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Everything posted by Darius359au

  1. Nightvision video of an A10 strike - note the IR laser painting the target http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tH3KwnBeLPw&feature=related And to think the USAF was thinking of mothballing the A10's
  2. That brings a whole new meaning to CAS :eek:
  3. That's the TUSK upgrade , already a couple of threads on it , just do a quick search for Tusk (For some reason i couldnt seem the make a link to the threads sorry )
  4. Create a new folder called Z in the data folder in c:\Program Files\Battlefront\Combat Mission Shock Force or where ever you've got it installed,then drop the mods into the new folder.
  5. Hmmmm...I wonder if this is one of the Commando Squirrel's that Iran said they'd captured http://gatewaypundit.blogspot.com/2007/07/iran-captures-us-spy-squirrels-on.html
  6. Shush..Be vewy vewy qwiut , were hunting wabbits
  7. The second shot with the M1 is stunning , looks almost like a photo.
  8. Very Very nice , just downloaded and set them up in game and they look stunning. Just to add to the wish list though , I don't suppose any of our talented painter's feels like having a shot at the MERDEC camouflage from the 80's?
  9. He's a Recon troop commander , so he go's out looking for the badguys - from the reports that are coming out , he's already called in air strikes on a bunker complex.
  10. Don't know about turning it off , but you can use your own if you want - follow the instructions in the mod tools folder for exploding the .brz files and put your own music in the "Z" folder for the intro,start etc - so if you want you could just have wav with no sound on it replacing them.
  11. Got another minor glitch ,just for fun I tried the training campaign , everything works fine BUT when it comes to the Javelin and ARTY training , there's a hitch - with the new smoke and run routine for vehicles , as soon as the strykers see the tank targets they pop smoke and run ,(The javelin strykers can't run But they do pop smoke),only way I found to stop it was to put the vehicles on Pause. Other than that , I'm having a ton of fun.
  12. The Vehicle retreat routines are great , stryker's see a tank and its pop smoke and back behind a building or drop back into a hollow in the ground ,no more sitting there going Duuuhh whaa happenin
  13. Well , I was worried that the new ELOS system might slow down my system , good news is there wasn't even a slight performance hit, (or at least from what I can see.FYI I'm using an AMD Semperon +2800 ,Nvidia 7600GT 256meg , 1.5 gig of ram and I can run the game quite nicely at 1280x1024 4xAA 16xAF and all the graphics set to the maximum ).The new Infantry behaviour is very nice , first time I saw it was "OMG 0.0" - the grunts in the squad shifted position to get a better LOF on the badguys.
  14. The Secret Tesla weapon video is from Gaza or the Westbank ,can't remember which - the Palestinian gunman was taking potshots at a Merkava so the crew sent a HE back , the flame you see at the end are from a gas main that got cut in the explosion IIRC
  15. It was a HEAT warhead but the rocket penetrated the glass before going off - If that had been on any sort of armoured vehicle they'd be having to wash the back out with a hose because the warhead would be going off inside.
  16. Hmm...only thing else I can suggest is you need to get some more ram , probably at least another 512meg to bring yourself up to 1.5gig.
  17. I found a fix for the out of memory error (Had it happen every time I tried a medium sized QB night battle) - kick up the size of your windows page file.I had mine set as 2-4 gig on one HDD , did the same on my second drive so I've got a minimum 4gig page file and problem went away.
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