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    37mm reacted to Sgt.Squarehead in Heaven & Earth: Project discussion thread   
    Old Major Linn was having a hard time convincing the office-bound bureaucrat on the other end of the line of the seriousness of Mg Pyay Ag's threats.  Secure in the capital the man had little comprehension of life on the upland fringe. 
    However the thunderous explosion from the nearby highway, and the ensuing cacophony as several 'architecturally significant' glazed panels collapsed around Major Linn in his prized colonial-era greenhouse, proved sufficient to shake even this imbecile out of his stupor!   
    With the help of his household servants, several militiamen among them, Major Linn climbed to the upper floor of his home and trained his binoculars on the treeline:

    Tracers flickered across the paddy fields sending a number of farmers scurrying for cover:

    "Send help now!" Major Linn practically screamed at the distant grey man "The insurgents are coming!" 
    Will the official send help?  Will it arrive in time?  Will Major Linn's poor servants carry him back to the ground floor in time to lead his men in battle, or will he have to use the stair-lift? 
    Find out in the next instalment. 
    Image content courtesy @37mm
  2. Like
    37mm reacted to Sgt.Squarehead in Heaven & Earth: Project discussion thread   
    From his position perched on the roof of the sluice-gate control-house, Watchman Ko sees a number of armed men moving through the jungle toward him:

    Ordered by Old Major Linn to notify him of anything unusual, and an adamant believer that discretion is the better part of valour, Ko rushes into the paddy fields to give warning to the farmers and alert the militia:

    Will Watchman Ko manage to alert the militia?  Will he live to fight another day? 
    Find out in the next instalment. 
    Image content courtesy @37mm
  3. Like
    37mm reacted to Sgt.Squarehead in Heaven & Earth: Project discussion thread   
    Over on Highway #1 a truck has broken down.  The driver, a militiaman in his own village, stands ready to protect the cargo from bandits.....Fortunately Mg Zin, the local mechanic is near at hand and he soon identifies a problem with the differential:

    Barely has he begun to suck air in through his teeth, while calculating an imaginative quote for the repairs, when there is a loud whooshing noise, followed by an even louder explosion on the road nearby:

    Can the driver protect his precious cargo?  Will Mg Zin get to extract his gold fillings or will he just have to settle for cash? 
    Find out in the next instalment. 
    Image content courtesy @37mm
  4. Like
    37mm reacted to Sgt.Squarehead in Heaven & Earth: Project discussion thread   
    In the isolated village of Myitkam (formerly Ven Song) at the edge of the Bong-Hai uplands a group of worried Catholics prostrate themselves before the village militia, begging for protection from Islamic Insurgents, led by the notorious bandit Mg Pyay Ag:

    While Old Major Linn telephones the capital for assistance, Father Arnold, the local priest, asks Commander Zin Phone to have his men bring the faithful to safety within the sturdy stone walls of the church.....Barely has the order been given when a shot rings out from the forest and Commander Zin falls, seriously wounded:

    Will the insurgents attack and if so, can the elderly Major Linn rally the village defenders and keep the innocent Catholics safe until BHSFB troops arrive from the capital by helicopter? 
    Find out in the next instalment. 
    Image content courtesy @37mm
  5. Like
    37mm got a reaction from Sgt.Squarehead in Shock Force 2 Unofficial Screenshot And Video Thread   
    I've been surprised at how well the older scenarios still hold up. Other than replacing Marsh with proper water, like I did for the video, the only other additions I would suggest would be something to help out the BMP's (who are, after all, lying in wait)... making sure that they're manned with at least 3 men, an exp boost, TRP's etc.
    One or more of those, some harrasing mortar fire (by a spy FO?) & some foxholes near the bridge would be more than enough.
    I don't know if you're aware but you can update to CMSF2 for as little as $15.
  6. Upvote
    37mm reacted to SD Smack in Shock Force 2 Unofficial Screenshot And Video Thread   
    Happened to be perusing the thread and saw this.  I looked at the video before I even read anything on the post and thought to myself "this looks vaguely familiar".  Well I built this little scenario so it should look familar!
    37mm I am glad you had fun with this mission I made......I don't remember how long ago.  I currently do not have CMSF2 but maybe I'll get it and try to update it.  You are right, I am not really active here any more, I do lurk often for cool new stuff like this!
  7. Upvote
    37mm reacted to Sgt.Squarehead in Heaven & Earth: Project discussion thread   
    Here are the latest postcards from a slightly retuned version of Ven Song, using the current iteration of terrain mods courtesy of @37mm:

