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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by rocketman

  1. Sweet! Are your only units those two Tigers? Cool challenge. Tank battles is the best part of RT IMO.
  2. Could it be revamped snow graphics as a precursor to and test for the Bulge-title along with a patch?
  3. Ok, good to know. But they will tire very quickly. In the case I'm working on they have some distance to cover.
  4. I was under the impression that units that all belong to the same group and the same plan, would move in unison toward the next "map zone" of the plan. In the case I have, there is one HQ unit and two rifle squads. The rifle squads sometimes move together to the next map zone, but the HQ remain stationary and wait for the next new turn after the squads have reached their goal. Sometimes just one squad move and the other squad and HQ wait for their turn. Is there any way of making all the units move together? Would making shorter distances to the next map zone make it better?
  5. That puts your effort in great perspective - so much work to the benefit of the community. Thanks!
  6. Phew, this scenario has been an almost Herculean effort to complete, but is almost finished. It took way much longer than first anticipated. But I've learned a lot in the process. It is now ready for some playtesting. I hope there are some volunteers. PM me or reply to this topic and I'll send the file/link in a couple of days. It is as historical as possible (only Allies vs. AI), with some adaptations to fit the game and be enjoyable to play. One hour battle, but with not too many units. Requires both MG and VP. I might do a non-VP version later on. View from Gonneville (not 100% finished map): Silence the guns - four casemates that threaten the landings at Sword Beach: Moving into position: Hurry, hurry... Finding cover: First contact: Blowing the wires - all hell breakes loose:
  7. Hey Jorge, I really like the picture you use for your mod. Any chance of turning it into a splash screen for the game?
  8. It took me by complete and utter surprise - and what a happy one. Couldn't believe my eyes. Granted I didn't follow the forum quite as frequent back then as these days, but still... And then that wonderful movie trailer that was made Guess CM Touch was a huge surprise as well (don't own it). Wasn't it launched on April 1st and everyone thought it was a joke. I know I did.
  9. IIRC CMFi hasn't even received the patch updates of the latest CMBN patch.
  10. Wow, that is an impressive list of fixes and adjustments. Great job. I guess the changes to artwork will necessitate changes to mods as well.
  11. Sorry, no time to test it - but thanks for making one
  12. Another solution might be to have a wide variety of trees, bushes, buildings etc. in the editor to choose from with different amount of snow on them. So, instead of one set in the current game, there might be three sets - light/medium/heavy snow. In that way kohlenklau's idea with snow flavor objects coult be incorperated to the objects instead of being placed seperately, and thereby causing more toll on FPS rendering.
  13. I have thought about that too, but highly suspect that we won't see soldiers and vehicles sinking into deep snow as the current engine doesn't handle terrain adapting to units. But maybe we can get an effect similar to tanks kicking up dirt, but instead flecks of snow as troops and tanks move through it. Something akin to the movement through water. As long as it doesn't take too much of a toll on FPS. My major gripe with how deep snow looks now is, well, it doesn't look deep but rather like a flat white floor. Maybe they can fiddle with the look of the surface to make it more uneven to give the impression of depth. As far as I can tell, snow isn't a terrain feature in the editor, but something applied afterwards. Maybe a solution is to create a wide variety of snow terrain tiles in the editor? I'm sure the game will be great. BFC never dissappoints in the end. I'll get it for sure. But my hopes are still high for an improvement over CMFI looks and handling of snow.
  14. Sure looks like straight from CMFI. Could be the "patchy snow" weather setting. Heavy snow should cover branches a lot. Like the photos earlier in the thread.
  15. From what I can tell, it isn't possible to do the mod I intended to do because the editor uses the same button in some occasions for a residential buildning with two levels, but a commercial buildning with only one. Shame. When making maps, the editor buttons for buildings are not very informative unfortunately.
  16. Thanks. Is it the corresponding file in the other games as well that contain the editor buttons? My question was not regarding how to mod the files, I'll probably go with Photoshop - it was the file handling of RezExplode and RezPack as the manual didn't make me understand the process fully. But I'll give it a go nontheless.
  17. Kieme, I have noticed that you have made some mods of editor buttons. I have an idea for building buttons in the editor, so that they show how many levels they have, before putting them on the map. I'll try this for all CM*2 games. However, I have never modded anything. How do I know which brz-file to RezExplode? Is there a guide to the process of modding in the forum (I admit, have not checked yet...)?
  18. I guess we should take it for what it is, alpha screenshots. But I must admit I was a bit disappointed too. I really like the snow in CMFI, but it could use an overhaul graphically, especially how deep snow look both on the ground and on trees. And units moving through it. But I'll probably buy the game anyway. Still hope for improvements though.
  19. Anyone interested in the topic should definitely read Svetlana Alexiyevich "War's Unwomanly Face". Consists of testimonies from several hundred women who served during the war. Their experiences in the army, on the battlefield and how they were maltreated by society after the war, despite being highly respected during the war. A fitting sub title could have been "No Woman is the Hero of the Motherland". It is a sad but enlightning read. I read Vansant's book on the Bulge and enjoyed it. I might give this a go as well. Thanks for the tip.
  20. Looks amazing. Does it work in tandem with your improved roads mod?
  21. Yeah, you definitely get more "yellow" wounds in CMBS than in WWII-titles which generate more direct casualties.
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