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Blazing 88's

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Everything posted by Blazing 88's

  1. Thank you for the campaign. Love huge battles, especially from the German perspective. Kursk timeline is also awesome.
  2. How about some CM: North Africa, say 41 - 43... Don'tcha think Rommel? NA, Barbarossa to Kursk, Battle for France... All I really care about and hopefully someday enjoy. No interest in the final months of WWII for CM, except for Italy. Italy for me would be the one theatre where I will be purchasing the next module that goes to the end of the war. CM:BS and now CM:SF2 stuff as well, but modern is a whole different ball game. I mentioned this somewhere here before, but I would 'K' Kill for CM: BATTLETECH
  3. That file is called: win7spwawfix Sorry don't mean to hi-jack the thread. I couldn't edit to add to my last post so...
  4. No problem. Check the forums at that site if you have graphical issues with Win7 and up. There is this helpful thread /patch for Win7 and up that fixes graphical issues if you have any...
  5. Being that I am a graphic artist... same here!! Something about CMANO that just "does it" though.
  6. See Erwin, what did I tell you?... CMANO is Harpoon on steroids, it's awesome.
  7. So what was the fix? I responded to a post or two of yours about the issue you were having, just curious as to the solution.
  8. Upgrade 4.0 for Italy is here! Friday, 23 December 2016 Due to some technical issues on our end, Fortress Italy sales are on holiday until mid January! This gives us the time needed to properly to finish transitioning the code for this fine product to Game Engine 4. For those of you who are currently using the orignal (Game Engine 2) version of the game, Upgrade 3 remains available for sale at the new discounted price of $5. Upgrade now and be all set when Upgrade 4 is released. Last Updated ( Friday, 23 December 2016 ) http://www.battlefront.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=blogcategory&id=294&Itemid=505
  9. Panzer Aces II or III not sure, covers this battle... and it took place. From reading that account, when I played the first designed scenario (Jaws), on my first go, Barkmann survived and totally blew up the Yanks real good! This was in warrior mode at that time. Now I use Iron mode only for all CM.
  10. ...and I will add I have a zip file named Cross_of_Iron_Redux. It seems the .cam file is the same name as the others, but not sure really. I asked months ago in a thread about why the files from the repository were being uploaded to the Scenario Depot III with dashes added to the file names. I asked this question, because I had spent approx. hour downloading scenario's until I realized I had all the scenarios I had just spent time downloading. I never got a overwrite warning so I assumed I didn't have the scenarios... I found out otherwise. Not a big deal, just kind of frustrating and I don't think I ever got a response to my question.
  11. Exactly, moving in slow mode I think helps as well. I always move over bridges like IanL mentioned. I also move using slow, for vehicles, over a bridge. No issues.
  12. Command lines are now in the older titles now no, (CMBN, CMFI, CMRT, CMBS)? Can't check at the moment.
  13. Not sure as it has never been an issue on my end.
  14. I checked and no, I don't see anything?? Hmmm... Good at least you got the message. That is a heck of a deal for that sim.
  15. Hey Erwin check your PM, sent you an fyi.
  16. Not one of these tweak my fancy in any way... JMO and just being honest.
  17. +1 and strictly WEGO for this cat. There are FPS's, CMANO or the Total War series for real time gaming if I want that itch satisfied.
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