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Everything posted by juan_gigante

  1. "A dingo ate my Bren team!" & "Throw a Sherman on the barbie."
  2. 37mm needs to be reminded that the game (at least CMx1) does include nationalities other than British. [ August 29, 2005, 03:37 PM: Message edited by: juan_gigante ]
  3. I am considering buying this game (will play demo tonight, but I think I will enjoy it), but I was wondering about something. I prefer to play games single player against the A.I., and I wanted to know how well that worked with TacOps. I understand from the page that the TacOps A.I. only works on pre-made scenarios included with the game. This is okay, but I wanted to know what the selection of said scenarios is like. Are there a lot? Are they good? Can I at least change OoB within them if I keep same map & objectives? Also, on a slight tangent, what is the scenario editor like? What powers does the user have? This game looks really great and I hope to be joining the community soon! (Hell, I might even get off my high-horse and do some multi-player. Umpire and multiple people on a side! Be still my heart!)
  4. One thing I think about is that the first two will be announced soon. Now, I'd be awful surprised if both weren't WWII, but I would be nearly as surprised if both were. After all, many people have given great reasons why one game would be WWII, but nobody (of those saying both WWII) has exactly explained why they would both be. Now, I think one would be WWII for all the good reasons people have said, and the other won't to show the versatility of the engine, get out of a rut, do new stuff, etc. I'm part of the near-future fan-club, myself. After all, who said it would be historical?
  5. Keep in mind - I don't mean the old 1950s Korean War. I'm talking about wholly hypothetical war set a fes years in the future, wherein the US and allies go onto the ground to take down North Korea, which may have Chinese support just to make it interesting.
  6. Actually, I believe Steve said that the maximum number of guys in a squad was 21. I'm not exactly sure where, but did around and I bet someone'll find it. Edit: Never mind, I'm an idiot who can't read. Steve says that number in the post you quote. Why do you say 10 men max in a squad, then? I don't really understand what you're talking about.
  7. No, he wanted the two of you together in private, so you could make sweet, sweet love.
  8. But they've also said that they're getting a little bored of WWII. So bored vs. a bunch done already kind of balances out, I think. Which is why one WWII, one not seems pretty reasonable to me.
  9. I liked them for their campy charm. It was just fun to watch them. I'll bet with CMX2 technology, you could have some pretty kickin' shockwaves. But I would still want an on/off toggle. Or even better, an on/off/mega-super-to-the-max toggle, for special use when you call down the 16" naval artillery.
  10. Wait, wait. Did I understand that right? We'll get to choose the crops grown in our orchards & fields? All right!
  11. But no tanks. Tanks are key. Besides, CM is small unit actions, not big stuff. I predict the two will be WWII ETO, likely west front, and US/UN vs. North Korea/China(?) set in 2006.
  12. Half-Life 2, while incredible, is still an FPS. It takes a lot of computing power to do all the calculations to play a CM-style game. Think about all the things that have to be done: all the AI things (which, esp. tactical, will be deeper), the LOS, the armor penetration stuff; there's a lot to be done. I think the 1:1 adds a lot to that; now the engine has to calculate the positions and actions and stuff for all the little dudes in the squad. I think the operation of the engine will tax one's computer more than the graphics.
  13. Dorosh, I noticed you've calmed down on 1939 Eastern Europe/Finland. Is something wrong?
  14. But for learning, I would recommend fighting the A.I., while giving yourself a point bonus.
  15. Normandy isn't out - just D-Day. There are plenty of things to do in Normandy besides hit the beach. In fact, I thought that most of the D-Day beach assault scenarios were kind of boring.
  16. It won't be WWII Pacific - Steve said in the landing craft thread that they weren't going to have them, and you can't have Pacific WWII without landing craft.
  17. I'm kind of disappointed... I got a new computer just before the SLi ones started coming out, and that'd be a fun thing to have. Does it work well for you?
  18. I re-read that part about buildings... so will each little building we place have its own entry-exit, etc.? Or will all "small diagonal house type A"s have the same points? Or will we be able to set them ourselves? This is all so cool.
  19. Yes! This r0ck0rz! Especially the layers. I do wonder how fortifications will work. I think they are similar enough to terrain to be mentioned in the same thread, so I ask the BFC gods: how different will fortifications be?
  20. Firstly, Afrika Korps. They have "k"s. Sorry, but I'm sort of anal about that. Secondly, welcome to the community! These games and the people who play them are cool, and hopefully you'll join us on the forums. And actually regarding your question, there are a few things you can do. If you are playing a person (PBEM or TCP/IP), you will lose. No question, early on. But you can ask them for help and advice on what you could have done better. Most people will be happy to give you advice. And in any game, you can unbalance it yourself. When starting a QB, there is a pull-down tab in the lower right on the parameters screen that allows you to give or remove points from either side. Next time you play, give yourself a 25% bonus. You'll likely find it easier. I did this when I started out, and it is a handy way of cushioning one's entry into the game. Also, there are many, many tactics and tips threads hidden all over. Do a little searching, and you'll come across one fairly quickly. Those threads contain some really hepful advice. Good luck!
  21. I second every suggestion made, and would like to add a few of my own. I think it would be kind of cool for scenario editors to be able to put in some rudimentary scripting when making levels. Let's say you are making a big Russian attack. Instead of giving the Soviet player a few conscript high-calibur guns that the player is supposed to use for pre-planned fire, why not script where the artillery barrage would land, when, and in what amount. After all, most times I doubt that the battalion commander on the ground commanded all facets of the barrage. And one could do other stuff like that as well. Many people have commented on scalability, and this is very important, I feel. The thing that worries me the most is that our 1:1 soldiers won't act in a way that looks realistic or cool. I would sacrifice, say, a new artillery model if I could ensure that the soldiers act like how they do when I have dreams about CMX2. But for that, you'll need to do motion-capture with Jessica Alba. All in all though, ditto to other people's comments.
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