    I'm kind of new to full-scale mods in CM2, so this is a grand voyage of discovery for me.....Have to confess, with the new splash-screen (& music):

    Plus the new sky-box and ambient sounds in game, it's becoming quite an immersive experience. 
  8. Upvote
    37mm got a reaction from MOS:96B2P in The Truelife* Mode PBEM DAR   
    Vein made them too... lol.
  9. Like
    37mm got a reaction from Artkin in Special Effects Mix   
    My Special Effects compilation is now ready for beta testing.
    Download link is here...
    https://www.dropbox.com/s/0k0l1qdhqlcle7f/ME Experience.7z?dl=0
    This Special Effects package is based, almost entirely, off of previous work from Vein, Herrtom, Barbarico, Drakenlorde, Aris, Scipio, "Pro-effects"(?) & Battlefront.
    I have, for the most part, just reordered, renumbered, resized, renamed & rethought the work of those fellas.
    The special effects modding options for Combat Mission are rather limited.
    We can change the textures but not the animation sequences or timing. Nor can we create alternate sets of effects for different events (say a fiery explosion when a Tank explodes or a smokey explosion when a grenade goes off). I do suspect BFC plan to move in this direction (why else would they name their current explosion set "explosion a").
    Either way, for now, I don't think there is a 'one size fits all' solution to improving the SFX in CM... although Veins effects come pretty close.
    Therefore, I created these optional 'effects sets' which players can choose from based upon the CM game they are playing, the time of day, the environment, type of scenario, equipment present & personal taste etc.

    TIME OF DAY SETS (place two zz's before either DAY or NIGHT)
    DAY effects, these are the standard effects I've chosen.
    Drakenlordes flames are, in my opinion, the best looking flames available.
    Improved Muzzle blast, I had hoped to create a blisteringly fast muzzle blast however that doesn't seem possible because of how the animation is actually sequenced. Still this should look a little quicker.
    Realistic muzzle flash, When combined with Barbarico's gray smoke these look far more realistic & subdued compared with stock or all other effects packages.
    Smoke, after Barbaricos gray smoke, I've chosen Veins black smoke.
    Vein style tracers, I've created colour coded versions to match the stock effects colours introduced in engine 4. These are smaller & less 'lazer beam-ish' than stock effects however I wanted to keep (indeed expand) the visibility of ricochets as otherwise firefights can look very stale.
    NIGHT effects
    I had hoped to create a much larger range of night effects but may pick that up in future. Either way, I did create a few night effects & these will mostly just make muzzle flashes & the initial flash of your explosions brighter & 'sparklier'.
    EXPLOSION SETS (place one z before either of the four options)

    Herrtoms smokey explosions... based on his earlier works, I find these work great for smaller explosions. Probably would be fine for most WW2 action.
    Veins subdued explosions.... quick & effective, these work for nearly every situation. Although they're perhaps too quick for breaching charges.
    Scipio's subdued explosions... small & firey, these too work for nearly every situation.
    Veins explosions... perfect for when that Abrams platoon meets a T-62 Company.
    VEHICLE DUST  (place one z before either NEEDED or NOT NEEDED)

