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Everything posted by para

  1. I love these Bill and use them in Normandy looking forward to having them for Italy
  2. I have seen and used trucks to transport INF & AT guns
  3. A wargame reviewer who doesn't seem to know anything about tactics??? I would hate to be a grunt in his army. He didn't seem to have a basic grasp of the game. Why did he save and close the game to turn the sound back on?
  4. Drakenlorde's HD Muzzle Flash & HD Flames seem to work fine
  5. Just tried playing the Hot Mustard battle. It is unplayable, even with all the FX turned(trees off/shadows off/fastest) down and nothing else running on my pc it is constantly stalling. Anyone else having similar problems? Windows 7 64bit service pack 1 AMD Phenon II x4 processor 3.20gh Ram 8gig GFX card Geforce 9800GT 1024gddr
  6. Surely there must be a better and easier way to avoid all this?
  7. That's were you are wrong, I do. It also quite obvious that the Australians do to
  8. Leeds soccer fans in my area? extinct species GerryCMBB this sounds pretty good but it is the serial number issue again.
  9. Oh i see, i must of got my wires crossed.
  10. Phil Have you guys any plans or even thought about varying the shape & heights of the troops?
  11. Moon,correct me if i am wrong. Those that get DL only have to wait long after those that order the Mail&DL?
  12. really? for the thicko in the room (me) how does this work?
  13. Haven't women got bloody good memories for these sort of things? yet they always seem to forget about hanky panky night. Football is a girls game. I watch Rugby League buddy
  14. We want the tins and the download and if we can save a few quid all the better. thanks
  15. Agreed, this is extremely good news
  16. nah, i would say he is just stood at the corner. Would of been good if he was though.
  17. I would imagine that would still mean VAT mate. You sent me a file? Sorry, i have been on 24hr call this week. I am also going away tonight for this weekend. It's the wife anniversary and i have to go apparently
  18. You actually got a laugh out of me there Moon..Bravo
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