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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by sburke

  1. Put it another way. Would people be satisfied with CMFI as is now and just edit the names of their soldiers to be Brazilian and have some modder hopefully do some uniforms and sound files? Yeah no that will never happen. Why bother doing SS, just have some modder do uniforms and edit your Units in the editor. Hell people have griped about specific details in helmets. No way is “good enough” the standard for this crowd. CMFI is an outlier in terms of the effort. It is not the norm so there is no sense in settings standards by it about what you are willing to settle for. It will be out soon enough and done and BF can move on to the less crazy European front for a bit.
  2. I don’t think that was quite what Steve was saying. CMFI is unique in this regard because there is such a mush mash of forces, equipment timelines and organization. It is the perfect storm to give Steve an anxiety attack. Having additional nationalities in and of itself isn’t his problem.
  3. Seriously Steve, you have nothing better to do? I may have to call your wife and suggest some yard work, house fixtures or just about freakin anything rather than this. Hell get that Marine icon added back into the CMSF UI, there ya go. Do that or I'll sick @Mord on you about the spies issue in CMSF 2.
  4. Hey cut him a break. It took him 8 years to come up with that thought.
  5. Sad what it takes for some people to feel good about themselves.... and oh yeah you'd still be mostly wrong.
  6. In a small industry that kind of cooperation is a very good thing.
  7. see this is what happens when Yanks are involved. I was born on the 4th of July so I have a higher level of Yankiness even than the general population.
  8. Raise your hand if you appreciate the utter irony of this thread.....
  9. Yeah but that is when a bunch of Yanks were doing the design, this one has proper Brits!
  10. nah with him in there who knows, maybe BF will develop a UK versus Euro Army Family.
  11. Ouch! I stand corrected. And thanks...saves me the time to bother even looking.
  12. Why? If he happens to like a game why is that any of our business? He explicitly said it was not really comparable to CM. I used to play a game on my palm pilot called drug dealer. It was pretty silly but fun. Killed time on the bus ride to work.
  13. Assassin 1 leading the advance. Sgt Bradbury spots and eliminates an enemy sniper. Assassin 1 actual (Lt Navarro ) jumps out of his vehicle to confer with the Sgt. bless you @Mord
  14. HA! For when you are feeling recovered for Iraq Shiite -Badr corps -Jaysh al Mahdi Iranian Special Groups - Iranian Quds Force, part of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps After the Mahdi Army's disbandment in 2008, the Promised Day Brigades emerged as its successor; however, the largest special group to emerge after the Iraq spring fighting of 2008 was Asa'ib Ahl al-Haq (also known as the Qazali Network) Sunni -Ansar al-Islam -Ansar al Sunna (Jaysh Ansar al Sunna after Nov 2003) -Abu Musab al-Zarqawi’s Tawhid wal-Jihad former Ba’athist resistance groups, led by Izzat Ibrahim al-Douri and his rival Mohammed Yunis al-Ahmad -Jaysh Muhammad (Army of Muhammad) - broken up into 4 units -The Awda (Return) Battalion was comprised of Ba’ath Party civilian cadres from the Hizb al-Awda (Party of the Return) -the Fedayeen Battalion was drawn from the Fedayeen Saddam -the Army Forces General Command Battalion from remnants of the Iraqi military -the Mujahideen Battalion from foreign fighters who remained loyal to the Iraqi Ba’ath after the fall of the regime. -Jaysh al-Islami (Islamic Army of Iraq). After the regime collapsed, a former Iraqi military intelligence colonel named Mohammed Kazem al-Janabi founded the organization in an effort to carry out the Iraqi intelligence service’s final orders to continue fighting in the event coalition forces prevailed. Its members were drawn primarily from the Janabi, Ubaydi, and Zobai tribes -Armed Group of al-Qaeda in Fallujah under a commander known as Abu Iyad.
  15. and then you have TF Panther...….. mix of missions, but some of them are all time favorite battles.
  16. before I soil my underwear, beyond visually hiding the unit from the player, what actual in game effects are there? Do my units perceive it's existence or are they just gonna shoot those guys below the terrain and vice versa? Any protective factor? If I create that depression and put a building in it, then cover with this terrain how does entry and exit behave? Years ago @Broadsword56 and I attempted a battle with a building set to try and do something like a bunker complex. The issues we ran into were pathing for entry/exit especially when arty hit and leveled the structure.
  17. Yep. As with any game CM has it’s limitations. Noting that for the OP is important for their decision making process. SB sounds like it would scratch an itch for me. Graviteam tactics not so much. Would SB replace CM for me? No, nor should it. Different itch, different solution.
  18. Many many years ago when I was just a noob telecom installer we were doing the teamsters HQ in DC. The smart ass young guys yes I was young then - proceeded to walk around banging on walls and yelling “jimmy, jimmy, you in there?” We got told to knock it off pretty quick.
  19. Well they did get pretty darn far and with just a little more luck would possibly have made it out of the Ambleve valley . Problem was they’d have still been cut off. No amount of luck was gonna make that plan suck any less. A plan that relied on mobility against an opponent who had far more mobility and an ability to move forces easily to head off the advance was just plain stupid. Saying that could get you shot though not just sacked and replaced like Shinseki.
  20. I’ll do that right after they reinstate the formation icon for Marines. That still rankles.
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