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  1. They "closed" a thread about not closing threads...some freak even called me an a*#hole... OMG I'm laughing my a*# off... Yet...there is a 4 PAGE post on how the parachutes look like "ass-clouds." Give me a freak'en break - get a life....I think they look fine - Close that stupid post. Weak...just plain weak! "How easy it is to control 'weak minded' fools." BTW: I'm sure the Admin will close this one too...he might be autistic. "mmmmm, 'bout a million dollars...'bout a million dollars...that post won't do...." - aka Rainmam. [ March 18, 2006, 08:33 AM: Message edited by: FoxDrake ]
  2. So, I've pre-ordered my copy of SC2...here's hoping it's a winner... But I've noticed an ever increasing number of locked posts as I've come back from "time to time" to check on the progress of the game.... In fact, some bozo who posted a thread and stated that he hated the the new StarWars strategy game had it locked... WHAT'S WRONG WITH THAT? How's that a problem? So what! He hated the game...so what..why lock that thread? When did the NAZIs return to take over this board? or did they just come with HC's immenent release of SC2? Perhaps they're confused Republicans? Longing for a return to the zeig heil and the sounds of "paperz-please." Is HC a Nazi/Republican thug? or does he just hire them to police this board? Is BF a Facist company? Good grief, NAZI thread master, GET OVER YOURSELF! Chill out, let people post and take an Ennama... ;-p [ March 16, 2006, 07:09 PM: Message edited by: FoxDrake ]
  3. Well thanks for replying. It's nice to hear from a real person. I'll continue to check back but this is showing slight patterns to other board driven game design experiences...(i.e. Moo3, Civ4, GalCivII). It just seems these "release dates" get pushed back...and back....while the Fanboy gad-flys nausingly hype the game...only to have it released to a "what a piece of garbage" response. I was (STRESS "WAS") a fan of MoO and MoO2 so...I followed the design and fanboy hype surrounding MoO3...on the forums all these lamos would come out of the wood-work, request all these nausiating features (which the designers rushed to include), [e.g. multi-player (WHICH IN MY OPINION USUALLY SUCKS IN STATEGY GAME - give me a good AI anytime) and other annoying little bobbles (I want to customize each ship, I want to pick individual aliens to live on my 50 billion population homeworld)]...the end result was a multi-player piece of garbage that played like "doing a speadsheet." Hubert...just keep in mind (and I am sure you are) that there are more fans (of most games) that don't hang out on the website, post constantly and want every little tweek in the game... In fact, I'm begining to think these designer websites are a bad idea. I always wonder why the designer is reading the site and posting, instead of busy coding the game! In addition, I just don't want to see the "silent majority" suffer at the hands of the "vocal minority of fanboy posters that have no lives and need jobs." Finally, if you (and I mean all game designers) post a "release date" christ, try and stick to it...! If it was me I would multiply my estimate by a factor of 3 so when it ran double, I'd seem like a genius when I beat it.
  4. If you read my post you would have understood that I never felt the need to post until now...I've been patiently waiting...I'm a fan of SC1 and have been looking forward to SC2...So, I've been willing to be patient and check back from time to time....but I think the process might have been hijacked by the countless suggestions...ultimately, you just need to make a game and release it and tell the freaks that "over suggest" to SHUT UP! God I don't care if some obscure "bobble" is present in the game....I liked SC1 for its solid play...and that's what I'm looking forward to in SC2.
  5. HERE IS MY RANT! I know I know...everyone who is a Fanboy is going to flame me...they are going to say "well don't come back..." and "bite me" and "we love Hubert Cater..." and yada, yada, yada... I am hoping that by staring off this way I can disarm all the "fanboy" losers who never critize or complain or say anything negative...but I think I've taken about all I can stand from the VAPORWARE of a game. I'D JUST LIKE TO KNOW 1 THING!!!!!!!! Where is it!!!!!!? I bought SC1 what? over 3 years ago...and it was already out for like what 2 years? SC2 was in the works back them (or that's what the posts seemed to indicate).... So, like a patient fan, I've kept the Battlefront.com website in the favorties list and have checked back from time to time.... I've seen countless posts about "flying saucers" (from some wacko poster) and discussions about every nausiating facit of the game (should the Russians get Cossacks? Why can't [insert obscure Romanian Plane here] be availabe to the 3rd Reich when the Country joins as an ally as it's primary fighter? Can facists rule the USA? GOOD GREIF! Will you please all SHUT UP! and GET THIS BOZO Cater and these slacker, hippie stoners to release this FREAKEN GAME! Whew I feel better.
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