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Everything posted by rocketman

  1. If I remember correctly, in CMBN buddy aid never gave you binoculars. In CMFI I had a HQ unit perform buddy aid on some fallen engineers and afterwards there was a little "2" next to the binoculars icon. New feature?
  2. Excellent! Very appropriate song in this one as well. But I find it somewhat depressing too, because it reminds me of all the stupid mistakes I make and at the instant there is a big explosion I indeed wish I could "Rewind". But like IRL you have to live with your mistakes and that is the beauty/horror of pressing "go" and watch a minute of action, and having no way of taking back a bad decision.
  3. I'm really starting to like the tactics involved with steep elevation changes in combination with wide open areas and long LOS.
  4. Great video - superb choice of music
  5. I can see a slight improvement on my ATI Radeon Mobile 5400, although comparing to what shadows looked like in CMBN.
  6. A simple solution to a problem, while not happening a lot for me, that is extremely annoying when it does happen.
  7. My first impression was cramming a full squad (since you can't split it) into a small house - the guys were literally hanging outside the walls :eek:
  8. Welcome! Once they suck you in you never get out Kiss all your future free time away - but it'll be worth it
  9. If I remember the briefing correctly it states that the VLs are hidden, but how that works I don't know. I'm in the middle of that scenario now.
  10. Old habits die hard I guess, but I will keep an open mind about the new version
  11. What I meant was the old version, with one drop-down, instead of four seperate.
  12. I know, shouldn't start to make wishes as soon as the game is released, but here goes: I would like the option to have the space bar quick menu from CMBN - I find it quicker and simpler to use.
  13. Great work guys - first impressions rock! One slight niggle - it is much harder to mark a movement path (than in CMBN), for example to place a target line of face command. Is there some change to the UI that causes this?
  14. I'm guessing Aris, since he has gone "missing" for some time now. It sure looks like his dirt patterns.
  15. I had no idea about that. Sometimes I get sudden drops in framerate even in small battles - I'll try to turn VL off. Thanks for the tip.
  16. That sounds discouraging indeed, both for Aris and his tremendous work, but also for us users - as his mods has increased the value of an already great game significantly. Keeping my fingers crossed that they will work.
  17. I can't get used to that cupola thingie on the R35 turret. Kinda looks like R2D2 on the X-wing from Star Wars. Mixes my head up.
  18. The result of an half-assed try at making a Fuser-quality-mod.
  19. Can you please PM me too about mission 1. I've tried it three times and keep getting close, but alas, no progression Much appreciated!
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