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Everything posted by Darius359au

  1. Its Called "Time on Target" , all the guns in a battery fire at different times to have the shell arrive at the same time - the cancelled Crusader sp had the capability to do it with burst fire , and I think the AS90 and PZH200 can do it as well.
  2. "Investigations started today into the first case of Spontaneous Human Combustion in The U.S Military"
  3. Finally got the Marines Module and have been having a blast - this is from one of the Campaign missions where I ended up knife Fighting with Tanks in a small village , the T55 that just got hit was only 40m away (not show in the Screenshot but the sabot penertrator punched out the back and hit the ground about 50m behind).
  4. Well the Check for update page now tells me Im out of date with 1.8 and 1.10 is the latest , but not download link yet
  5. Quote: The (Martian) artifacts he claimed to have found were only a few feet long but were recognizably martial. Gun emplacements and the shattered remnants of a tank seemed apparent to this writer, a former military analyst. One of the vehicles looked very much like a World War II German Panzer I, right down to its peculiar track work. Others seen in the vicinity looked like a World War I rhomboid tank and a U.S. M-48 of 1960s vintage. Whatever these things were, it seems that in later frames they received the full NASA disinformation treatment in which they were made to disappear as apparent alien artifacts. Cpl Steiner, I am indeed, as well as the anthologies FORBIDDEN HISTORY (one chapter) and FORBIDDEN SCIENCE (nine chapters). What Wicky's on about is in the article; it references certain images you can see under Pasadena Conference at the Enterprise Mission site. When the images are properly reassembled, what emerges looks like miniature versions (only a few feet long) of the vehicles Wicky's having so much fun with. The items on Mars were presented together with the Enterprise Mission best match from a terrestrial perspective and as a lifelong treadhead, they looked pretty good to me. What they definitely didn't look like were ordinary rocks, and if they were, it would be reasonable to ask why NASA so grossly altered the imagery? See for yourself; don't take either Wicky's or my word for it. In an effort to get back on track, did you find the original thread article a worthwhile read? Or were you already up to speed on the matter? Regards, John Kettler Been wondering on the above and how they vehicles got there and Ive reached a conclusion , Its the PZ1 that gives it away , It was Nazi Flying saucers from ww2 that put them there I do like the line in the second quote , sorta puts it all in perspective "When the images are properly reassembled"....anyone see something wrong with that line? , especially if the person making the statement has a vested interest in the whole story being true. Did a quick google on the "Brightest minds on the planet" named in the above wall of words from JK and one phrase comes to mind - "All the Nuts in the Fruit Cake";)
  6. Infantry wont do their action while their mounted and the vehicles moving , when it stops they start to move.
  7. That picture and units been kicking around for a few years now , I think that's about as far as its actually gone in the development ,not sure if its even been test fired yet.
  8. Quick suggestion that worked for me when I got the out of memory errors , I increased the size of my Page File , made it a minimum of 2gig and maximum of 4 on both my HDD's , haven't had a problem since.
  9. Gotta love the spiel in the video:D Of course I like how there's no mention of the slight fire hazard with all that exposed main gun ammo in the turret , or that you need to completely open the rear to get anyone in or out of it;)
  10. To quote one of my favourite lines from Die Hard - "OHHH and the Quarterbacks Toast":D
  11. Not sure about the first , just stop the replay I guess. This is how I do it - workout your vehicle move etc, Then select your Infantry and give them a "Pause" order for however long you think the vehicle move is ,Then give them a dismount order ,(Though I usually use a move quick order to a point of cover OR I'll issue an Assault order depending on what I want to do) - AFAIK the Infantry wont actually debus till the Stryker or Bradleys finished it's move anyway. not sure about the shake , it could be the ground vibration you get as a heavy vehicle moves past the camera point.
  12. I wonder if he means the CITV on the M1A2 and the T72 turms sight ? [ June 22, 2008, 09:43 PM: Message edited by: Darius359au ]
  13. "Nuke the site from orbit , it's the only way to be sure"
  14. Is that the darker grass mod from CMMODs? (Oh gods , the what grass mod is that questions are starting )
  15. That they do and his Russian camo looks just as nice , the clouds are stock ingame ones.
  16. When the Dynamic Lighting came out I made a copy of Armoured Fist and made it a night battle ,just to check out the lighting
  17. And here I was thinking the thread had gone back to A10's.... Oh well here's one [ May 28, 2008, 02:32 AM: Message edited by: Darius359au ]
  18. And to get back to the point of the thread ,A10=cool
  19. I love the sound difference between the 20mm vulcan and the 30mm Avenger - the Vulcan sounds light and tinny but the Avengers just plain scary
  20. hehe ,good way to make sure the badguys can't shoot off a missile at you
  21. And you wonder why Battlefront usually ignores you , "I can't get my way so I'll call them silly and Psychotic" [ May 12, 2008, 06:52 PM: Message edited by: Darius359au ]
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