    The 'smoke dust' effect is used both during combat & for vehicle travel in dry & very dry conditions. Obviously this is important for CMSF2 but, if there are no vehicles or conditions allow it, you may prefer a darker dust effect more appropriate for most combat actions.
    Although I've absolutely loved using them, one of the side effects of using Veins (or Aris's) smoke is a faint, but annoying, 'ghost square' halo around battlefield smoke (presumably because they've used the whole of the bitmap with no transparency). So I created new smoke bitmaps myself using some free images off the internet merged with the old, but reliable, "pro-effects" smoke... this seems to have eliminated the 'ghost square' issue.
    WHITE PHOSPHOROUS SETS (place one z before either WHITE, BALANCED or DARK)

    Initially I assumed that the white smoke effects were only used for smoke screens & such like. They are not. Indeed there is an argument to be made that they are the most common CM smoke effects of all & appear to be used for all manner of explosions, building & vehicles impacts.
    This being so, I've created a selection of 'white smoke' effects...
    "White White smoke" is great for representing WP smoke screens.
    "Balanced White smoke" is noticeably darker yet can somewhat represent both WP smoke screens & combat smoke.
    "Dark White smoke" is much darker still & excellent for smokey combat scenes... but very poorly represents WP smoke screens.
    As per usual download the mod & place in your mod/z folder. Play around with the different options to your hearts content & give us some feedback.
  10. Upvote
    37mm got a reaction from MOS:96B2P in Special Effects Mix   
    As per the text document & the initial post in this thread, you need to put two z's before either night or day (the two z's are before day by default).
    For the explosions, smoke, small arms etc you put one z before the option you want.
    The whole thing is a bit of a complicated mess really... hence the need for a mod enabler.
    However if you can figure it out it does give you a lot of versatility (as I hope my video channel helps show).
  11. Like
    37mm got a reaction from Artkin in Heaven & Earth: Project discussion thread   
    Inspired by the work of @Zveroboy1 on the ANA, I decided to try out a few things with the Syrian Airborne.
    This is the result...
    It's rudimentary at the moment & with many placeholders but I think with some work from a few modders/scenario/campaign creators we could get an interesting project going.
  12. Like
    37mm got a reaction from ncc1701e in Heaven & Earth: Project discussion thread   
    Inspired by the work of @Zveroboy1 on the ANA, I decided to try out a few things with the Syrian Airborne.
    This is the result...
    It's rudimentary at the moment & with many placeholders but I think with some work from a few modders/scenario/campaign creators we could get an interesting project going.
  13. Like
    37mm got a reaction from RockinHarry in Heaven & Earth: Project discussion thread   
    Inspired by the work of @Zveroboy1 on the ANA, I decided to try out a few things with the Syrian Airborne.
    This is the result...
    It's rudimentary at the moment & with many placeholders but I think with some work from a few modders/scenario/campaign creators we could get an interesting project going.
  14. Upvote
    37mm reacted to The Steppenwulf in Combat Mission: Modding tools   
    @37mm- You are right, I read this wrong. Please accept my apologies!
  15. Upvote
    37mm got a reaction from Rinaldi in Shock Force 2 Unofficial Screenshot And Video Thread   
    It was great fun to play.
    Now I get to find out what other players did (it seems Rinaldi used similiar tactics & I've come across a Spanish AAR where the adventurous player decided to risk the main freeway).
  16. Like
    37mm got a reaction from George MC in Shock Force 2 Unofficial Screenshot And Video Thread   
    It was great fun to play.
    Now I get to find out what other players did (it seems Rinaldi used similiar tactics & I've come across a Spanish AAR where the adventurous player decided to risk the main freeway).
  17. Like
    37mm reacted to George MC in Shock Force 2 Unofficial Screenshot And Video Thread   
    Ach weel that buggered up my productivity first thing on a Monday morning!
    Excellent video thanks. Great to see this being played. Your video was a masterclass in applying the principles of maneuver, mass an economy of force. And a superb cinematic experience. Thank you.
