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Blazing 88's

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Everything posted by Blazing 88's

  1. Not WWII, but mentioned in this thread earlier... CMANO holiday sale, 65% off! Price jacks back up after the holidays. Totally worth it, especially with that mark down.
  2. Election outcome... LMAO! Boy did you guys screw up! Good luck. Hopefully there will be a world around in four years so you peeps can make amends for what just transpired.
  3. Sorry, but I can't relate... Maybe it is because I have been buying and upgrading these games as soon as they come out (I have them all except CMFB, which I won't be getting), but I have never had issues making the download purchases /updates /modules, etc.and installing them with their DRM. Perhaps now would be a good time for me knocking on wood.
  4. Speaking of browser games (not WWII however, but cool non the less) has anyone here checked out the free "You Play It" web site. That site has a couple of games I like (turn based, online opponents), one is called 'Blue Max' and another an Avalon Hill game 'Wooden Ships and Iron Men'. Both are based off of the board games of the same names. I haven't been using it much lately, but I did have several games of 'Blue Max' against some people. They are fun and rather quick games if your opponent is online at the same time. Otherwise, you wait for an e-mail response of his completed turn and carry on...
  5. Yeah, WiTE is a huge turn based game that is for sure. I only use WEGO in CM as well. Not a fan of real time CM.
  6. Not at all imo, it is real time as well compared to WiTE which is turn based. Best to read about CMANO at Warfaresims.com and click the link "What is "Command"". Like I mentioned in a previous post, I got it from Steam at around 50% off... No way I was going to pay the actual asking price with the Canadian dollar as it was then. Loved the original computer Harpoon released in 1989 and all the theatre packs put out for it. CMANO is what Harpoon was and way more imo. Wargame of the Year award when it first came out.
  7. Wait, what? War in the East 2 is hex based just like the first one, WITE. Or did I miss something?? On another game, I think you would enjoy CMANO (Command: Modern Air /Naval Operations). Posted about it earlier in this thread.
  8. I checked for a "Hull Down" command with a couple of saves I have going. It doesn't show up in the "Movement" section for me either. Should I try a new scenario or campaign instead of a save?? EDIT: Doesn't show up starting a new scenario either.
  9. Call me strange, but I could give a **** if the scenario or campaign is entertaining. I want realism as much as possible as that will make it entertaining for me. I really do not like a "scripted" scenario or campaign... Oh I will play them however. My point is I enjoy using CM as a study of different tactics and such and I couldn't care less if the scenario is "entertaining" or fair. War is hell and if I want to do something a certain way, I shouldn't be limited to following what is suggested in a briefing and such. That is what I want out of my CM. You know the FPS games that block you from exploring everywhere, and make you follow a scripted path to an encounter. They are fun sure, but that is not what I would care for in a scenario / campaign designed for CM. Just my two cents.
  10. I think I have a great idea, why don't the both of you duke it out in CMBS... A DAR or AAR from both sides would be sweet! Or not.
  11. Watch out! They know your full name now... your e-mails might get HACKED!!!
  12. He's on Trump's ticket, supposedly one of many... If you want to waste some time with youtube, check out some of his rants at a Trump rally if you can.
  13. Please, don't include Canada in that "World" list... PLEASE!! Thank you. This guy here scares the **** out of me, as I am sure he would be the one whispering past Trumps left ear hair to push the F'n button. Sorry, last I will be posting about this ****. Don't want to derail the thread further.
  14. Just like Trump and his merry men and women? God help us all! Sorry couldn't resist.
  15. There is the issue. Ditch that bitch!!!... Seriously. Avast (even the free version) is better than Norton imo.
  16. VEIN'S_Italian Troops, by Vein: http://cmmodsiii.greenasjade.net/?p=1923 The German links work in the PM, but not the CMFI CW link ... can't find that one at SDIII.
  17. Team Yankee is in my bookshelf. I have read it twice. I might dust it off for a third. Why? Because I can.
  18. Yes I saw this mentioned at their forums when I was downloading SPWaW 2016. Will be getting that for sure no doubt.
  19. CMANO is a great sim. Harpoon on steroids. I haven't purchased any of the campaign DLC's as of yet, tempted though and only a few bucks. The supplied and community made scenarios are plenty for me so far though.
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