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  1. Like
    akd got a reaction from stugmeister in Field expedient armor for SU tanks vs Panzerfaust and Panzerschreck   
    They will also go straight in to the top of tank from a raised urban position.
  2. Like
    akd got a reaction from Amedeo in IS-2 late: where is my DShK   
    This is not correct.
    Orders here: http://www.tankarchives.ca/2015/12/aa-mg.html
    Example from 62nd Guards Heavy Tank Regiment in Danzig, 1945:

  3. Upvote
    akd got a reaction from Artkin in IS-2 late: where is my DShK   
    This is not correct.
    Orders here: http://www.tankarchives.ca/2015/12/aa-mg.html
    Example from 62nd Guards Heavy Tank Regiment in Danzig, 1945:

  4. Like
    akd reacted to roadiemullet in THE PANDEMIC CHAT ROOM   
    I'm not so sure comparisons from what I've said mean that by 'my logic' America loves Trump because there are people that support him there. If that's the message you took from what I have written then you've misunderstood me, which may be my fault in the way I have written my points.
    I don't mean to come across as facetious, but have you ever spent any decent amount of time in China? I have. I've been to every major city along the coast, from Hong Kong to Harbin. I've been to countless factories and met thousands of people in the last 8 years. I ran a project management curriculum for three years and had countless conversations with countless students/business people from all walks of life. I'm not a visitor who comes to China, I live here, and I've been here continuously with the exception of the occasional two-three week holiday and one three month stay back home in 2016, and I'm telling you, I've met maybe 3 or 4 people who didn't think the CCP was just about the greatest thing that ever happened to China.
    Imagine Trump has been in office for 8 years, and every single person you talk to about him bangs on about how great he is. Many bring it up in the first minutes of conversation because you are one of the few foreigners they have met in their life and they are so proud they feel they have to tell you. In 8 years you meet 4 people who said they didn't like him. That's the level. Forget communism, its all about nationalism. Communism as an idea is only ever brought up in the name of the party anyway. The official doctrine is 'Socialism with Chinese characteristics', with the recent wonderful addition of 'Xi Jinping thought on...' added before. Which means that basically whatever the party leadership deigns to be the policy is the policy, no matter if it fits a communist or capitalist criteria by other peoples measures.
    I'm not interested in applying 'my logic' to american politics - the whole reason I started posting in the first place is, as I said, too many people are viewing China through a western lens. Please don't take this response as snarky - oftentimes responses on the internet come across as pretty sharp and that's not the spirit of my writing here.
    We all know that the CCP Government does not abide any criticism, and people who start "causing trouble" really do have a tendency to vanish for months on end, before the family find out they've been tried for "breaking social harmony" or some more serious charge. But that doesn't mean everyone is living under the oppressive yoke and aches in their hearts for freedom haha, again, most people think the CCP are the saviours of China. This is in the face of the great leap forward, the cultural revolution, and the Tiananmen square massace. 
    The idea that students "know they will be gunned down by the PLA" - I'm sorry that's completely ridiculous. I just told my Chinese wife that one and she burst out laughing. Nobody thinks that, only westerners. It may be true, but again, that is NOT the perception here.
  5. Like
    akd reacted to roadiemullet in THE PANDEMIC CHAT ROOM   
    There is one more thing I'll add on to these posts as I'm sat at my computer,
    so Part Five,
    The idea that the government is playing some long term geopolitical game.
    This has to be one of the most repeated descriptions of Chinese governance that I've seen/heard in the west, to the point where its been picked up by the state media here and is repeated as though that were the case all along. Its total rubbish, and ties in perfectly with their propaganda about China being older and wiser than these 'new' powers in the west. Total drivel. 
    Yes, Deng XiaoPing had a public policy for China to "bide its time". Yes, the government does make plans and targets for decades in the future. Of course, with no annoying and pesky elections and risk of losing power to some other group for 5 years, such plans can be made. But so does every other country in the world. Governments make plans all the time for actions that will be taken well beyond the current administrations tenure. Its normal.
