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Everything posted by para

  1. Upham, I like all your ideas for flavour objects and hope to see some of them in MG and beyond
  2. Lovely work Aris, you are an artist. I would also like to suggest to BFC that they remove the option to rate topics because some people are just being bloody petty. Alternatively, the petty people among us, could actually state why they down rated these or any mods posted. Then again they probably prefer to stay anonymous.
  3. Says the American who joined the party 2years later
  4. I'm a simple soul I would like to see parachute and supply canister flavour objects. On the ground on roofs and hanging from trees and poles It is OMG afterall
  5. One day I am going to get to the Arnhem (OMG) battlefield. When I do I shall say thanks in person
  6. I can well imagine how deflating it is, but for every one that does something like that, there are dozens of positive and thankful forum members.
  7. JuJu why do you let a moron like that bother you? Right now he will be giggling to himself whilst eating a bowl of diks. Your mods are excellent and no amount of stars on threads will change that. ps JuJu just realised this isn't even one of your mods..get out and stop pinching Tanks a Lot's praise
  8. This is quite amusing watching LLF going mad
  9. actually he says this... Szmania: What shall we see the Combat Mission series taking on next? We have already announced we're actively working on our first Eastern Front game (Bagration to end of war) and a temperate setting for NATO and Russian forces. We have the Market Garden module in the near term and will likely start on the first module for Italy soon. Beyond that, we're not committing to a specific timeline for other topics we will definitely cover (Bulge, Eastern Front 1943-44, etc...). which to me seems to say OMG is next. Or am I reading it wrong? He also says they are using a steady broad-front approach. That suggests to me that they will be jumping from one theatre to another with releases etc..
  10. I always get annoyed with the lack of information from BFC. I have got used to it now though and so will you.
  11. Yes, it is p.s. welcome Yggdrassil
  12. Thanks for that Schrullenhaft. I do believe that you said that within the threads I posted,I am not sure the OP read them carefully enough.
  13. The speed at which you knock mods out is amazing...any chance you could turn your hand to a say.... a Market Garden module? ;-)
  14. Wodin, I think mjkerner does some nice stuff, check cmmods. oh yeah and get everything fuser has done :-)
  15. This thread is about invisible infantry, although it is to do with W8. I am sure I have seen others post the same problem on other OS too. Do a search in the tech forums or ask Schrullenhaft http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=106941 ''However the issue of invisible soldiers has NOT been limited to Windows 8. Other operating systems have had this problem such as Windows XP, 7, 8 and MacOS.'' this a quote from Schrullenhaft more info http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=101699&highlight=invisible+soldiers
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