  18. Like
    37mm got a reaction from ncc1701e in Shock Force 2 Unofficial Screenshot And Video Thread   
    Great little scrap by @George MC...
  19. Like
    37mm got a reaction from jtsjc1 in Shock Force 2 Unofficial Screenshot And Video Thread   
    Great little scrap by @George MC...
  20. Like
    37mm got a reaction from George MC in Shock Force 2 Unofficial Screenshot And Video Thread   
    Great little scrap by @George MC...
  21. Like
    37mm reacted to MOS:96B2P in New Scenario: Coup d'etat Released.   
    The scenario Coup D'etat has been uploaded and is available at the Scenario Depot III.  Link below.
    rocketman created a very cool PDF map and reference document available at the below link. 
    https://www.dropbox.com/s/n8weqdobt7pidc8/Coup d Etat Reference and Map Document.pdf?dl=0
    Enjoy the scenario and if there are any questions feel free to ask here or send me a PM. 
    Have a safe taxi ride.  And, as @Sgt.Squareheadsaid, don't get in the red taxis.   
    The player leads a small under equipped rebel force in an early morning (0400hrs) coup attempt to overthrow the governing regime.  It is set in the fictional third world country of Abbudin and takes place in heavy urban terrain.  The scenario is Red vs Red AI only, heavy urban terrain, all modules required, variable end time (extra hour, 45 minutes for 200VPs).
    The scenario provides in game intelligence to help guide the decision-making process along with a modified military grid system and an intelligence code. 
    The player can use IEDs, VBIEDs, assassinations, bribery, mercenary units, radio propaganda, extra scenario time and foreign assistance.  As the Coup d’etat progresses the player must decide which methods to use and when.  All the methods have advantages and disadvantages.  Some methods cost Victory Points (VPs).  Four VPs for each mercenary, 25 VPs per IED explosion, 50 VPs per VBIED explosion, 100VPs to bribe a regime commander to withdraw his unit, 200 VPs to fight until 0800hrs etc.  After 0600 hours the player can choose to use a USMC amphibious force.  This force includes the USS Wasp, USS Ticonderoga and USS Oak Hill.  This overt outside military intervention will trigger a backlash in the streets of the city………  
  22. Like
    37mm reacted to puje in New Afghanistan inspired campaign: Valleys of Death   
    After months in the making, I have finally completed my campaign Valleys of Death. It turned our to be quite an ambitious project, with 11 missions!
    The campaign revolves around a US Army light infantry company, manning a remote combat outpost in an Afghanistan inspired terrain.
    Unlike classic CMSF, which highly favors shock and awe and maneuver warfare, Valleys of Death deals with the issues of small units operating in a clearly defined AO. This means that, like in real life, you will conduct operations on the same map many times, with each mission focusing on different areas and objectives. By the end you will come to know the area very well, and this knowledge is key to defeat the enemy.
        11 missions     A large 2X2 km map and 2 additional maps     Modern counter-insurgency infantry combat     Heavily inspired by Afghanistan related media (Restrepo, Taking Fire, etc.)     Base game, no modules needed

    Download from Dropbox
    Please let me know ASAP if this link doesn't work! I'm not exactly a Dropbox wizz  
  23. Like
    37mm got a reaction from badipaddress in I Need a Mod Manager to activate and deactivate mods   
    I've been using OvGME for the past few days now.
    It's very nice, UI is much better than JSGME (from what I recall), it was easy to set-up & does make swapping around a lot easier.
    You can even save profiles & keep your mods zipped if you want.
    The only thing to remember is that it's the contents of each particular mod folder which are sent to CM's Z folder.
  24. Upvote
    37mm got a reaction from HerrTom in I Need a Mod Manager to activate and deactivate mods   
    I've been using OvGME for the past few days now.
    It's very nice, UI is much better than JSGME (from what I recall), it was easy to set-up & does make swapping around a lot easier.
    You can even save profiles & keep your mods zipped if you want.
    The only thing to remember is that it's the contents of each particular mod folder which are sent to CM's Z folder.
  25. Upvote
    37mm got a reaction from MOS:96B2P in Shock Force 2 Unofficial Screenshot And Video Thread   
    Sigh... not this again.
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