in the background floating in his jar giggling while making fart bubbles?
  8. That is the reverse in route, but perhaps not the opposite in actual steps. Plot the return by making the first way point directly on the units side of the hedgerow, not the opposite side. The second waypoint to the final destination. What you did looks the opposite, but I think may actually a different plot from the TAC AI's viewpoint. I suspect if you plot the waypoints exactly the way you did in the first move coming back then they would use the hedgerow gap. The distance from the start point to the location opposite the gap is probably faster from the AI's view by going around. You didn't quite give it that option the first time because it's first waypoint is directly on the opposite side of the hedgerow.
  9. That is kind of a loaded question - define content. Number of units level of detail and options in ToEs number of scenarios/campaigns required art work all of the above? Also what has to be factored in is, if it was done as a module to CMBN what would be the impact on loading and running? I honestly don't know the answer, but from what I understand from comments Steve made on the forum some time ago there was a limit to the amount of material they would load in any one game family. It is not from my impression a financial decision so much as a performance/support concern. Eidt- oh thank you Wiggum for your obligatory negative point. Not sure what about a general statement on possibilities warranted it, but I guess you just feel the need.
  10. They deserve company - advance units from one of the battles in the campaign.
  11. I'd have started with the manual. Triggers - (posting this as it is far less confusing than me having to describe them) Also note on page 106 right after this there is a section on AI Artillery designations for support fires. Sometimes you will want an Group to act based on battlefield conditions rather than set times. This is achieved with the use of Triggers. You can tell a Group to “Wait For” another Group to execute an Order or to “Wait for” a unit (enemy or friendly) to touch a Trigger Objective. The same basic principles apply to both Order and Objective type Triggers, however you will probably find some situations where one type works better than the other. What Triggers can not do is provide alternate commands. AI Orders are still followed one-after-another without branching. Triggers simply allow you to control when the next Order executes based on the Trigger parameters you choose. Setting up a Trigger Triggers are always set up first and then linked to specific Orders. A Trigger can be used by as many Orders in as many Friendly Groups as you want, but an Order can only be assigned to use one Trigger. Setup can never be used as a Trigger and the last Order of a Group can never be triggered. For an Objective Trigger you must first designate a Terrain Objective on the map, then choose what sort of unit can trip it. You can choose between friendly or enemy and either any type of unit or only armored ones. For an Orders Trigger you must identify a specific Order (Setup is not an Order) in a friendly Group and change the popup just below the Order Number to “Can Trigger” from “Not Trigger”. Now that you have a Trigger specified you need to instruct one or more Groups to use it. Find the Order you want to wait for a Trigger and click on the “Wait For...” button at the bottom of the Orders panel. When you do this a dialog appears with a popup menu that shows all the Triggers you have made. Select one and it becomes the active Trigger for that Order. Exit Between Times The first thing to understand is how the “Exit Between” times affect tripping. The first time tells the AI to NEVER start the Order until that time even if the Trigger is tripped. The second time tells the AI to NEVER start the Order later than that time even if the Trigger is not tripped. The time period between the first and second settings is when the Order is paused waiting for the Trigger to be tripped. If you want a Group to always wait for a Trigger to be tripped leave the first timer to 00:00 and set the second timer to something greater than the scenario’s maximum game time. If you want a Group to give up on a Trigger if it isn’t tripped by a particular time (a failsafe) then leave the first timer to 00:00 and set the second timer to the time you have in mind. Sometimes you will want a Group to wait until a specific time even if the Trigger is tripped, in which case you set the first timer to that time. If the Trigger is tripped before then the Group will start executing it’s Order only when the first timer’s time is reached. If it hasn’t been tripped by then the Group will remain idle until either the Trigger is tripped or the second timer’s time is reached (whichever happens first). The Tricky Part While setting up Triggers is fairly straight forward, getting them to do what you expect