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Everything posted by Retributar

  1. Makes Sense...of Non-Sense...or No-Sense!. Appreciate the reply on my emotional outburst!. [ July 16, 2005, 05:13 AM: Message edited by: Retributar ]
  2. Lars ...yes the Germans had their 'Best-Tanks' after they copied the Russians. Really...the Russians had the best tanks in the war...other than they didnt have radio communication between all tanks in the group!...as the Germans did!. The Russian tanks were more crudely made to/for mass production methods...and the German tanks were more precisely made with more technological improvements... The "Panther" is a classic example as you have already explained! (also King Tiger, Etc)....and yes...also the Russians did copy ...nut and bolt on the B-29 superfortress to make a copy of it for their Atomic weapon high altitude air-fleet!. Reasonable quality weapons with mass-production is/seems to be the winning combination...and the Russians figured that out!. The Germans on the other hand had too many fingers in too many pies to make any effectual difference in any department!...why???.
  3. I went to MATRIX...but couldn't identify that game...what is it's exact name?...MWiF?.
  4. I know this is pre-mature...but, why can't we dream a little!. I would like to see SC3 as a WW2-GLOBAL-WAR!. SC3 would include many of the suggestions for game enhancement in this forum...and, everyone who contributed, contributed good ideas. Too-Many to even start to cover here!. I would like to see a quick-switch to go from Corps to Division-Sized Units...and the same for Map-Size!. Also...if one wanted to personally supervise the battle himself...he could do so with all participating units in 3-D!...if so desired!. I would also like to see a New-Map-Mode...showing actual surface features...like 'SUPREME RULER 2010' will...using satellite technology for precise mapping(Or even better)!...including Roads!. A technology tree that cannot be easily interpolated or prefigured would also be a game enhancement i would like to see!. New military technology would not be taboo in this game...for other than WW2-BASIC!. Here...there would be no barriers to ...well!!!...they didn't really use this or that in WW2 . In this option...historical research lines would be utilitized and some could actually become reality!. Nations would not necessarily be forced to follow the historical path...they would/could be able to determine their own direction for alliances and research.
  5. All Good-Points 'bloodstar' ...and also another topic for us anytime you wish to start it!.
  6. Personally i will wait another year if that what it takes to have a great game. There are plenty of other games to keep me busy until then. So for now "SITZKRIEG" instead of "BLITZKRIEG" will be just fine.
  7. As far as im concerned Top Cat, when supplies or morale is very-low...the forces in that predicament should be forced to retreat...and take the loss!. However...it would be good for the computer to let you know that your unit is approaching that stage ... and give you the option of retreating before things get too desperate!...and you are forced to retreat!.
  8. Why-Not Edwin P. ... i can't see anything wrong with that idea either. I would love to have that possibility incorporated into my script-possibility-randomizer!...why-not?.
  9. I have games that are 5 to 10 years old...and i enjoy some of them much more than many newer games. Why???...because, someone had the sense, drive, willpower, and self-sacrifice to make an excellent product!. As i have stated before...im GLAD that more time is needed to complete SC2!. May dust on it never settle for too-long!
  10. And on top of Chit investment...a countries success or lack of it could result in an adjustment of ones previous investments...either propelling them forward to a speedier conclusion or to end up floundering...becoming less potent or forceful in the final result. Your investment in Chits...should never be expected to give you any guaranteed result. If your country flounders in the fortunes of war...some, or all of your investment could be flushed down the toilet!.
  11. Great ideas Edwin P.! ... and i also agree with Kuniworth about the Amphibious Landings being too-easy in SC1. Some kind of an 'Organizational-Cost' (EG:Purchase Invasion Planning Unit 'ORG HQ'),...'Time-Cost' (Expend 3 to 9 months in waiting before and invasion can be launched! [MOBILIZING / Gathering the required Forces]...depending on the size of the invasion force) and of course...additional costs while waiting past the 3 to 9 month period for example...the weather to improve. That's just my rough 'JIST on it,...now someone else can hone out the adjustments and the fine tuning. For future invasions...a new 'ORG HQ' would be required for additional 'Amphibious Invasion Forces'...but, perhaps at less and less cost as they are re-created...in order to simulate INVASION PLANNING EXPERIENCE.