    Whenever there is some kind of international incident, the response from the government is often pretty slow (until very recently that is, as in the last few years we've had a new group of aggressive spokespeople giving daily press briefings - Zhao Li Jian is one of them, the guy promoting the conspiracy theory that the US army brought the virus to Wuhan). Often responses are given in cryptic idioms, usually 4-character 成语 Cheng yu, which imply that the speaker is well read and clever in their speech. (Some Cheng Yu refer to classical stories. Imagine giving some Bible chapter reference as an idiom, and you're in the right area). The problem is that Cheng Yu can often be bent to mean anything. Mao ZeDong loved to spout them all the time, so did Deng, but most of all, Xi JinPing says them all the time. Just watch a speech and listen to the amount of idioms peppering his output that could mean literally anything, but regarded as a wonderful pearls of wisdom by the media. 
    The slow response is not due to some master checkmate move being planned. Its nearly always due to the fact that they don't know what to do. When in doubt, do nothing. Not exactly genius. Despite this the amount of gaffes the Chinese pull is pretty staggering when you pay attention. Recently in the province of Guangdong, where I live, a province-wide roundup of Africans took place and enforced quarantine, even though immigration was halted well over a month ago now and before that anyone coming into the country had to stay in two weeks quarantine anyway. Unfortunately, the racist perception that Africans make up a large body of illegal immigrants unaccounted for who might be some reservoir of the disease (and taking into account the propaganda drive that the Virus is not from China, was only detected here by the excellent Doctors, and comes from 'foreigners'), meant that suddenly the provincial government decided to round them all up - going to their homes and ordering them to a local quarantine hotel where they had to pay to stay, but not bothering to quarantine their Chinese or non-African family members in the same apartment building. This insane policy has backfired and China is eating humble pie at the moment as African governments have demanded an explanation, with the governments of Nigeria and Kenya summoning the Chinese ambassadors. All Africans have been released and since been visited with bouquets of flowers and bags of oranges - I'm not joking you can look this up.
    China fumbles the ball all the time. Part of the problem is that those people in power and in the arms of government are products of the education system here, which I won't go into as these posts have gone well off track from the epidemic topic. 
    Suffice it to say that this idea that they are the puppet masters behind some long term calculated plan is pretty funny when you actually live here and see how things function.
  6. Like
    akd reacted to roadiemullet in THE PANDEMIC CHAT ROOM   
    Just to add on a part two
    The perception that mass unemployment will start a chain reaction of events resulting in the overthrow and possibly even murder of leaders is pretty far from reality. Your average Chinese person in the street does not look at America, or western countries, with envious eyes at our political system, and yearn for the chance to have a government that they can have voting participation in. What Chinese people think of their government is polar opposite of what westerners think. You cannot underestimate the effect of non-stop nationalistic propaganda on how people here view the world. Many, many people have an us-vs-them mentality, especially against the west, and in particular against the USA. The CCP is widely seen as the movement of the people that has successfully lifted a billion people out of poverty, despite the evil bullying tactics of the western countries who secretly want to control and dominate China. This isn't some fringe rubbish, this is what MOST people think. I can count on one hand the amount of people I've met openly critical of the system they have in place, despite living here for nearly a decade.
    If you want to see what Chinese think about democracy, have a look at their reaction to the Hong Kong protests. They are universally regarded as traitors by the vast majority of people. 
    Mass unemployment in China will never be blamed on the system they have in place - it can and it certainly will be entirely blamed on foreign countries bullying China. It cannot be understated how much China and society here truly blames the west for all its perceived ills. Most people are so sure about western countries and their evil plans because as far as they are concerned, within what is to them 'recent' history, the 8 nation alliance tried to cut China into pieces. As I'm sat here typing this there is a drama on the TV in my living room right now about this very topic. It is drummed into everyone from a young age, along with the daily dose of anti Japanese propaganda. Turn on any TV at any time of any day in China and you will find a goofy ww2 drama depicting 'Japanese Devils' raping yet another village, while the noble inhabitants fight back with their farming tools, kung fu and red flags.
    Tiananmen Square is always portrayed as a mass movement for democracy in the west. Perhaps the leaders in the square on the megaphones were shouting democratic slogans, and trying to use the opportunity to really make changes for democratic reform, but I have met and spoken to people who were there, who are quite open about their participation, and who have all uniformly told me that most people were trying to change the corruption that was endemic. In many people's perceptions, those changes came. That may sound crazy but thats the experience I have had from people I've met.
