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Everything posted by para

  1. The 2nd series on that bloody farm was awful though
  2. I know Mr Morrow passed on in 1982 but did not want to offend.My brother lost his 10year old son 10 years ago but never talks of him in the past tense.
  3. So has baron Jacquinot been permanently banned then?
  4. I knew it was the 1812 war just didn't realise it occurrred in 1814.
  5. It is Thursday so I reckon we won't get anything this week now.
  6. I understand Robert Ross, who is one of our chaps, visited in 1812. He may have been smoking in bed because he caused one hell of a fire
  7. Didn't work Even Close Combat:ABTF had flame throwers with smoking charred remains
  8. If flame weapons were used in a bazillion other places and they are nothing special, then they should be in the game. Would you agree?
  9. I thought you might have been talking about that incident. I was also under the impression that the Germans used flame weapons quite a lot for routing out the paras from their well defended positions. I am sure someone will correct me if i am wrong
  10. But BFC are about to release Market Garden and they made an impact there! I cannot comprehend that it will not be in that game
  11. But BFC are about to release Market Garden and they made an impact there!
  12. I am only messing with you iMolestCats.
  13. Ok your ten minutes is up. Bring your work here for marking
  14. Going to school?? you don't want to be doing that, you should twag You should stay at home and molest cats
  15. I doubt we will see anything on a Friday..this waiting is excruciating
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