is not necessarily as easily done. The more complex your Plan is, the more interdependent Groups are to each other, the more challenging it is to get the results you want. This section tries to get you started on the right path. The most important, and definitely most difficult, concept to understand is which Order to select as the Trigger. The natural inclination is think of Triggers being tripped when an Order is complete (i.e. the units arrive in the painted area). This is not how it works. Instead a Trigger is tripped when the designated Order starts, not when it ends. Which means if you want to key off of units arriving in the painted area of Order 5 you must select Order 6 as the Trigger, not Order 5. While this may be counter intuitive to us Humans, to the computer it’s solidly logical and there are very good reasons for it. The second most common source of error is having two or more Groups use Triggers to “leap frog” each other. This can definitely work, however designer error and/or unforeseen game events can cause a huge chain reaction that stops your AI from functioning. For example, you could find Group 2 waiting for Group 3 which is waiting for Group 4 which is unexpectedly waiting for Group 2. This error is commonly called “circular logic”. Careful use of the Exit Between timers can limit the damage, but keeping things simple is an even better way to go. Combining Objective and Orders Triggers can produce some sophisticated behavior if done right. For example, Group 2 Order 4 waits until Objective Blue is tripped by enemy armor, at which point it starts a wide flanking action using three additional Orders. Order 6 places the units in a key spot which signals that Group 3 should begin its own movement. In which case Group 3 would be set to trigger off Order 7 so that it starts it’s attack when Group 2 is at the key spot. TIP! In the event that you want the last action of an Group to be a Trigger (which it can not be by default) you can fake out the system. Create your last Order to do whatever action it is you want done, then create a new last Order with the parameters to be the same as the previous one and no painted objective zone. Then go back and assign a Trigger to the previous Order. This allows the last meaningful action of that Group to act as a Trigger even though technically it’s not it’s last set of instructions. That’s because the actual last Order is nothing but a repeat of the previous instructions. TIP! There is no explicit way to instruct a Group to face after completing an Order. However, you can “paint” the rearward destination 1 Action Spot further than you want them to go, then create a new Order and paint the Action Spot where you want them to end up. What happens is the units move past where you want them to wind up, end that Order, then start the new Order which requires them to turn around and drive “forward” towards the enemy by 1 Action Spot. If you do not use Exit Before/After time variables then the progression from one Order to the next will be seamless.
  12. What am I, the bastard step child? Gawd flaunting your other battle while my incoming file is as dry as Californian reservoirs
  13. well apparently the trade deal with China is not working out so well either. http://oilprice.com/Latest-Energy-News/World-News/Russia-China-Gas-Relationship-On-The-Rocks.html Note this is reporting what is already in Russian news so it isn't just Western negative news reporting- it is Russian negative news reporting. This is according to Valery Nesterov, an analyst with the Moscow investment bank Sberbank, who spoke in an interview published July 22 in the Russian-language financial newspaper Vedomosti.
  14. my only comments would be to 1.not make work on the engine mutually exclusive to new releases. BF needs a revenue stream, without that they aren't going to work on anything. 2. BF is already committed to maintaining the older titles so as things get fixed they get retrofitted to older titles. It may take time, but it does happen. 3. Be prepared for the s**t storm from folks who are already asking for more content.
  15. bubbles and perception is a funny topic, maybe for the general discussion thread. I remember watching the housing market in the bay area. My wife and I were renting and we wanted to buy, but we wanted to buy to live in not to flip and just profit. So we watched all the mortgage rates and particularly the adjustable mortgages. I can remember us talking about how anyone in their right mind would sign a mortgage like that. It sounded like a recipe for a financial disaster so we decided to wait and if it meant we couldn't buy so be it. Well 6 years ago we bought as the market crashed and we got a plain old fixed rate. I now pay half on my mortgage than I would be paying rent for the Apt we lived in when we bought. From my perspective - the housing bust was my ticket to buying a house. Hardly the experience of most of the country.