    If I could compare this to an analogous example, its a bit like assuming that most Americans secretly want to throw the US constitution away and change their basic system of government, that most Americans agree that the growth and power of the US economy has prevailed in spite of, not because of the system of governance, and that once the economy goes to sh*t they will overthrow their leaders and adopt a more China-like style of governance.
    Just to make it clear here - these views are not my own. I am simply pointing out what many people think here in China, as far as my experience goes.
  7. Like
    akd reacted to roadiemullet in THE PANDEMIC CHAT ROOM   
    Hey all, 
    Came to check up on this forum on the off chance that my fantasy Combat Mission: OPLAN 5029 was going to be announced and we'd finally get to see the PLA in action in this series.
    I don't normally post here, I *think* my last post was about 9-10 years ago, but after reading through this thread and seeing some strong opinions and predictions about China, I thought I'd throw in my two cents, as Americans like to say.
    I've lived in China for 8 years, speak Mandarin up to HSK level 4-5, and work in manufacturing. I've sat through this whole COVID-19 epidemic, since it first broke here and then spread across the world.
    Some of the perceptions about the government here and how they go about their business are pretty laughable, and some are on point, but mostly everyone is viewing society here totally through a western lens, though that's hardly limited to this forum.
    There seems to be a perception that
    1. The virus killed far more people here than is being admitted, even orders of magnitude greater, and that its being covered up to prevent some sort of mass revolt.
    2. Society here just needs 'a kick in the door and the whole rotten structure will come crashing down'; that once the economy goes belly up, there will be some sort of mass revolt.
    3. The evil CPC will do absolutely anything to maintain that grip on power, including the mass murder of their own citizens.
    4. People are suppressed and given the chance, they will overthrow the tyrannical regime and install a flourishing democracy.
    5. My favourite - China has a long view on geopolitics - LOL.
    The virus could wreck the economy here - there are already warning signs. I've been inundated with offers from factories who have bought PPE manufacturing equipment en masse in a desperate attempt to stay afloat. One insole manufacturer I know has totally collapsed and is relying completely on manufacturing KN95 masks, but due to the recent horror stories of faulty equipment creating yet another gaffe for China, as of two weeks ago only those suppliers on a whitelist can export items marked as medical supplies, regardless of whether or not their factory has all of the ISO standards, FDA registration, EU CE certification, etc. Everyone is scrambling to get on the list. 
    China has a mountain of unregulated 'black' financial institutions, massive SME debt, and the situation looks grim to say the least. I read a news article here that had the People's Bank of China warning there is a small chance of depression. That's big news, when they admit something like that, it means the risk is pretty real.
    The virus news broke just before the spring festival, which if you don't know is THE major holiday for Chinese and results in the largest human migration in the world every January/February. I was heading up to my wife's family in another city when the news was breaking. While I was there the nationwide lockdown came into place, though for different provinces the rules were slightly different.
    Many people in the west seem to think that because China has a huge population and an untrustworthy Government, then by default they simply must have been ravaged and are lying about it. 
    Firstly, the virus did affect an area with a large population - the city of Wuhan in Hubei province. Hubei itself has a population about the same as the UK. But it didn't appear everywhere at once, infecting droves of people. It appeared in one place and was noticed by local doctors. China's healthcare system is pretty turd in many ways compared to the west, but its not total rubbish (unless you are talking about traditional chinese medicine, but thats a rant for another day). We all know the story about the doctors that were arrested and accused of spreading rumours on social media. To understand this you have to step back and not straw man every action taken as indicative of the evil government. They were not silenced by the ruling elite, but rather the local police station/government who were following the rules laid out. Pretty stupid and draconian rules obviously, but from their point of view its the same as the rules Captain Crozier apparently broke leading to his dismissal.
    Once the actual realisation came through that the doctors were right, action was taken pretty rapidly, though not as fast as we now know could have been taken. Did the government deliberately withhold info from the WHO and the West, allowing the virus to spread so their evil plan could be hatched? Probably not. More likely they didn't realise the scale this was going to be and so nuking their own economy by locking down the country was probably not what came to mind when they had 50 or so people with some weird new type of flu.
