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Everything posted by para

  1. It is a good place to meet lots of different people and not have to shake their hands
  2. Like I said, it is isn't difficult and I have benefited from the modders on here. So time for me to help out a little. You understand that you listen to the tracks select the one(s) you want in game then just rename either or all of them... music intro music splash music end of battle create a folder call it music or something and then place the folder into your Z folder
  3. If I remember correctly Aragorn, all you have to do is download the .wav file of bagpipe music you like. rename them music intro music splash music end of battle and the place them in your Z folder. It is as simple as that. Which particular tunes are you after? Tell you what, I have obtained lots of mods from the hard work others have done on here I am sure I can get you some bagpipe music files...pm me your email so that I can share the files with you via drop box.
  4. That seems to be the case so no more worries
  5. Yes I already got the DD I was just waiting for the disk to see if we got hammered again for Vat like the last time. Go to the tech area and ask for help there.see link below http://www.battlefront.com/community/forumdisplay.php?f=125 This is the help desk link post a ticket there http://www.battlefront.com/helpdesk/ this is a step by step guide to the licence install http://www.battlefront.com/helpdesk/index.php?_m=troubleshooter&_a=steps&troubleshootercatid=1&parentid=0
  6. Got my parcel this am, no problems and NO extra charges
  7. Wisconsin? BFC are letting people from Wisconsin on this forum? wonders never cease The allies are rushing off the beach mjkerner. What is your assignment and location?
  8. White guyness aint a problem, what I would be asking is, how do we get other ethnicities playing this game? This would expand it and it would grow more it popular. Surely you do not have to be white of Anglo Saxon origin to enjoy this fantastic game. It is truly a hidden gem.
  9. Don't think numerous shells falling during the film festival would go down well with the organisers. Then again it might take out a few of the paparazzi, so it's not all bad.
  10. Typical MTK took his objective unmloested also..that makes it 2-0 for you
  11. Nothing sinister, I am playing in the OOC at FGM. When I get into a battle I want to be able to check on what my opposition's, force make up might be. At the moment I am going into the game and starting a QB and then selecting force etc.to look at what I am likely to face. I just want to be able to read it off a pdf/word doc or something like. example.. US 505/82 Company= X rifle squads X mmg's X light or medium mortars X bazookas etc...
  12. Does anybody know if there is a way to print out a full rundown of what each Company Battalion/Division/Regiment consists of within the game? It is a very painstaking to continually view in game, what they consist of. Plus, i am no grog and can never remember anyway. I like to have things at hand to browse and refer to. cheers for any help
  13. Moon Any idea when we are lilkey to get our hardcopy parcels in the UK please?
  14. A 64bit version may be in the pipeline. "Originally Posted by Phil Culliton That would only really be possible under 64-bit operating systems, and it would require a separate 64-bit version of the game. That may happen at some time in the future but it would essentially double the effort to test and release the game, so it's unlikely to happen anytime soon. Instead we instructed the operating system to allow the game to use as big of an address space as it could allow for a 32-bit application. This depends on the operating system in question, and in some cases on user settings."
  15. I applaud you excellent post LLF. It would be nice to see Japanese,Koreans or Chinese guys joining the forum. I doubt the poster meant any offence. I wonder what sort of ethic mix we have among this games fans? I may be wrong but I am guessing a very high proportion are white European or White American. Not me, I am half Afghan/half English. So I have done my bit for ethnic diversity :-)
  16. For me, that looks much better. thank you very much. Thanks for the mouse viewing tip too.
  17. Nothing wrong, just think the crew are wary because there is a battle going on around em.I shall just have to be patient. Or they are, as you say idle brutes
  18. JuJu on the info panel for each unit BFC have a soldier next to the radio icon, who looks quite modern. Is there anyway to change this to WW2 kitted soldiers? I hope you know what I am talking about cos I am not really making myself clear.
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