  16. hmmm Platoon patrol might be a worthy contender. It is small and I think with a human German defender the German side may have an advantage, honestly not sure. And make sure to just enjoy the experience of playing against a human. Everything you took for granted playing the AI you can toss out the window. Humans have an unlimited "triggers" capability.
  17. hmm so the Pz TC and the AT gunners yelling Fire!... what's up with that? How close is the German pronunciation for Feuer?
  18. yeah duh, so used to seeing the PIR, I missed it said PIB.
  19. LOL citing George Bush for winning a fair election is not exactly a selling point. Yes we do have our own issues here. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Florida_election_recount Fair enough Vladimir and good point. Maybe at some point I will take you up on that. I am very curious to hear an alternative view from inside Russia. Forewarning you may be unsuccessful at changing my perspective. I am a stubborn pita at times... okay a lot of times. No idea why my wife agreed to marry me. She probably lost a bet.
  20. there was a US para unit (509th PIR) still in Italy that was not pulled for Normandy. It eventually participated in Operation Dragoon in August 1944 and from then on there were no US airborne units in Italy. Reading through the US army Green books, there is little discussed about the 509th in Italy after the fighting in Anzio.
  21. umm because she is a journalist and that is how journalists survive? Man is that really the best argument you could make, heck I can listen to RT for free too. This a Russian source, someone who was in the opposition for years has met with Putin on more than one occasion and the best you can dismiss her with is, she sells a book... wow. Almost any well publicized anti Putin sentiment is going to be published in the west. He isn't exactly promoting discussion or did you miss the assassination of Nemstov. Yeah his killers will ever be brought before a court...sure. Have you actually read her book?
  22. Well the source is Russian so laugh that one up. Oh wait a Russian said it? Oh nice one. http://www.amazon.com/The-Man-Without-Face-Unlikely/dp/1594486514 I am sure you'll dismiss her for some reason. I can likely guess some of those reasons.
  23. ha, as usual humanity is just truckin along and when the results of our tinkering are in front of us, we don't have a clue what we should do. Like trying to figure out how to make nuclear power work for us before we kill each other with it. Thing about ASI is, when it gets that smart it likely won't even notice us anymore than we notice a flea. Being afraid of it is a little presumptive. As usual we rate our importance in the scheme of thing a bit too high, Unless the ASI says "what the hell are those monkey's playing around with.. and in the first nano second of it's existence it zaps us back to the stone age. Or it doesn't matter as suddenly all our computers are doing something else and couldn't give a rat's ass about us. So we don't go extinct, but we have to go back to a non networked world. The other side of that balance beam thing though is weird. Immortality to me leads to insanity. If I had all the time in the world and I no longer had to eat to survive... what the hell would I do with that time? Right now I am looking forward to retirement. A few years to tinker around doing things I like with no real schedule before I get too old to do any of it. I like that it is a limited window, I'll actually appreciate it. And I am not particularly worried about dying. It'll happen, I have had a good life and when the time comes, I'm okay with that. Immortality though, what do I do with that? How do I relate to another human being? I don't think I want to live in that world. I do know this much - my cat could care less about this whole discussion - it has a turd stuck to it's butt and is busy racing through the house wondering what is attacking it. Will an ASI understand laughing at something like that?
  24. How can Putin be "fixing" something when he is a major contributor to the same thing. Ever read the story of the massive beef purchase being done out of St Petersburg that the St Petersburg council couldn't figure out what the heck was going on... then it turned out to be Putin and cronies? Trusting Putin to fix corruption is like trusting the KKK to lobby for affirmative action. The only corruption he fixes is the folks who aren't on his approved list. This is a primary issue in the west more than the sanctions. Western businesses are afraid to invest in a country where the rule of law is not in effect and the rules of business are decided on a whim by a faction within the gov't. Is the situation better than the 90s? Probably because back then there was absolutely no rules. Now there are rules, but they are decided essentially by a gang and not by the courts (beyond the courts rubber stamping what is decided by the gang).
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