    When they did fire the pistol though, they did it properly. Remember that this is not the first time that they have had an epidemic, even within the last 20 years. The leading Doctor, the 'hero' of SARS, Zhong Nan Shan, quickly came on TV telling the public and government what to do. Everything was shut down. Existing checkpoints at the entrances to residential areas and roads where manned with people checking everyones temperature. Contact tracing was heavily utilised so that everyone who came into contact with an infected person was contacted and tested. Did China use armed force to suppress people? Yes, but no more than American Police use armed force to suppress rule breakers every day. 
    They got on top of things pretty quickly. Are the numbers accurate? Lmao of course not, but mostly for many of the same reasons numbers in good-guy western countries are not accurate. Of course, there IS the possibility that scores more people died, and there are hints here on social media that the numbers are higher - one truck driver admitting in a local news street-interview he'd been delivering about 3000 urns a day for two weeks to a local crematorium in preparation for the Qing Ming festival (the annual festival for honouring the dead). This awkward gaffe was quickly wiped off of Weibo, the Chinese social media platform, but not before millions saw it. Where the masses enraged, demanding the overthrow of the tyrannical regime? No. Most people shrugged it off as pretty normal - of course the official figures are inaccurate.
    This is quickly turning into a huge post that most people won't bother reading so I'll leave it here for now and if anyone has any questions, they can ask in the forum, and I'll respond.
  8. Like
    akd got a reaction from para in THE PANDEMIC CHAT ROOM   
    If we show the virus how tough we are, it will definitely back down.
  9. Like
    akd got a reaction from Lethaface in THE PANDEMIC CHAT ROOM   
    Average Joe does not understand math.  Maybe someone less average will need to make some decisions.
  10. Like
    akd got a reaction from Bud Backer in THE PANDEMIC CHAT ROOM   
    Average Joe does not understand math.  Maybe someone less average will need to make some decisions.
  11. Upvote
    akd got a reaction from DMS in The Year Ahead Bone Post   
    The change to organize 1x SMG in each rifle company was made in mid 1943.  All the rifle companies in current version have larger numbers of SMGs than the shtat provides for seeded throughout the rifle company.  With this fix, they will be concentrated in an SMG Platoon and rifle platoons will have the authorized shtat allocation of SMGs.
    Note that the 43 and 44 rifle battalion orgs are really not earlier and later orgs, but rather the full shtat authorized org (from Dec 42 with changes through mid 43) for the "43" battalion and a more typical reduced org for 1944-45 (not a new shtat) for the "44" org.  
    In 1944-45, the Red Army was short of men, not SMGs.
  12. Upvote
    akd got a reaction from Ghost of Charlemagne in Dutch CV9035 "KETF" ABM rounds   
    KETF works more like old-school shrapnel, bursting well before the intended target and discharging sub-projectiles in a cone forward, whereas ABM in game is treated as AB-HE, a standard HE round timed to burst over the target that is just as effective against a target behind the burst as it is against one in front (well, in reality its not quite so simple, but that is the effect in game).  KETF really needs a unique treatment in the code, sort of like delayed action canister.

  13. Like
    akd reacted to domfluff in Drones testing   
    When I've run spotting tests with drones, the results have varied wildly between identical tests. Vehicles are reliably easier to spot than infantry, and moving vehicles are easier to spot than stationary ones, but that's all generalisations - I've had the same tests spot the stationary infantry long before the adjacent vehicles, and so forth.

    Based on that experience, I suspect that there's enough noise to obfuscate any differences between roles.
  14. Upvote
    akd got a reaction from DMS in ZIS-2 57mm AT Gun CMRT Performance   
    I believe this is a test using standard AP, but not sure:
  15. Upvote
    akd got a reaction from BletchleyGeek in Splitting Russian groups into teams.   
    A report that might have some bearing on this:
  16. Like
    akd got a reaction from Aquila-SmartWargames in ZIS-2 57mm AT Gun CMRT Performance   
    Some info on APCR performance:
  17. Like
    akd got a reaction from Pete Wenman in Splitting Russian groups into teams.   
