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Everything posted by para

  1. Cheers for the help Hister..I was hoping for a helpful soul to list a good selection of historically accurate uniforms and helmet mixes for all the combatants in Normandy. One that does not conflict or keep overwriting each other. As it happens mjkerner has offered something along these lines and i shall take him up on it.
  2. Oi he offered em to me first :-) ..sweet mjkerner, you come to my rescue once again..you are my prince charming. ps haven't you noticed that I have been keeping out of trouble lately?
  3. There are so many uniforms and helmet mods now that I do not know what to install and what not to install. I would love for someone to post a break down of these mods so I can get a pretty decent mix of uniforms & helmets in game without writing over each over.
  4. Do horizons swap and change auto in the game?Do I have to choose a particular one to load each time I play if install these patboy? By the way very very nice and thank you
  5. The force is strong with this one...please no one mention midi-chlorians
  6. Thank god you did not disappear after your 1st mod.
  7. Bloody marvellous first up mod..hope you do not leave so soon mate
  8. some good advice guys cheers..learnt something new
  9. I had some scouts on the upper floor of a building with a cover arc. This was a pbem game. The Germans came in an killed them because the scouts did not seem to realise they were being approached from behind. If you have a cover arc facing a partcular direction are the troops not able to hear enemies behind etc
  10. Erwin Make sure they are in the z folder on their own and not inside Ju Ju's tweaked mod folder. That worked for me
  11. There are a couple of options for most nations I believe. You pick n mix what you want, but you can only have one from each side at a time. So say SS1 v the Brit officer or SS2 v the US officer etc...Someone will correct me if I am wrong
  12. when you unzip the mod, you get Juju's TweakedUI v1.1 and an options folder. You will find the folder for the Brit officer in there along with the SS etc.. Search in the options folder for this folder=z_HQ Allies - British. Copy it into your main Z folder and it will work.
  13. Would anyone want to be on the Eastern Front in 44?
  14. The optional HQ's are not showing up in game..only the default ones. Does anyone know what I may have done wrong? I did not do anything to the HQ folders, I just left them named .... z_HQ Allies - British & z_HQ Axis - SS 2 cheers
  15. Erwin For a simpleton like me, if I want the Brit officer I just copy him into the main folder from the options folder. I leave the folder named z_Brit HQ etc?
  16. As these came into view I heard the Imperial March
  17. As I said, I am not opposed and will donate. Just uneasy about giving to one only. I have said my bit and will leave it there. Ju Ju this was not meant to offend you so please do not take it that way.
  18. Phil, i will put into any pot as a thank you, but I am a bit unsettled with the fact that we are treating Ju Ju only (no offence Ju Ju you are brilliant) There are many modders on this forum who have and continue to produce outstanding mods. Don't mean to offend anyone, I just feel slightly uncomfortable giving to one and not the rest. I feel we may alienate other modders and set Ju Ju apart.
  19. You have nothing to live up to Mord..No I couldn't find a programme and I don't think I am cut out for modding :-( I will leave it to you and the artists on this forum. I shall just stick to moaning ps mjkerner do not downplay your talents either.
  20. For me and no doubt many other members, you are as equally talented as those fellows you mention
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