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Everything posted by para

  1. Ok fair enough Moon. Right, so my next question is this. If i purchase 2xdownload/mail delivery will i get two different serials? I ask because myself and PJMaybe want the tin and download but wish to reduce mail and custom costs
  2. Shadows still seem a little off to me on all the pics
  3. I have already posted elsewhere on this matter Moon, but this looks like the place to discuss it. WHY????? We got CW via the Euro warehouse why not this?
  4. mjkerner. I found a moan among all the lovely goodies..They are not shipping from their Euro warehouse. Therefore, us brits are going to get stung if we want the tin.
  5. Only one bug bear..UK customs are going to get us again. BFC why are you not shipping from the Euro warehouse like the CW module?
  6. I have played this battle at least 8+ times and never recorded the correct victory results. The piats struggle against the armour even at close range. is it the skirts? It is probably poor tactics by me. It is a hard battle though and victory is not going to be easy and that's why i like it.
  7. I think you have it spot on GVT it is a tough scenario and that's how it should be.
  8. Battle 4? is that the church? covered approach, fire-power and then speed, speed and more speed. I play in RT and it's nightmare mate.When you get to 5 you are going to be pulling your hair out.
  9. Tough aint it? do you really want me to tell you and spoil the fun? I am guessing this is battle 1 taking and holding the bridges? I will pm the answer to you, but you should persevere. I am stuck on battle 5 the gerries have some tanks that just keep kicking my ass.
  10. I will be very surprised if anything appears here tonight. So do not get your hopes up chaps.
  11. This is a very tough scenario and I still have not completed it. I can't get past one map but I will keep trying. I hope you guys have as much fun with this as I am. great scenario GVT
  12. I had a feeling fisting was your gig and now you have confirmed it :-) hopefully we will meet in the OOC and I will put an end to your fisting shenanigans
  13. nice one :-) think i will have bash at the H2H with PJ Maybe
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