  12. Yes!...i like almost all of the ideas i read about...most are very-good!. However...in order to keep the game 'good-for-all' the gaming enthusiasts...we need to ensure that most everything/or everything is optional and variable. then, this game... SC2 will withstand the test of time and have near-endless 'Re-playability'.
  13. http://www.battlefront.com/products/sc2/index.html Huge and beautifully rendered 120x38 2-D isometric tile map with a true-to-scale recreation of Europe (max custom map size of 256x256)
  14. Look's very promising!...glad to see the pictures...i have downloaded everyone of them into an SC2 folder for closer inspection!.
  15. SeaMonkey i fully agree with you and have already somewhat touched on this subject a while back. I do not know if it is possible or not with SC2...but, suppose that somehow we could have several regions or theatre area's that would or could be inter-linked...to each other?. Is the Max-Map-Size or a portion there-of all that we can use for any one game...or could it be possible to re-use this 256X256 template over and over again to create more than one region or theatre' ?. This way...(max custom map size of 256x256) could be in whole/Part utilized over and over again as required in order to accomodate the scale needed!. These Zones or separate Area Maps would need to be linked to each other in-order, for example to cover the entire Earth. To further illustrate this, for example units from the Pacific could make their way through each Map or Zone/Area until they reach the desired location.
  16. It's good that more time is needed!. I want Hubert's BEST-EFFORTS!, not anything else... . It may take 6-months or more to complete SC2...so-what!!!. If you need an interm-fix...go here...this site has enough games to keep you busy until Huberts game is available!. http://store.yahoo.com/yhst-12000246778232/suru20.html
  17. Yes...it is a beautiful map Sea Monkey...and i have just ordered that game..."Battles in Italy"...which i believe contains a portion of that 'Map'. Battles In Italy (CD Rom bainitcdrom Edition) 1 54.99
  18. J P Wagner ... i would say...follow the historical route initially..., of course you would not have one army under one color for the White Army...but, three or whatever instead. The player for the Whites would have to play or co-ordinate all of these Ad-Hoc forces against the Red's...to win this conflict. Sounds good to me!.
  19. Edwin P. for your Ancient-Rome Scenario...where the spotting range is = 1... you could incorporate SCOUT'S in your game and get updated information from your riders...although it would be days old information...but, information non-the-less. That would still be better than no information at all...and help at least to some degree in your Campaign planning!. Find out how far an average Legion marched each day...and how far Barbarian tribes would move each day and approximately to what distance from their home territory before they would go no further. Befriending Some tribes could result in getting good or more reliable information on forces hostile to 'ROME'!. let me know when you are interested in more ideas or input...i and other's would like to help out as we are able too!.
  20. My sentiments are the same as Blashy's...however, i will wait to see how the game system work's before i say too much more!. I too want to be immersed in a GIANT-MAP for the full Campaign of the 'BATTLE FOR ITALY' or for the 'WAR IN RUSSIA' or the 'AFRIKA CAMPAIGN'...and have lot's of room to move around without stepping on the oppositions toe's. Im sure that i will be happy with the game as is...but, will eagerly look forward to upsized versions of the main game as well as specific campaigns.
  21. Listen to 'AIR AMERICA RADIO'...to keep abrest of the 'New Fascist Threat'. The 'Republican Party'...is well on their way to that end. http://airamericaradio.com/
  22. I'm not tired of checking in every-week!. There's much more than present game development going on here!. It's genius/ingenuity at work...New Ideas/New Concept's...New Thinking!. Whether the information is ever utilized...is another topic!.
  23. One of your best input's in months Shaka Of Carthage I applaud you!... yes...your suggestion makes very-good sense to deal with this situation!.
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