    A report that might have some bearing on this:
  18. Upvote
    akd got a reaction from BletchleyGeek in Splitting Russian groups into teams.   
    Been looking at this document in particular, and it seems a bit strange.  The number of "squad leader assistants" is tied to the number of LMGs, not the number of squads.  The standard has Dec 42 org has 2 squads with 2x Зам. командиров отделений - наводчиков, but 2 squads with just 1.  It seems this designation is more directly tied to the LMG than squad leadership.
  19. Upvote
    akd got a reaction from BletchleyGeek in ZIS-2 57mm AT Gun CMRT Performance   
    I believe this is a test using standard AP, but not sure:
  20. Like
    akd got a reaction from Aquila-SmartWargames in ZIS-2 57mm AT Gun CMRT Performance   
    I believe this is a test using standard AP, but not sure:
  21. Like
    akd got a reaction from DougPhresh in Soviet Op Bagration and later corps structure   
    Been looking into this and considering whether a change might be needed.  The problem is I find a bunch of different reduction schemes, one of which is described in Zaloga & Ness's Red Army Handbook as reducing to 3x larger squads to trim some manpower (along with other changes).  That is what was put in, at least generally, for the 44 reduced org.  It could perhaps be considered a first stage of reduction, although the full strength 43 platoon is a bit over strength in the first place.  However, I have recently found some material on a scheme that reduced the platoon to 4x 7-man squads each with 1 LMG that seems to be related to the mid-43 Stavka order to form SMG platoons in all rifle companies and am wondering if a 7-man squad was a more widespread "standard" reduction imposed across fronts?  Also found a schematic for a 1944 reduced regiment that has the rifle company down to 72 men and 3x platoons with 3x 6-man squads each, then another for only 60-man company with 2x platoons, 3x 6-man squads.
    The thing is, you can use headcount adjustment in the editor to get the 44 org down to approximately 6-7 per squad pretty easily (although that does mean you may lose squad leaders in some squads), but if the headcount is set at 6-7, you cannot use the editor to add back in men to an individual squad, so I am somewhat reluctant to advocate for a change to the 44 org on that basis unless such an org was never used.
  22. Like
    akd got a reaction from DougPhresh in Bug and stuff thread   
    This is SS-Sturmbrigade "Reichsführer-SS" on Corsica in the Sept-Oct 43 time frame.   SS becomes available again with the newly raised 16. SS Panzergrenadier Division "Reichsführer-SS" sending a kampfgruppe to Anzio.  The full division and all it's elements does not become available until June 1944, IIRC.
    "Infantry-only" is supposed to restrict purchase to foot formations.  It is not "branch" or parent formation based like the editor.
    Yes, as noted above.
    Not sure how it would be reversed.  Is this across all formations or just in this specific panzergrenadier battalion.  The 16. SS formation panzergrenadier battalion is unique because it was only ever partially motorized.
    Swear this was reported long ago, but will check.
    Don't think they had any M5s in Italy, just M10s.
  23. Upvote
    akd got a reaction from MOS:96B2P in German Panzer Grenadier doctrine   
    I think this film is better understood in the context of, and probably arose from, the more narrow doctrine behind the Panzer Brigades raised in late summer 1944 to contain Soviet breakthroughs.  The guidelines issued for their employment can be found in the appendix to Timm Haasler’s book on 105. Panzer Brigade:
    https://books.google.com/books?id=cIH1tFC0NgsC&pg=PA504&lpg=PA504&dq=Guidelines+for+Command+and+Combat+Use+of+Panzer+Brigades&source=bl&ots=l_XekKPaA_&sig=ACfU3U3xChdS-NAflUdmRVTlwLoBK2yeFA&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwj9q-i1iK7nAhXLna0KHYIsAJUQ6AEwAnoECAkQAQ#v=onepage&q=Guidelines for Command and Combat Use of Panzer Brigades&f=false
  24. Like
    akd got a reaction from Commanderski in German Panzer Grenadier doctrine   
    Best possible use of a GoPro:
  25. Like
    akd got a reaction from Bil Hardenberger in German Panzer Grenadier doctrine   
    Best possible use of a GoPro:
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